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[其他] 新联合2018版庄家收单生肖统计器软件

Joint statistical software is a lottery game entertainment software, making statistics green version no plug-ins can be used in extracting; fast acquiring, dealer dealer orders, the dealer, dealer, the dealer has no entry to eat alone eat risk code, rapid reporting as a whole, both on the special number, and carries on the statistical analysis of all kinds of packet data and peace code compound Turpin automatically aggregated, accurate statistics, intelligent accounting calculation, have large quantities of various types of orders received a single packet fast input mode, (2018-02-19, WINDOWS, 1976KB, 下载2次)


[其他] trwzglxt_v4.05.gb

管理软件介绍 天人文章管理系统是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,如对默认模板不满意,在后台可更换其他模板。电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝自动切换,一个后台同步管理,支持seo整站静态化及动态切换,一键更换模板、安装插件、升级包,使用dreamweaver就可进行可视化修改,主要应用在文章,图片类型的网站中,例如小说网站,美女图片站,政府部门站,学校,书画作品网等所有与图片、文字相关的网站。当然,我们还支持二次开发,按照你的具体要求开发功能。
Software introduction The nature and human article management system is the asp+access/mssql architecture website system, such as the default template is not satisfied, and other templates can be replaced in the background. The computer version, mobile phone version of the tablet version, seamless automatic switching, a background synchronization management, support SEO ZhengZhan static and dynamic switching, the replacement of a key template, install the plugin, upgrade package, the use of Dreamweaver can be visualized modification, mainly used in the article, picture type website, such as novel website, beautiful pictures stand, the government, schools, and all other related works of calligraphy and painting network picture and text website. Of course, we also support the two development to develop functions according to your specific requirements. (2018-02-11, WINDOWS, 2746KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 新型配电网线路PMU装置的研制_谢潇磊

小型化、 低成本、 易带电安装是配电网线路相量测量单元( PMU) 的发展方向。文中设计了一种应用于配电网广域测量系统的新型分布式 PMU 装置。通过高密度感应取电模块从线路中获取能量为装置供电, 采用印刷电路板( PCB) 式罗氏线圈测量线路电流, 利用空间电容分压传感器实现线路电压测量, 通过分布式同步采样实现全网的电压、 电流采集, 为新型配电网线路 PMU 的研制提供了一种新的解决方案。
Miniaturization, low cost and easy to live installation are the development direction of line phasor measurement unit (PMU) in distribution network. The article has been designed in this articleA new distributed PMU device used in the wide area measurement system of distribution network. Acquisition of a high-density induction module from the line The power is supplied to the device, and the circuit board (PCB) Roche coil is used to measure the line current, and the space capacitance pressure sensor is used. The current line voltage measurement, through distributed synchronous sampling to realize the acquisition of the voltage and current of the whole network, is the research of the new distribution network line PMU. (2018-02-08, WINDOWS, 279KB, 下载5次)


[其他] HY行动辅助源码

透视自瞄利用单片机控制A/D转换器实现多通道数据采集系统。具有如下功能: 1.基本功能 (1)采集的数据为0-5V电压信号; (2)通过按键选择任意通道的数据显示或轮流显示; (3)可以设定报警上下限。 2.扩展功能 自行扩展功能,如音乐铃声,通讯功能等。
The use of single-chip realization of multi channel data acquisition system A/D converter control. It has the following functions: 1., basic functions (1) the data collected are 0-5V voltage signals; (2) select any channel's data display or rotate display by buttons; (3) set the alarm upper and lower limits. 2. extended functions, such as music ringtones, communication functions, and so on. (2018-01-07, WINDOWS, 3611KB, 下载1次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] AD常用库

altium designer 常用库大全,包含3D库
the most popular lib about altium designer which includes the 3d lib, pcb lib and sch lib (2018-01-01, WINDOWS, 31446KB, 下载139次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPIP协议与UDP协议的区别

