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[云原生工具] TerraformGcp

Working with Terraform to create different types of resources (VPC, custom subnet, temporary instance with startup script, load balancer, images, instance groups...) (2024-04-10, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] terraform-azure-virtual-network

Terraform Azure VNet模块:使用Terraform.简化Azure虚拟网络配置和配置,包括子网管理
Terraform Azure VNet Module: Simplify Azure virtual network provisioning and configuration with Terraform, including subnet management (2024-03-13, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] terraform-aws-vpc

A Terraform module for an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), with included subnets, route tables, NACLs, and internet nat gateways (2024-03-05, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Ec2_webSever_with_terraform

为Vpc提供与路由表相关联的四个子网、弹性IP地址和AWS云中具有地形的Ec2 Web服务器。
Provisioning a Vpc with four subnets associated to a route table, an Elastic IP address and an Ec2 Web server with terraform in AWS cloud. (2023-12-23, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] terraform-webserver-cluster-cloudfront-aws-waf

This Terraform config sets up a VPC, public subnets, Application Load Balancer (ALB), Auto Scaling Group (ASG), and other networking components along with AWS WAF rules to deploy and securely host a web application. (2023-11-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] CaptureTheFlag

This Terraform project sets up a Capture The Flag (CTF) environment in AWS, consisting of a VPC, public and private subnets, an Internet Gateway, a Route Table, Security Groups, and EC2 instances. (2023-10-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] -Resilience-Autoscaling-Load-Balancing-Strategies

This project showcases IaC using Terraform to deploy a 3-tier AWS architecture. It incorporates VPC, public/private subnets, autoscaling, launch configurations, Application Load Balancer, NAT Gateway, Internet Gateway, security groups, and AWS Certificate Manager for SSL/TLS, offering a comprehensive infrastructure solution. (2023-10-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] aws-terraform-vpc-webapp

This Terraform project creates a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with public and private subnets across two availability zones, sets up an Internet Gateway, configures route tables, launches web servers (EC2 instances) with a simple HTML page using user data, and creates an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to distribute traffic across these instances. (2023-10-18, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] terraform-azurerm-alz-subnet

This module is used to deploy subnet with network security group and route table associated as workaround to the azurerm_subnet resource so it doesn t conflict with the Azure Landing Zone policies Subnets should have a Network Security Group and Subnets should have a User Defined Route which are commonly used in Azure Landing Zone Ref. Architecture (2023-10-05, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] terraform-p1-aws

我的第一个Terraform项目通过设置一个基本的AWS web服务器来探索IaC。使用资源;VPC,互联网网关,路由表,子网...,
My first Terraform project exploring IaC by setting up a basic AWS web server. Using resources; VPC, Internet Gateway, Route Table, Subnet, Route Table Association, Security Groups, Network Interface, Elastic IP, EC2. (2023-09-19, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] terraform-aws-vpc

Terraform Module,它定义了一个VPC,该VPC具有跨多个AZ的公私子网,具有互联网网关,
Terraform Module that defines a VPC with public private subnets across multiple AZs with Internet Gateways, (2023-09-02, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] aws-networking-modules

Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Includes multiple subnet tiers, NACLs, NAT gateways, Internet Gateways, and VPC peering., (2023-08-30, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] static-Website-Terraform-with-AWS

使用Terraform模板创建了一个静态网站,以创建vpc、子网、EC2实例、Intranet Gateway、Security Group、Keypair、Route...,
created a static website with Terraform templates to create vpc, subnets, EC2 Instances, Intrernet Gateway, Security Group, Keypair, Route Table, Route Table Association (2023-08-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] terraform-azure-vnet-module

This terraform module creates several resources such as virtual networks, subnets, network interfaces. This is just for education purposes to learn and grow my Terraform and Azure Networking skills. A full post can be read in my #100DaysOfCloud repo. (2023-08-18, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] rtual-Network-Subnets-and-Network-Security-Groups

This is an example of an implementation of an Azure Virtual Network, Subnets and Network Security Groups using terraform ., (2022-03-17, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] terraform-google-network-vpc

用于在Google Cloud中创建和管理虚拟专用网络(VPC)的地形模块,
A Terraform module to create and manage a Virtual Private Network (VPC) in Google Cloud , (2022-11-05, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] Terraform3Tier

Create a three tier vpc with public subnet with an auto scaling ec2 target group which will serve as a bastion hosts, a private subnet with an autoscaling ec2 instance group and a application load balancer. NOTE: all code should be in module blocks, not resource blocks Deploy this using Terraform Cloud as a CI/CD tool to check your build. (2022-06-16, HCL, 6KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] tf-module-aws-three-tier-network-vpc

Creates a VPC network with public and private subnets, application load balancer, and much more. (2021-06-03, HCL, 6KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] terraform-ibm-landing-zone-vpc

Creates virtual servers across subnets in a single VPC connected by a single security group. Supports floating IP addresses and multiple load balancers. (2023-06-17, HCL, 145KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Wordpress_with_RDS-Database

Terraform code to create your own vpc along with private and public subnet to host a Wordpress site with RDS database on AWS. (2020-07-20, HCL, 3KB, 下载0次)
