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[Bootstrap] Flavour-Fusion

"Flavour Fusion : Real World Project". It has all the necessary features required for a Food website., (2023-10-15, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] an-Di-Dinas-Perikanan-Kabupaten-Cilacap-SIPETANG-

Di Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Cilacap saya berfokus untuk membuat网站hasil tangkapan ikan dari pihak枚举器。Dalam pembuatan网…,
Di Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Cilacap saya berfokus untuk membuat website hasil tangkapan ikan dari pihak enumerator. Dalam pembuatan webs…, (2023-09-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] Dessert_web-django

This website is build using Python, Django, Html, CSS, bootstrap, Js. It is Desseert food web site basic format., (2023-08-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] ZCOOL

Imitate the homepage of a certain studio on Kuwang, achieve a high degree of visual restoration, and try to restore the functionality as much as possible. Please do not use IE browser to preview (2022-12-11, Vue, 866KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] seckill

根据慕课网 yijun zhang老师的视频,使用框架springboot+mybatis+springmvc+thymeleaf+bootstrap实现其相同功能.
According to the video of teacher Yijun Zhang from MOOC.com, the same functionality is achieved using the framework springboot+mybatis+springmvc+thymleaf+bootstrap (2017-04-11, Java, 496KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] wechat-sell

微信点餐系统——顾客通过扫描对应桌号的二维码进行点 餐,可将商品加入购物车,订单备注及退款。卖家微信扫码进入后台管理系统,可进行订单、类目、商品管理及完结订单的 操作。使用 websocket 实现客户端与服务器端的双向通信。实现项目...
WeChat ordering system - Customers can order by scanning the QR code corresponding to the table number, and add products to the shopping cart, order notes, and refunds. The seller s WeChat scanning code enters the backend management system, allowing for order, category, product management, and order completion operations. Use websocket to achieve bidirectional communication between client and server. Implement Project (2019-05-14, Java, 309KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] Ecommerce-website-Python-Django

这个网店是为沙特阿拉伯的电子商务公司而建的,并在Python语言Django FrameWork中使用...
This online store was built for e-commerce company in Saudi Arabia and was used in Python language Django FrameWork version 3 and Bootstrap 4 and Javascript. (2020-09-08, Python, 62773KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] Hypermarket

If you are looking for a stylish and elegant website template for your online store, Hypermarket is the perfect choice for you. (2020-09-28, PHP, 32133KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] springboot-penguin

Online Examination System 基于SpringBoot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf+SemanticUI+Bootstrap的在线考试系统(低仿牛客网)
Online Examination System is an online examination system based on SpringBoot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf+SemanticUI+Bootstrap (low imitation Niuke Network) (2022-06-28, HTML, 2219KB, 下载0次)