TCP(Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议)是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议,由IETF的RFC 793定义。在简化的计算机网络OSI模型中,它完成第四层传输层所指定的功能,用户数据报协议(UDP)是同一层内另一个重要的传输协议。在因特网协议族(Internet protocol suite)中,TCP层是位于IP层之上,应用层之下的中间层。不同主机的应用层之间经常需要可靠的、像管道一样的连接,但是IP层不提供这样的流机制,而是提供不可靠的包交换。
TCP is a connection oriented, reliable, byte stream based transport layer communication protocol, defined by IETF RFC 793. In the simplified computer network OSI model, it completes the functions specified by the fourth layer transport layer, and user datagram protocol (UDP) is another important transport protocol in the same layer. In the Internet protocol suite, the TCP layer is located on the top of the IP layer and the middle layer under the application layer. Reliable and pipeline like connections are often required between application layers of different hosts, but the IP layer does not provide such a flow mechanism, but rather provides unreliable packet switching. (2017-11-09, WINDOWS, 15KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] NatureDeepReview

Deep learning allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction. These methods have dramatically improved the state-of-the-art in speech recognition, visual object recognition, object detection and many other domains such as drug discovery and genomics. Deep learning discovers intricate structure in large data sets by using the backpropagation algorithm to indicate how a machine should change its internal parameters that are used to compute the representation in each layer from the representation in the previous layer. Deep convolutional nets have brought about breakthroughs in processing images, video, speech and audio, whereas recurrent nets have shone light on sequential data such as text and speech. (2017-11-06, WINDOWS, 1470KB, 下载10次)


[其他] GM工具+数据库一键配置

Asked the database, a key configuration, GM tools, experts know, I will not say much, hey hey! (2017-09-28, WINDOWS, 1406KB, 下载191次)


[百货/超市行业] shop7z_pjb_v2.3

Shop7z online shopping system is based on ASP development, simple and easy to use the mall building platform, Shop7z can meet different enterprises, individuals of various online shop requirements! A popular version is a set of easy-to-use mall system, support the commercial bulk upload pictures, Taobao products import, batch modify and other practical functions, also supports the mobile phone version and APP integration, universal edition supports 4 different template style, support Alipay, caifutong, online payment in line interface, the system also supports new orders, a variety of sorting mail notification, goods belonging to multi functional classification, support the five member price system etc.. (2017-06-29, WINDOWS, 7748KB, 下载5次)


[Java编程] Arachnid_src0[1].40

网络爬虫为搜索引擎从万维网下载网页。一般分为传统爬虫和聚焦爬虫。 传统爬虫从一个或若干初始网页的URL开始,获得初始网页上的URL,在抓取网页的过程中,不断从当前页面上抽取新的URL放入队列,直到满足系统的一定停止条件。通俗的讲,也就是通过源码解析来获得想要的内容。 聚焦爬虫的工作流程较为复杂,需要根据一定的网页分析算法过滤与主题无关的链接,保留有用的链接并将其放入等待抓取的URL队列。然后,它将根据一定的搜索策略从队列中选择下一步要抓取的网页URL,并重复上述过程,直到达到系统的某一条件时停止。另外,所有被爬虫抓取的网页将会被系统存贮,进行一定的分析、过滤,并建立索引,以便之后的查询和检索;对于聚焦爬虫来说,这一过程所得到的分析结果还可能对以后的抓取过程给出反馈和指导。
Web crawlers Download Web pages from the world wide web for search engines. Generally divided into traditional reptiles and focused crawler. The traditional crawler starts from one or several "initial URL, the initial URL on the page, in the process of crawling, continuously from the current page from the new URL queue, until the system must stop condition. Popular speaking, that is, through the source code to get the content you want. (2017-06-28, WINDOWS, 22KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] PortReady1.6

Dotpot PortReady 是一个多线程的端口扫描工具,用于进行狂速端口扫描。它具有极快的速度│ │和方便友好的操作界面,能快速地对大网段范围进行 Connect方式端口扫描。同时具有获取端口标识│ │的功能,可以用来快速地获取端口标识(Banner),内定对80端口标识进行特别处理,能方便地获取Web│ │Server类型。PortReady 1.6同时提供Windows图形版本和控制台版本,不管是在图形环境下,还是在│ │控制台模式中,都可以方便自如地进行端口扫描。 │ │
Dotpot PortReady is a multithreaded port scanning tool used for mad port scanning speed. It is extremely rapid and convenient-- and friendly user interface, it can quickly to a large network of the scope Connect port scanning mode. While access to ports with logo-- the function can be used to quickly access port identification (Banner), the designated ports of 80 for a special logo, easy access to the Web Server-- type. PortReady 1.6 also provides graphical Windows version and the console versions, whether in a graphical environment, or-- console model, can easily facilitate the ports to scan. (2005-01-04, WINDOWS, 21KB, 下载134次)
