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[其他] 等值线三角化

This procedure is based on VB and can also be run in vb.net. Attached data files, detailed source code and notes, runnable files, all engineering projects are in the file, can be viewed. The problem of triangulation of isoline of discrete points is solved, and it can also be used in TIN to calculate earthwork. Discrete point data is GPS data, as long as the data input according to the prescribed format can be run. The program also includes drawing function, if the data is too large, it needs to be reduced, and the graphics drawing interface is limited, but it does not affect the output results. The output can also be saved as a TXT file for easy viewing and comparison. Generally speaking, it is a very good program, what you need can be downloaded and learned, so it is worth learning. Due to the editor's limited ability, the program is not perfect or the problem where I hope everyone to correct, learn together and progress, thank you. (2020-04-17, Visual Basic, 53KB, 下载2次)


[其他] The_Assess20554142017

BEEN BUSY with another percentage score finder (which calculates more statistics than My Percentage Score Calculator),and this time using list boxes. This program finds the minimum and maximum scores (to see who are your best and lowest achievers), the averages (to find the mid-ranges) and the standard deviation (used to see how much the scores vary). One can also add, delete, edit and move list box entries.The check boxes for Scores and Student Names need to be ticked/enabled for these editing features (I have default turned these on). Still need to learn more about sorting using arrays.All you need to do is click load the names, Type in the Total Test Score (in yellow, i have this at 60 but change it for your test) and then click calculate to see the class stats for assessment purposes. The form is intentionally small so that it can be used on a netbook. I hope you like this one. Take care all. (2017-07-06, Visual Basic, 116KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Petri

Simulation of the behavior of a Petri net: the program should be read into a set of transformation rules, as well as a group of state a list of these status corresponds with the network link layer sends a new packet or accept a new packet. Initial state is to read the. The program should be started from the initial state, randomly select those to activate the conversion, and inspire those conversions, check to see whether there is (2008-05-19, Visual Basic, 47KB, 下载47次)
