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[PHP编程] dujiaoka-master

支付接口已集成 支付宝当面付 支付宝PC支付 支付宝手机支付 payjs微信扫码. Paysapi(支付宝/微信). 码支付(QQ/支付宝/微信) 微信企业扫码支付 全网易支付支持(针对彩虹版)
Payment interface integrated Alipay pays face to face Alipay PC payment Alipay mobile phone payment Payjs wechat scanning code Paysapi (Alipay / WeChat). Code payment (QQ/ Alipay / WeChat) Wechat enterprise code scanning payment All Netease payment support (for rainbow version) (2020-06-15, PHP, 5973KB, 下载10次)


[PHP编程] qsylwym_v5.19

Refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of picture, text, video and audio types. It has a large amount of bearing data, a large amount of bearing visits, and a high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded in the form of plug-ins. (2020-05-14, PHP, 1674KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] qsylwym_v5.17

Refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of picture, text, video and audio types. It has a large amount of bearing data, a large amount of bearing visits, and a high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded in the form of plug-ins. (2020-04-16, PHP, 1676KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] fenlei

功能类似于58同城,百姓网,可用于本地二手、租房、兼职工作等信息的发布。 程序支持微信公众号、小程序、APP.用户可免登陆发布或管理信息(需要后台开启)。
The function is similar to 58 city, common people network, can be used for the release of local second-hand, renting, part-time work and other information. The program supports WeChat public account, applet, APP. Users can publish or manage information without login (need to open in the background). (2020-03-15, PHP, 139KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] 微擎2.1.2

(Micro engine, the third-party management engine of wechat, is a free and open-source wechat operation management system in China to meet the needs of various wechat development.) (2020-03-07, PHP, 20202KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] 万表网简洁版单独模板包(utf-8)

ECSHOP simple template package (utf8) PHP language (2019-12-02, PHP, 1362KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] manager_saas

php开发的一款 saas 管理系统,移动端自适应,微信公众号、小程序,api
A SaaS management system developed by php, mobile adaptive, wechat public number, small program, API (2019-07-11, PHP, 20040KB, 下载11次)


[PHP编程] chen-pay

Alipay WeChat is free of charge and no app is used to monitor receipt information by PHP code. (2019-06-13, PHP, 9KB, 下载6次)


[PHP编程] 码支付V1.0

Support WeChat, Alipay, QQ wallet scan code payment, can be used to reward sponsorship payment website system, support the background to view real-time income, the system is completely open source, no backdoor, upload directly to their servers to install it! (2019-05-22, PHP, 13937KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] 彩虹5.3修复版

tinis is daishuawang,no wenti (2019-05-22, PHP, 4225KB, 下载10次)


[PHP编程] weisrc_dish

The on-line ordering system is a self-service ordering system based on Wechat public account. By ordering a meal on the number, the shopkeeper can display the products and information of his shop on the Wechat Public Number. Customers can pay attention to the store public number through Wechat, and then directly browse the goods and place orders in the Wechat. By using the convenience of Wechat, customers can list at any time and anywhere, which greatly facilitates users, but also expands the sales channels of stores. (2019-02-23, PHP, 15413KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] tiger_newhu

1、优化会员中心提现 2、增加会员中心功能个人化开关 3、增加双11爆款清单 4、优化会员中心修改信息增加支付宝 功能: 1、微信淘宝客 2、代理系统 3、直播间 4、加群助手 5、辅助软件QQ微和微信群群发和查券机器人 微信淘宝客代理系统 全面接入高佣金API全自动时时高佣金
1. Optimizing the withdrawal of membership centers 2. Increase the Personalized Switch of Membership Center Function 3. Increase the list of double 11 explosives 4, optimize the membership center to modify information to increase Alipay. Functions: 1. Wechat Taobao Clients 2. Agent System 3. Live studio 4. Group Assistants 5. Auxiliary Software QQ Micro and Wechat Group Distribution and Voucher Checking Robot Wechat Taobao Business Agent System Full access to high commission API full automatic hourly High Commission (2019-01-24, PHP, 23959KB, 下载6次)


[PHP编程] oa

OA management, general company management software, can realize WeChat mobile management. Remotely handling processes. (2018-11-10, PHP, 2760KB, 下载2次)


[PHP编程] hongbao

一.安装说明: 1.程序需要安装在支持php空间或服务器上。 2.根据微信新版朋友圈分享规定,分享所用的域名需要是已备案,且有认证过微信公众号(订阅号和服务号没有限制,只要成功认证就行)。 3.修改config.php中最上面的认证号信息:
I. installation instructions: . procedures need to be installed in support of php space or server. (2018-11-01, PHP, 1467KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] thinkphp对接微信模板消息封装类(完美封装)

PHP微信对接封装,完美封装。 实测可用,喜欢的拿走~
PHP WeChat butt package, perfect package. (2018-07-25, PHP, 1KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] 币胜网虚拟货币交易平台整站源码完整商业版

BTC trading platform source code (2018-01-09, PHP, 44367KB, 下载21次)


[PHP编程] 新名人

新名人最新版 支持手机端 PC端 微信端 H5自适应
xinmingrenzuixinbanben (2017-11-17, PHP, 13053KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] vip

No need to install, upload, update automatically, WeChat docking +app (2017-11-15, PHP, 6563KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] 北京土特产网 实战素材

The teacher in the network to the backing dedecms two times the development of VIP tutorial - Beijing native network development material! (2017-07-21, PHP, 2311KB, 下载1次)
