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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Astar

Registered members of Success! Welcome programmer Joint Open Source! Site Content Currently 2,701,342, classification 219, the combination of more than ten million members for their hard work and private collection, your programmer career essential source library! (2017-01-03, Visual C++, 35KB, 下载1次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Key

: GOM 1108 Engine Business cracked version, gameofmirm2 engine full-featured commercial version key crack (2017-01-02, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载46次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Binary-backoff-algorithm

Binary backoff algorithm, computer network Ethernet collision processing algorithms used in simulation of VB, the main value lies in the probability of learning the perspective of calculating the probability of successfully sent (2016-02-15, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Honglajiao

This is a plug SAMP Powerful and very easy to use Interested players can cheat you down try! (2015-07-22, Visual C++, 262KB, 下载14次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] delTest

狄罗妮 C++ achieve triangulation algorithm, the algorithm can be realized, but the efficiency in general, can be used as learning to use. (2014-05-21, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载15次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Deep_Belief_Nets

Convinced degree of deep learning network (DBN) to achieve a simple C language (2013-06-19, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载199次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Topological--sort

AOV网(Activity On Vertex Network); (2)有向图; (3)作为某些算法的预处理过程(如DP)。 2、算法描述: (1)每次挑选入度为0的顶点输出(不计次序); (2)如果最后发现输出的顶点数小于|V|,则表明有回路存在。
AOV (Activity On Vertex Network) (2) digraph (3) as the pretreatment process of some algorithms (such as DP).2, algorithm description:(1) for each degree 0 vertex output (excluding order) (2) if found that the number of vertex output is less than |V|, showing that the loop exists. (2013-05-08, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Hhhoopfild1o

Hopfield 网——擅长于联想记忆与解迷路 实现H网联想记忆的关键,是使被记忆的模式样本对应网络能量函数的极小值。 设有M个N维记忆模式,通过对网络N个神经元之间连接权 wij 与N个输出阈值θjjj的设计,使的: 这M个记忆模式所对应的网络状态正好是网络能量函数的M个极小值。 比较困难,目前还没有一个适应任意形式的记忆模式的有效、通用的设计方法。 H网的算法 1)学习模式——决定权重 想要记忆
Hopfield network- specializes in the associative memory lost Xie H net associative memory key is to make a very small value of the memory mode, the sample corresponds to the network energy function. M N-dimensional memory model, the right wij and N output threshold θjjj connection between the network of N neurons, so that: the M memory mode corresponding to the network status is just the network energy function M a very small value. More difficult, there is no one to adapt to any form of memory mode is active, universal design. H network algorithm 1) learning mode- determines the weight you want memory (2012-07-19, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载4次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Communication-system-shiyan

Chongqing University experiment of modern communication systems code, configuration SDH services, the code function: point to point configuration SDH1 and SDH3 Ethernet, 622M, 4M per user bandwidth. (2011-11-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] FFF

神经网络是通过模拟生物神经系统的结构功能而构成的一种信息处理系 统。经过40余年的发展,神经网络已经成为机器学习、模式识别、信号处理等 信息科学领域中一类十分重要的方法。 本文首先概括地总结了神经网络的发展历程。在三个不同阶段中,神经网 络的发展具有不同的特点。到20世纪90年代,神经网络成为信息科学中一个 重要的热点研究领域。文中还讨论了神经网络的特点、常见的分类方法、学习 类型和学习算法等内容。
Through the simulation of biological neural network structure and function of the nervous system consisting of an information processing system. After 40 years of development, the neural network has become a machine learning, pattern recognition, signal processing, information science in a class of very important ways. This article first briefly summarizes the development process of the neural network. In three different stages in the development of neural networks with different characteristics. To the 1990s, information science, neural networks become an important hot research field. The paper also discusses the characteristics of neural networks, a common classification methods, learning styles and learning algorithm and so on. (2011-10-11, Visual C++, 2227KB, 下载5次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] FLch7FNNeg3

