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[.net编程] demo_sources

net包包含以下演示应用程序: 添加实体 此演示演示如何向绘图添加新实体或如何创建新图纸。这些实体也可以保存为DXF文件,所以这是创建DXF等CAD文件主要演示。出口到DXF格式,请参阅演示mefafileexport。 ASPNET 演示说明如何使用CAD网ASP.NET网站。请参阅其他cadsofttools CAD软件开发工具包,ASP.NET和HTML / JavaScript的Web CAD SDK和sharecad.org。 编辑 演示商店CAD编辑器的可能性,选择实体,移动,更改属性,添加,删除和其他。 入门 演示如何创建模型的想法。每个按钮在一个函数中引用少量的代码行,因此很容易将其复制粘贴到另一个应用程序中。 editorcontrol 演示如何使用CAD网络编辑器控件。
CAD .NET package contains the following demo applications: Add Entities This demo shows how to add new entities to the drawing or how to create new drawings. These entities can also be saved to DXF, so this is the main demo for creating DXF and other CAD files. For export to DXF please also refer to the demo MefafileExport. AspNet The demo how to use CAD .NET for ASP.NET sites. Please refer to the Web CAD SDK and ShareCAD.org for other CADSoftTools CAD SDKs for ASP.NET And the html demo with icon to use entities to entities, all, change, add, delete, and others. Getting Started The demo is created with idea of HOW TO model. Each button refers to small number of code lines In the one function, so it is easy to copy and paste it to another application. EditorControl The demo shows how to use CAD .NET Editor Control. Import The demo illustrations how to access the drawing . For instance, if you need to get all The entities with their pro Perties please use this example. MetafileExport Th (2017-05-12, C#, 7029KB, 下载28次)


[.net编程] RPSearch

输入关键词搜索出相关信息:尝试搜“大学计算机专业”。能够拆分出“大 大学 学 计算机 专业 ”这些有意义的关键词,能够按照关键词进行模糊匹配,这是用SQL语句中的Like做不到的,而且用Like语句对数据库服务器的压力也大。 搜索建议:输入“网管”立即提示其他人搜索过的“网管”相关的搜索词汇,选择一条后就按照选择的词汇进行搜索。 查询结果分页。 搜索结果中的关键词高亮显示,并且预览包含关键词的段落 搜索框下方显示最热的搜索词汇。 右侧显示搜索耗时。 每隔12小时启动一次爬取、索引过程。 打开项目根目录下的searchlog.txt查看爬虫日志和搜索日志。
Enter keywords to search out relevant information: Try to search " University computer science." Can split out the " big university computer science" These meaningful words, in accordance with fuzzy matching keyword, which is used in SQL statements Like can not do, and the Like statement to the database server with the pressure of big . Search suggestions: Enter " Network" immediately prompted other people searched " network" related search terms, select one after the search according to the selected word. Query results page. Keyword search results highlighted paragraphs contain keywords and preview is displayed below the search box on the hottest search terms. Right shows the search time-consuming. Once every 12 hours starts crawling, indexing process. Open the project root directory searchlog.txt view reptiles logs and search logs. (2013-07-08, C#, 6100KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] Cp23

用C#.NET编写的网卡定时开关软件。适合于小中型企业用于分人群多网段代理上网控制使用。   软件使用.net2.0开发,开放源代码,您可以根据需要做进一步的开发。 功能:   1、定时控制指定网卡的禁用与启用   2、支持开机启动   3、最小化时自动缩至托盘 使用心得:   我们公司有三个办公区,公司领导要求对不同的办公室进行公时段上网限制,但又不同意购买新的硬件,因此我想了个办法。将拨号服务器上安装4个网卡,其中三个网卡各管一个办公区,另一个网卡为网络的进线并开放此网卡的连接共享,这时只需要对这三个网卡实现分别段的启用和禁用就可以实现领导要求。只要在拨号服务器上安装此软件即可。   当然此软件也可用于家用网络里,如你希望对与您一起共享上网的用户定时限制上网时间就可以用此软件。
Timer switch software using C#. NET written card. Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises for the sub-population multi-segment proxy access control use. (2013-05-21, C#, 75KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] wqcms5.9

