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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 基于51单片机的OLED数字时钟

通过OLED显示时间、年、月、日,以及相关信息。还可以根据喜好添加不同的图片。可以自行设置时间,控制屏幕的亮灭从而减少电量的损耗。设计中我一共使用了六个端口,OLED显示屏占用两个端口,控制加减的按键使用了两个,控制屏幕的亮灭使用了一个。但程序中有一个缺陷,就是星期不会跟着日期的改变而改变,需要自己手动更改,后期如果我学会了再重新添加程序。微信公众号关注“小小创客者”获取更多资源。 (2022-06-04, C/C++, 71KB, 下载0次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Flash_Led

配电路图 主要用于展示广告字体(压克力、吸塑)和标识的夜间效果,它以文字或标识为媒介,安装在楼宇顶部或墙面,既能表现标识白天效果,又能利用LED作为发光光源,在夜间表现出另外一种效果,再配以LED照明应用控制系统,对文字或标识进行动态视频控制,在一些娱乐气氛较浓的场所,LED光源模组已经成了企业展示自我形象的最重要的选择之一
The main font used to display advertising (acrylic, plastic) and the identification of the night effect, it is in text or logo for the media, or wall mounted on top of buildings, both the performance effects identified during the day, but also the use of LED as a light light source at night showed another effect, together with LED lighting control system applications, text or logo on the dynamic video control, thicker atmosphere in some entertainment places, LED light source module has become a corporate self-image display choose one of the most important (2011-12-02, C/C++, 21KB, 下载5次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] SPCE3200LABCODE_24to28

凌阳SPCE3200 系统开发板随机自带源程序。共安排了32个子目录,其中按照SPCE3200实验指导书(上册)中的实验顺序存放了实验程序的源代码,所有项目代码均在S+coreIDE v2.1.2下测试通过。此为第24到第28个试验源代码。试验内容如下: 6.6 实验二十四:TFTP以太网通信实验 SPCE3200教学平台多媒体实验 7.1 实验二十五:MPEG4文件 VIDEO播放实验 7.2 实验二十六:MP3文件播放实验 7.3 实验二十七:MIC 录放音实验 7.4 实验二十八:JPEG 编解码实验
Sunplus SPCE3200 system development board comes with a random source. Total of 32 sub-directories, which in accordance with the experimental instructions SPCE3200 (last copies) in the experimental sequence of experimental procedures for storing source code, code for all items are in S+ CoreIDE v2.1.2 under test. This is the 24th to the first 28 test source code. Test as follows: 6.6 Experiment 24: TFTP Ethernet Communication SPCE3200 experimental teaching platform multimedia experiment 7.1 Experiment 25: MPEG4 file playback VIDEO experiment 7.2 Experiment 26: MP3 file playback experiment 7.3 Experiment 27: MIC Recorder 7.4 Experimental 28 tone experiments: JPEG codec experiment (2008-12-27, C/C++, 22991KB, 下载33次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 521AV_V012

NOVATEK公司的LCD_CONTROLLER源代码 液晶显示器驱动板源代码NT68521
NOVATEK company (2008-11-27, C/C++, 1262KB, 下载83次)