第七章的模糊神经网络解耦MATLAB程序 例7.3 用隶属函数型神经网与模糊控制融合的解耦程序(FLch7FNNeg3.m) 是侯媛彬和汪梅的系统辨识课本上第七章的的实验。
Chapter VII of the fuzzy neural network decoupling Example 7.3 with the MATLAB program membership function neural network and fuzzy control integration of the decoupling process (FLch7FNNeg3.m) is Houyuan Bin and Wang Mei system identification textbook Chapter VII of the experiment. (2011-09-06, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载10次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] xiaobosjinwangl

利用多分辨分析方法,结合小波分析和神经网络思想构建一种新型的神经网络模型———小波神经网络,解决了传 统神经网络中隐层节点数难以确定的问题。通过对股票的预测,说明该方法能有效地提高预测精度, 避免了人工神经网 络模型的固有缺陷。
Using multi-resolution analysis method, combined with wavelet analysis and neural network ideological construct a new neural network model--- wavelet neural network to solve the traditional neural network hidden layer nodes is difficult to determine. Forecast by the stock, indicating that the method can effectively improve the prediction accuracy of artificial neural network model to avoid the inherent shortcomings. (2010-05-11, Visual C++, 206KB, 下载57次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] kaiguanhebuxian

Given a rectangular routing region, its periphery a number of pins. Between the two pins through the emplacement of a metal interconnect line achieved. This route is known as wires, is limited to a rectangular area. Occur if the two wires cross, short-circuit current occurs. So, do not allow inter-wire cross. Interconnect each pair of pins is called network group. Are now required to design an algorithm to determine: for a given network group, can reasonably be laid cross-wire so that it does not occur. (2010-01-22, Visual C++, 121KB, 下载14次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] DEM1

生成Del aunay三角网的合成算法.算法不但继承了合成算法的优点,可根据实际的点集数目和运算环境,调节阀值,从而动态平衡时空性能
Del aunay triangulation to generate the synthesis algorithm. Algorithm not only inherits the advantages of synthesis algorithms can be set according to the actual number and computing environment, adjusting threshold, thus the dynamic balance of temporal and spatial properties (2009-03-21, Visual C++, 164KB, 下载32次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Apple

(原创)研究生期间学习人工神经网张和遗传算法实现的简单的水果识别源码. 水果特征{0,0,1},{0,1,0},{1,0,0}代表{大,圆,光滑}
(Original) during the post-graduate study and artificial neural net and genetic algorithm to identify a simple source of fruit. Fruit characteristics of (0,0,1), (0,1,0), ((1,0,0) on behalf of large , round, smooth) (2008-07-02, Visual C++, 200KB, 下载92次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] DigitRec

Bp neural network based text recognition system of this, including image pre-processing and network identification part 2, image pre-processing part consists of many image processing techniques, followed by feature extraction, resulting in the use of bp neural network trained to identify, is the image processing and pattern recognition integrated learning good information! (2008-04-16, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载103次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 6

1)掌握普里姆构造最小生成树算法的数据结构和算法实现; 2)掌握图或网的邻接矩阵表示及其上基本算法的实现; 3)按照实验题目要求独立完成实验内容(提交程序清单及相关实验数据与运行结果); 4)认真书写实验报告,并按时提交。
1) grasp the prim construct minimum spanning tree algorithm for data structure and algorithm 2) master plan or a network and its adjacency matrix express the realization of the basic algorithm 3) In accordance with the requirements of the experiment the subject independently completed the experiment content (to submit the list of procedures and related experimental data and results) 4) the experiment seriously written report and submitted on time. (2007-09-08, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载14次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Delaunay

delaunay algorithm technology and realize, from the triangular mesh algorithms to optimize each step are described in detail. (2007-08-11, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载892次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] image_identify

image preprocessing, including gray-scale conversion value, the value of the gradient sharpening to discrete noise, overall tilt adjustment, character segmentation, to a size and tightening rearrangements, and other functions, the neural network can be trained to identify characters. (2007-05-14, Visual C++, 68KB, 下载452次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Hopfield网络解TSP的改进算法

This is a traveling salesman problem of neural network algorithms and neural network algorithm can take many forms, but the neural network algorithm is still relatively rare, this is my journals from China downloaded to the network, useful (2005-12-04, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载138次)