网奇Iwms网站管理系统是由国内知名ASP.NET工程师木鸟开发的一套安全易用的网站管理系统,本系统采用ASP.NET内核制作,本系统最大的特点是 后台管理功能强大,网站运行速度快,支持静态输出,网站安全性极高,对搜索引擎的支持性好,24小时自动循环新闻采集,网站界面可任意定制各类精美页面!
Network the odd Iwms website management system is a safe and easy-to-use site management system developed by renowned ASP.NET engineers wooden bird, the system uses ASP.NET kernel production, the biggest feature of this system powerful Admin, websiterun fast support static output, high site security, good search engine support, 24-hour automated circulation news gathering, the web interface can be customized all kinds of beautiful pages! (2013-03-07, C#, 2111KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] HaiTian.RuanJian.HaiKe

国内第一款开源轻博客系统.仿点点网的HaiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客) 是一款免费、开源的轻博客系统,aiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客)完全遵循 W3C 标准,具有极强的可扩展性、高性能、良好的 SEO 性能和非凡的用户体验。 HaiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客)v1.0 采用 Visual Studio 2010 开发环境开发,运行环境为 .net framework 3.5/4.0+sqlserver2008 R2,保证系统的安全和稳定性。 海客轻博客,轻松分享你的兴趣。便捷的多图发布,清新文艺的个性化模板,时尚达人的聚集地,用图片记录生活的最佳选择,随地随地与好友一起,在兴趣中寻找快乐.
China s first open source lightweight blog system. Imitation little net HaiTian.HaiKe.NET (Haike) is a free, open source, lightweight blog system, aiTian.HaiKe.NET (the Haike) full compliance with W3C standards, withstrong scalability, performance, good SEO performance, and exceptional user experience. HaiTian.HaiKe.NET (Haike) v1.0 Visual Studio 2010 development environment to develop operating environment for the. NET framework, 3.5/4.0+ sqlserver2008 R2, and ensure the security and stability of the system. Haike light blog, easily share your interests. Convenient figure release, personalized template of fresh art, fashion of the people s gathering place, the picture records the best choice for life, anywhere anywhere with friends, to find happiness in the interest. (2012-04-06, C#, 5155KB, 下载18次)


[.net编程] WebSite3

系统介绍 根据小区物业内部管理的特点,可以将小区物业内部管理信息网分为前台和后台两个部分进行设计。前台主要用于用户注册和登录网站、站内链接、查询用户的相关信息以及查看站内新闻和站内公告;后台主要用于管理员对业主投诉管理、业主报修管理、反馈信息受理、物业设备维修、业主停车位管理、业主费用管理、费用催缴管理和值班员工信息等进行管理。
System Introduction According to the characteristics of the internal management of residential property, residential property, internal management information network is divided into two parts of the foreground and background design. Front is mainly used for user registration and login site links, check the user s information and to view News and Announce background is mainly used for the administrator of complaints management for owners, owners repair management, feedback received, property equipment maintenance, the owners of parking management, the owners expense management, the cost of calls management and on duty staff information management. (2012-03-20, C#, 1139KB, 下载10次)


[.net编程] softhy703I

Groupfly团购系统是武汉群翔软件有限公司自主研发的基于 WEB 应用的 B/S 架构的团购系 统,Groupfly团购系统让用户高效、快速、低成本的构建个性化、专业化、强大功能的团购网 站。Groupfly团购系统运行于微软公司的 .NET 平台,采用最新的 ASP.NET 3.5技术进行分层开 发。源代码供大家共享!
Groupfly buy system is a group of Xiang Software Co., Ltd. Wuhan, independent research and development of WEB-based applications, B/S structure of the buy system, Groupfly buy system allows users to efficiently, quickly, cost to build personalized, professional, powerful buy site. Groupfly buy system runs on Microsoft' s. NET platform, using the latest ASP.NET 3.5 technology for hierarchical development. Source code for all to share! (2011-11-09, C#, 11892KB, 下载23次)


[.net编程] WebSite3

小区物业内部管理网站(系统文件中有详细的系统和使用说明) 系统介绍 根据小区物业内部管理的特点,可以将小区物业内部管理信息网分为前台和后台两个部分进行设计。前台主要用于用户注册和登录网站、站内链接、查询用户的相关信息以及查看站内新闻和站内公告;后台主要用于管理员对业主投诉管理、业主报修管理、反馈信息受理、物业设备维修、业主停车位管理、业主费用管理、费用催缴管理和值班员工信息等进行管理。
Internal management of residential property website (system file system in detail and instructions) System Introduction According to the characteristics of the internal management of residential property, residential property can be divided into internal management information network in two parts front and back design. Front is mainly used for user registration and log on, the station link, the user s query and view station information on news and Announce background is mainly used for administrators to manage the owners complained, the owners repair management, feedback received, the property device maintenance, owners parking management, the owners expense management, expense management, and duty calls, etc. to manage employee information. (2011-08-06, C#, 1609KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] YMindTemplate

