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[绘图程序] ve-Linear-Euations-and-Draw-Petri-Net-Using-Unity

This is a project I did for a client as part of his thesis work. This project contains some serious stuff like Petri-net stochastic simulation! Though I didn t get most of the simulation things, I was able to deliver the right things according to the algorithm the client showed and finish the project. (2022-04-28, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] kivy官档+马书+火彩人书

python入门程序。包含教程和库 马书 非常经典的入门书。一天就能写个游戏。很快的速度。
Python introductory program. Include tutorials and libraries (2018-06-09, Python, 12147KB, 下载36次)


[绘图程序] thermocline

The code can draw a map of global thermocline according to the data from the web of ocean data station. (2018-03-04, matlab, 81KB, 下载11次)


[绘图程序] 最优程序

The optimization function, various optimization processing functions, can directly read the use of sub functions (2017-11-26, matlab, 2KB, 下载1次)


[绘图程序] 128267

Communication network link capacity and traffic joint optimization allocation problem of matlab genetic algorithm (2017-05-09, matlab, 2KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] help-me-CAD

This is what I used CAD exercises, retaining the amount of quite useless, hoping to help students through the exam easily (2014-03-15, MathCAD, 778KB, 下载1次)


[绘图程序] Earthwork---boundary---dcl-program

将“程序”文件夹放置于d盘根目录下,运行程序即可(autocad lisp程序,如何运行就不讲了)。 程序说明: 本程序为lisp语言编写的AutoCAD二次开发程序,包括lisp源程序代码,dcl可视化窗口代码,程序测试图,以及程序中用到的插入图块文件和幻灯片文件。 本程序适合AutoCAD二次开发初学者学习之用,代码比较简单,所用函数也都是基本的函数,并且程序中包含详细注释。适合大学测绘、采矿等工科类学生学习使用。 本程序由原先四个小程序组合而成,如果想看单独的程序,在论坛搜索即可。 本程序程序有4种功能: 1.多段线标注,将各个节点坐标标注在节点附近,并且奇偶数点分别插入不同符号。 2.绘制独立坐标格网,手动输入网格间距,绘制格网,并标记格网坐标(格网和标注分别在不同的图层)。 3.寻找离散点边界,采用“盲人寻径法”寻找一堆间距的大致相等点的边界。 4.三角网法土石计算,采用“插点法”构建Delaunay三角网,并求出土石方总体积。
The "Program " folder under d placed in the root directory , run the program (autocad lisp program , do not talk about how to run ) . Program description : This program is lisp language AutoCAD development program, including lisp source code , dcl visualization window code, program test plans, and procedures used in the document to insert blocks and slide files. This program is suitable for beginners to learn AutoCAD development purposes , the code is relatively simple , the use of the function are also basic functions , and the program contains detailed notes . Suitable for university mapping, mining and other science students learn to use. This program is made from the original combination of four small program , if want to see a separate program , the forum search. This program program has four functions : 1 polyline annotation, marked the coordinates of each node in the vicinity of the node , and the odd few points were inserted into different symbols . 2 Draw (2013-12-03, LISP, 234KB, 下载25次)


[绘图程序] AE_123

AE interpolation, including IDW, kriging, spline curves (2013-03-14, C#, 699KB, 下载11次)


[绘图程序] shuzicetu

Digital mapping operations required to write a drawing program with vb, including surface features symbols, such as building a triangulation (2011-11-08, Visual Basic, 24KB, 下载14次)


[绘图程序] TIN

TIN two Ludwig achieve net display. Available in different colors, line said. Point can be different shapes. And to show elevation, point number. (2011-10-30, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载15次)


[绘图程序] grid-and--curve

A simple drawing program, draw a grid in a single document, and according to function, a curve, which relates to the mapping coordinates, the curve of the basic drawing, there is some help for beginners (2011-06-13, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载9次)


[绘图程序] orientation

80 纤维取向为设置的方向,20 为随机。利用Koch曲线模拟非织造纤维网。
we simulated various kinds of nonwovens through programming with Visual basic,in which 80 fibers are oreintation,20 are random. (2010-11-08, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载9次)


[绘图程序] lisp

Mapping industry CAD tools development lisp code and AutoLISP AutoCAD+2004 Secondary Development (2010-04-02, LISP, 2456KB, 下载75次)


[绘图程序] scribble

Can be drawn with the mouse on a picture of arbitrary curves (2009-12-30, QT, 1234KB, 下载126次)


[绘图程序] Triangle-HDM

the South CASS software can only use the data generated batch file section mileage, but the work often requires modification of the triangular mesh in order to more realistic terrain. The CASS is not generated under the triangular cross-section volume function of mileage, only one one of the cut out, the workload is enormous. To Ono s work point of view, contains hundreds of thousands of triangulation, in accordance with the CAD graphic triangulation single cut surface of each section of the file generated mileage of about 10 seconds or so the need is not only a huge workload, but people are tested patience and meticulous. Finally, one day, Ono could not bear that speed, they wrote this little program. Because it is only to actual operational needs, we do not take the time to do interface. The test, consisting of 125,361 triangles triangular mesh running time is about 5 minutes 08 seconds, while the corresponding quantities of data generated under the mileage of the file will take abou (2009-09-16, Visual C++, 445KB, 下载58次)


[绘图程序] Line

Classic computer graphics drawing program (including a straight-line drawing, polygon, filling, cutting) (2009-06-05, Visual C++, 3954KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] CAD_CODE

CAD of electronic circuits to solve the sensitivity of the source components, including the read netlist file (2009-04-20, matlab, 5KB, 下载5次)


[绘图程序] HitTester_Demo

一个好程序 欢迎光临程序员联合开发网(www.pudn.com),目前源码总数506969,今日更新213个. 【下载中心】 您当前还不能下载源码,
Welcome to a good program programmers Joint Development Network (www.pudn.com), the current source the total number of 506,969, today updated 213. [Download Center] You can not download the source, (2008-12-25, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] ul-17

USB2LPT Revision 7,这是USB转并口的原理图和PCB,是原版的电路,本来PCB的格式是eagle的brd文件,但是估计国内很难有制版厂家直接可用这种文件,我把它转成了protel99的格式。其实程序员联合开发网有同样功能的pcb,但是原版的usb口处理得非常好,推荐使用
err (2008-11-07, Others, 96KB, 下载178次)


[绘图程序] CPG

计算机图形学——立方体旋转 立方体沿轴X,Y,Z旋转,但没有对代码作出注释,不过大家应该能看得懂!! 转载自: 开源盛世-源代码下载网
computer graphics-- rotating cube cube along the axis X, Y and Z rotation, but no code to make notes, but we should be able to be able to read! ! reprinted from : revenue Spirit-source code download network (2006-06-18, Visual C++, 32KB, 下载25次)
