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[WEB开发] get-music-lizhanqi

All in one music download, search, python, support Kugou, Netease, Baidu, Yitan, 5sing original and cover music download, Kuwo, Migu and qq music platform, some support downloading covers and lyrics, some do not, requests and json dominate (2023-05-10, Python, 1340KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 基于opgg的lol韩服王者数据爬取分析

基于python爬虫的django web应用,可以从韩国对局数据网站上爬取游戏数据信息,进行数据分析
a web app,based on Python,using for "Leagues Of Legends" data analyze. (2020-02-11, Python, 583KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] web

Web is meant to mean cobwebs and webs, what we call web pages in web design.Now widely translated into the network, the Internet and other technical fields.There are three forms: hypertext hypertext, hypermedia hypermedia, hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and so on. (2018-04-03, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fuck-login-master

模拟登陆一些常见的网站, Done 知乎 126邮箱 weibo.cn (验证码识别困难,建议不要用这种方式) 和 mweibo.cn (推荐使用) 百度 WebQQ by opdss 还有点问题 Webweixin by opdss 微博网页版 lantouzi by opdss jd.com by henry51 liepin.com by henry51 拉勾网 by opdss
Some common simulated landing site, Done know almost 126 mailbox weibo.cn (verification code identification difficult, is not recommended in this way) and mweibo.cn (recommended) Baidu WebQQ by opdss a little problem Webweixin by opdss microblogging Web version lantouzi by opdss jd.com by henry51 liepin.com by henry51 pull hook net by opdss (2016-06-03, Python, 31KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] eblog

基于L-Blog v1.08(SE)Final 修改 02.22更新内容: 在加入blogview.asp各个网摘收藏快捷方式 02.21更新内容: 修正上传模块 修正引用出现的BUG 修正blogview.asp的一个逻辑错误 默认用户名:admin 密码:fir8_net
Based on L-Blog v1.08 (SE) Final modifications 02.22 update: Adding blogview.asp each network Abstract collection Shortcuts 02.21 update: Fixed upload module Fixed references appear BUG A logic error correction of blogview.asp Default Username: admin Password: fir8_net (2016-03-20, Python, 448KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 9.weather

检测到中文英语 This is a small program to get the weather conditions of the city, which is listed in the Chinese weather network given by the various cities of the code, through the code can get weather conditions, and automatically save it into the form of HTML (2015-11-08, Python, 5KB, 下载1次)
