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[其他书籍] IEC61850应用入门 [何磊 编著] 2012年版

"Introduction to IEC61850 application" is a reference book to help readers understand and master the knowledge content and ideological essence of IEC61850. The whole book is divided into five chapters: the first chapter briefly introduces the shortcomings of conventional substation automation system, mainly introduces the content, characteristics and development trend of IEC61850 standard; the second chapter introduces the basic concept of object-oriented, OSI, TCP / IP network model, Ethernet technology foundation, XML, XML schema foundation and common software tools; the third chapter introduces the layered information model and specific definition of IEC61850 , configuration mode and configuration file; Chapter 4 mainly introduces MMS basic knowledge, mapping relationship between IEC61850 and MMS, MMS and ASN. 1 encoding and decoding and MMS typical message analysis; Chapter 5 introduces goose service, iec61850-9-2sv service, simple network time protocol and ieee1 (2020-02-20, Others, 29879KB, 下载44次)


[其他书籍] EADJiShuBaiPiShu

EAD is a network endpoint access control program, which has passed through the security client, security policy servers, access devices and third-party servers linkage to strengthen the network terminal active defense capabilities to control the spread of the virus. This paper mainly introduces the basic principles of EAD programs, technical characteristics and typical networking applications. (2010-03-23, Others, 335KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] ColdFusion

ColdFusion programmers use now is still relatively small, the programmers did not seem to find a joint open-Portal e-book in this regard, I uploaded a bar for them to learn information, would like to know if can be downloaded. (2010-01-18, Others, 1371KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] distributed_detection

分布式检测(distributed detection/ decentralized detection)方面的中文文献5篇。分别为《常规多传感器系统的分布检测融合方法研究》《光固化成形系统激光光斑光强分布检测方法研究》《基于分布式检测的浮标信号检测级融合算法研究》《基于分布式检测的浮标信号检测级融合算法研究(1)》《基于分布式检测的组网探测概率建模与仿真》
Distributed Detection (distributed detection/decentralized detection) in Chinese literature 5. Namely " conventional multi-sensor system of distributed detection fusion method" " stereolithography system, light intensity distribution of laser spot detection method," " based on signal detection buoys distributed detection fusion algorithm," " based on signal distributed detection buoy detection fusion algorithm (1) " ," a network based on distributed detection probability of detection modeling and simulation, " (2010-01-05, Others, 1388KB, 下载35次)


[其他书籍] CCNA

CCNA学习指南第六版中文电子书 要想参加CCNA考试,本学习指南是你的最佳选择,它可以满足Cisco认证考试考生的全部需求。本学习指南的作者ToddLammle是CertCities评选出的“最佳学习指南作者”。   ●最新CCNA考试的更新版本   ●真实场景和几百道实际考题   ●详细覆盖每个CCNA考试目标   ●扩展的IP寻址和子网划分   本书是一本CCNA应试必备的学习指南,由Cisco技术知名权威编写。CCNA考试的内容已几度变化,本书编写的考试目标是最新的考试内容。本书针对新的考试目标帮助应试者全面复习和掌握新的考试内容。全书有11章,除了讲解应掌握的内容外,几乎每章都有复习题、书面实验和动手实验,并附有答案。本书选配光碟上有新CCNA考试(640-801)的大量准备工具和资料。为了帮助考生准备Cisco模拟考试,本书选配光碟上包含路由器基础仿真器,它介绍了Cisco的配置部分并装有几百道实际考题、示例模拟题和四套模拟考试题。相信通过本书的学习,应试者可以顺利地通过这一考试。   本书适用于CCNA#640-801考试的应试者、Cisco网络工程技术人员和销售人员、大专院校计算机通信专业师生。
Completely Revised for the New 2007 Version of the CCNA Exam (#640-802) Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle has completely updated this new edition to cover all of the exam objectives for the latest version of the CCNA exam. Todd s straightforward style provides lively examples, easy-to-understand analogies, and real-world scenarios that will not only help you prepare for the exam, but also give you a solid foundation as a Cisco networking professional. Packed with updated topics that have been added to the 2007 version of the CCNA exam, this updated study guide features expanded coverage of key topic areas plus new material on switching, network address translation, and OSPF. Inside, find the complete instruction you need, including: *Full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident you re getting the instruction you need for the exam *Practical hands-on exercises and labs to reinforce critical skills, *Real-world scenarios th (2009-07-08, Others, 46464KB, 下载211次)


