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A barebones web skeleton using {LESS} and CSS. This is just for anyone who wants to dive into LESS mixins, variables, and so forth. It s a simple, simple, super basic LESS and CSS hybrid template with basic HTML semantic markup. (2012-08-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] CyberSpace-Security-Learning

Cyber security learning wiki, including web security, intranet security, cloud security, kill free bypass, etc. (continuously updated), (2023-02-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] springboot-study

A WeChat applet based on Springboot and mybatis framework, complete front-end and back-end code, written on IEDA platform, can be run with Tomcat (2020-03-19, Others, 947KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] OTCMSfree

网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)以简单、实用、傻瓜式操作而闻名,是国内 网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)是最热门ASP开源网站管理系统之一,也是用户增长最快的ASP类CMS系统之一,目前的版本无论在功能,人性化,还是易用性方面,都有了长足的发展,OTCMS的主要目标用户锁定在草根型中小个人站长,让那些对网络不是很熟悉,对网站建设不是很懂又想做网站的人可以很快搭建起一个功能实用又强大,操作人性又易用。OTCMS更专注于个人网站或中小型门户的构建,当然也不乏有企业用户等在使用本系统,使用过OTCMS的用户都会它好评不断。
网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)以简单、实用、傻瓜式操作而闻名,是国内 网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)是最热门ASP开源网站管理系统之一,也是用户增长最快的ASP类CMS系统之一,目前的版本无论在功能,人性化,还是易用性方面,都有了长足的发展,OTCMS的主要目标用户锁定在草根型中小个人站长,让那些对网络不是很熟悉,对网站建设不是很懂又想做网站的人可以很快搭建起一个功能实用又强大,操作人性又易用。OTCMS更专注于个人网站或中小型门户的构建,当然也不乏有企业用户等在使用本系统,使用过OTCMS的用户都会它好评不断。 (2016-06-10, Others, 4230KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dxsqzjyw

Students Job Employment Network, to achieve the following objectives: the management of teachers and archives, student achievement management, staff management, such as: teacher tenure, on teaching and other subjects course code maintenance (2016-05-13, Others, 2585KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hercitycomslide

详细介绍 倾城网首页完美幻灯源码,基于jquery。结构清晰,非常简单。
Detail pour Firm Home perfect slide source, based on jquery. The structure is clear and very simple. (2013-01-20, Others, 320KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] BlogoMVC

本软件是由专业的互动学习平台——学云网倾情奉献。无论您是个人还是中小企业能可以使用本源码轻松拥有功能强大的个人或者企业博客。轻松实现博客显示,博文排序、博文管理、博文评论等功能。学云网提供系统整个开发过程的演示。 用户账号:zy 密码:123
This software is a portrait of dedication by professional interactive learning platform- School cloud network. Whether you are a personal or SMEs can use this source easily have a powerful personal or corporate blog. Easily blog Bowen sort Bowen, management, Bowen comments. School cloud network provides a demonstration of the system throughout the development process. User account: zy Password: 123 (2013-01-13, Others, 2853KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] yiyuan

飘扬医院网站管理系统(全站生成静态) 1.0 功能说明: 1.页面简洁、清爽、大气 2.全站生成静态,利于优化 3.针对每篇文章设立关键词索引确保每篇文章都可以做为SEO优化页 4.兼容性强 5.asp.net技术更加迅速且更安全 6.通用性强,可应用于所有大小医院或科室 7.操作简单,不需要任何专业知识便可建立专业医院门户官网 8.可持续性,本程序将持续更新改进 后台地址:你的域名/admin/index.aspx 账号:admin 密码:admin
Flying hospital website management system (station generates static) 1.0 function Description: 1. Concise page, refreshing, atmospheric station generate static, which will help optimize 3. Keyword Index for each article set up to ensure that each article can be used as SEO optimization page 4. strong compatibility 5.asp.net technology is faster and more secure 6. versatility, can be applied to all size hospitals or departments. easy to operate and does not require any specialized knowledge can create professional hospital portal official website sustainability, the program will continue to update the improved backstage Address: Your domain/admin/index.aspx account: admin Password: admin (2013-01-10, Others, 2764KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] wangqugouwu

Fun Web shopping system, used just fine, you can use special test software debugging ASP. Can be directly used (2010-10-29, Others, 5318KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] haiaowang

这是海澳网的AXURE RP图 包括源码,用户可以按F5直接生成HTML文件
This is the sea, including the Australian Open AXURE RP map source, the user can press the F5 directly generate HTML files (2010-10-29, Others, 2662KB, 下载118次)


[WEB开发] TutorWebsite

用VS的C#+SQL sever和同学合伙做的一个家教信息网,可以实现简单的注册,信息发布,信息请求等等。还有不少瑕疵,有兴趣的可以下载自己调试修改。
With VS' s C#+ SQL sever and tutor students to do a partnership information network, can achieve a simple registration, information dissemination, information requests and so on. There are many flaws, are interested can download their own debugging changes. (2010-10-08, Others, 628KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Codejia.com

Enterprise website management system module, tailored for the business units, to facilitate the enterprise network construction (2010-07-20, Others, 1998KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] CanRise

公司商业网站的程序,具有会员注册、人才招聘、在线留言/留言回复等常用功能 后台有管理员管理、网站公告、网站配置、在线客服设置、新闻管理、产品管理、会员管理、招聘发布、应聘管理等
Company website commercial procedures, membership register, talent recruitment, online guestbook/guestbook reply Backgrounds and other commonly used functions have administrator management, website notice, site-targeted, online customer service settings, news management, product management, membership management, recruitment of release candidates management, etc. (2009-03-21, Others, 3363KB, 下载48次)


[WEB开发] 20080607170422

College English B iBT counseling: grammar: In accordance with the requirements of the examination syllabus, candidates should have basic knowledge of English grammar, and in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation more correctly be applied. (2009-02-28, Others, 24KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] xuexibuluo

Learning website source. Including user registration, message boards, teachers, maintenance, landing students, course management functions. (2008-05-23, Others, 3835KB, 下载87次)


[WEB开发] WebSite1

This is a web design on a case, I hope everyone can help, and prosperity of the network, to contribute. (2008-04-05, Others, 2KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xxi

一个诚信信息港门户网 功能: 系统设置  企业会员  个人会员  商贸机会  产品管理  企业新闻  行业新闻  招聘信息  展会管理  模版管理  意见反馈 帮助文档  编辑器管理  管理员管理  数据管理  广告管理  密码设置  安全退出 后台:/admin 用户名/密码:admin/admin
err (2007-12-28, Others, 16906KB, 下载18次)



The rational use of CGI, the previous text of a network, in the hope that everyone can help. (2007-11-07, Others, 2KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] wanghuawt

江西旅行网整站源码下载 希望对大家有用 经过测试 安全可用
Jiangxi Travel Network Station source you wish to download useful after testing available (2007-06-08, Others, 10058KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] netbarbook

☆☆网吧客户留言簿☆☆ 管理用户名和密码都是:admin 演示:http://www39.websamba.com/51rose/netbarbook/
Guest book ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ cafe management user name and password are: admin demo: http://www39.websamba.com/51rose/netbarbook/ (2006-09-26, Others, 433KB, 下载6次)