[其他书籍] SpinningtheSemanticWeb

入门必读,语义网入门好书 XML,RDF,OWL介绍翔实权威,英文原版-A_Semantic_Web_Primer. Mandatory entry, the Semantic Web portal books XML, RDF, OWL informative briefing authority, the English original
Introduction to reading, the Semantic Web Getting Started book XML, RDF, OWL authority informative introduction, the original English-A_Semantic_Web_Primer. Mandatory entry, the Semantic Web portal books XML, RDF, OWL informative briefing authority, the English original (2009-06-22, Others, 7284KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] Wireless.Security.GSM.UMTS.802.dot.11

Wireless Security is a vast topic and any attempt to address all issues in a single book is a daunting task. It is almost impossible to explain each and every security algorithm that is used in wireless security in detail in a single volume. In writing this book, I have tried to strike a balance between architectural overviews and minute details. The aim of this book has been to answer questions like: How is wireless security different from security of wireline networks? How has wireless security evolved with changes in wireless networking? What is the architectural philosophy behind the design of wireless security protocols? What are the loopholes in these protocols and how can they be rectified in future designs? (2009-04-21, Others, 4049KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] comunicationdianxin

communication (2009-04-14, Others, 119KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] gowithsmiling

I said in my Hewlett-Packard, from assistant engineer to engineer, from Marketing Manager to Marketing Director, from the Executive Director to the Chief Knowledge Officer, to the corporate decision-making members of the Committee, becoming one of the few large multinational companies to enter China, the highest level of local management staff, one of Hewlett-Packard had the privilege to feel humane and highly effective management. (2008-11-22, Others, 338KB, 下载33次)


[其他书籍] 04-VLAN

传统的以太网是一个广播型网络,网络中的所有主机通过HUB 或交换机相连,处在 同一个广播域中。HUB 是物理层设备,没有交换功能,接收的报文会向所有端口转 发;交换机是链路层设备,具备根据报文的目的MAC 地址进行转发的能力,但在 收到广播报文或未知单播报文(报文的目的MAC 地址不在交换机MAC 地址表中) 时,也会向除交换机报文入端口之外的所有端口转发。 上述情况使网络中的主机会收到大量并非以自身为目的地的报文,在浪费大量带宽 资源的同时,也造成了严重的安全隐患。 隔离广播域的传统方法是使用路由器,但是路由器成本较高,而且端口较少,无法 划分细致的网络。 为解决以太网交换机在LAN 中无法限制广播的问题,出现了VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network,虚拟局域网)技术。
err (2008-10-12, Others, 262KB, 下载21次)


[其他书籍] IPv6

Third-generation mobile communications and beyond the third generation mobile communications networks will be all-IP mobile communications network development, this will be the mobile communication network and the Internet a major change. Internet technology and mobile communication technology has become the fastest growing field of information of two key technologies, mobile communications and IP technology is a communications technology development in the inevitable result, the mobile Internet has become the future direction of development of the Internet (2008-06-04, Others, 6KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] gd

最近在网上看到搜狐开了图书频道:http://act.it.sohu.com/book/,里面有许多出版社的热门或畅销书提供试读,比如:《Word 排 艺术》、《电脑办公高手100 招终极解析》、《黑客攻防技术内幕》、《学电脑之电脑医生》⋯ ⋯ 而且免费试读的章节非常多,粗粗 了一下,发现其中有不少好书,即使只是一些章节(有的甚至是整本书都能免费浏览),也非常值得收藏下来慢慢阅读。于是 利用网络信息收集与整理工具——网文快捕,把感兴趣的图书全部下载回来并制作成了CHM 电子书。 (2008-04-12, Others, 140KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Courant__Robbins__Stewart_-_What_Is_Mathematics_2E

[什么是数学:对思想和方法的基本研究(增订版)],它连续23次蝉联互动出版网数学类图书月销售排行第一名,英文原版. 20世纪杰出的数学家,哥廷根学派重要成员,曾任纽约大学数学系和数学科学研究院的主任,西方公认的数学权威——R·柯朗(Richard Courant)等三位数学大师亲自执笔.对我们编程人员的思维训练非常有帮助. 之前找到好多地方都没有找到这样一本书,现在找到了,不敢独占,拿出来分享给大家.
[What is Mathematics: The ideas and methods of basic research (updated version)], it won 23 consecutive interactive mathematical books published on net sales ranked first in the original English edition. The 20th century, an outstanding mathematician, G?ttingen school an important member, a former New York University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Director, the West recognized the authority of mathematics- R Courant (Richard Courant), such as mathematical master of the three written. of our programmers have a very intensive way of thinking help. before finding a lot of places do not find such a book, now found, they dare not exclusive, and show to share with everyone. (2007-08-02, Others, 7651KB, 下载23次)