网鸟Asp.Net模板引擎是基于 C# 语言开发的应用于 Asp.Net 平台的代码分析工具。它可以将指定语法结构的代码模板转换为运行时代码文档以提高您的开发效率,同时也能够强制分离您的代码业务逻辑和用户界面,实现分层开发的效果。
Bird Asp.Net Web template engine is based on C#, Asp.Net application development platform, code analysis tools. It can specify the grammatical structure of the code will be converted to run-time code template documents to increase your development efficiency, but also be able to enforce your code separate business logic and user interface development to achieve the effect of stratification. (2010-05-24, C#, 272KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] ZoomImageDemo

Jquery+.net实现图像缩放截取(类似开心网) 好不容易完成了一个基于web2.0概念的项目管理系统,在系统的实现过程中用到了头像的缩放裁剪的功能模块,而且我发现在网络上很少有讨论这方面的文章,所以把我的实现方式贴出来,和大家分享一下,写的不好还请多多海涵。
Jquery+. Net image scaling to achieve the interception of (similar to Happy Network) finally completed a project based on the concept of web2.0 management system, the system used for the realization of the process of cutting the head of the scaling function modules, and I found it on the network rarely discuss this article, so I paste the realization of the way out, and share with you, please also write a lot of bad Haihan. (2009-05-25, C#, 208KB, 下载27次)


[.net编程] mcExamOnLine

铭成在线考试网源码 为了保障整个系统的安全性,在线考试系统实现了分类验证的登录模块,通过此模块,可以对不同身份的登录用户进行验证,确保了不同身份的用户操作系统。 在抽取试题上,系统使用随机抽取试题的方式,体现了考试的客观与公正。 当考生答题完毕之后,提交试卷即可得知本次考试的得分,体现系统的高效性。在后台管理上,分后台管理员管理模块和试题管理模块。 分别适应不同的用户,前者只有系统的高级管理员才能进入,对整个系统进行管理。而后者只允许教师登录,教师可以对自己任教的科目试题进行修改,并且可以查看所有参加过自己任教科目的学生成绩。
铭成在线考试网源码 为了保障整个系统的安全性,在线考试系统实现了分类验证的登录模块,通过此模块,可以对不同身份的登录用户进行验证,确保了不同身份的用户操作系统。 在抽取试题上,系统使用随机抽取试题的方式,体现了考试的客观与公正。 当考生答题完毕之后,提交试卷即可得知本次考试的得分,体现系统的高效性。在后台管理上,分后台管理员管理模块和试题管理模块。 分别适应不同的用户,前者只有系统的高级管理员才能进入,对整个系统进行管理。而后者只允许教师登录,教师可以对自己任教的科目试题进行修改,并且可以查看所有参加过自己任教科目的学生成绩。 (2009-05-19, C#, 282KB, 下载91次)


[.net编程] ncrArticle

基于asp.net2.0基于C#开发数据库采用MSSQL2005 本文章系统,简洁大方,并URL地址重写,非常实效 内置FLASH拍照发表,其他后台管理功能模块还有: 添加分类 添加文章 管理文章 在线照相 站点管理 基本配置 连情连接 过滤设置 管理密码 本程序由泮泡网panpao.com独立开发完成 本程序全部开源NET开源及FLASH拍照部分源码
Asp.net2.0 based on C# Development of the database system used in this article MSSQL2005, concise generous and URL address rewriting is very effective built-in FLASH published photographs, and other background to the management of functional blocks are: Add Category to add Article management articles online photo Site management of the basic configuration even love connection filtering to set the administrative password of the program by the Pan-bubble network panpao.com independently developed all of the completion of this program open source NET and FLASH photographed part of the open source source (2008-11-14, C#, 1793KB, 下载39次)


[.net编程] AspxBBS1.0

AspxBBS采用当前的热门技术ASP.Net开发,C#语言编写,一流的高速缓存利用技术。论坛风格参照了、CSDN论坛、LB论坛、动网论坛的风格,整个论坛的数据库结构设计一流,所以论坛运行速度一流,功能一流,整个论坛包括HTML码只有8000行代码。数据库采用Access数据库、MSSQL Server两种版.
AspxBBS introduction of the current hot technology development ASP.Net, C# language. Cache-class use of technology. Forum style reference, CSDN Forum, LB Forum, the louder style. Forum entire database structure design class, first-class forum speed, functionality, the entire Forum, including HTML code only 8,000 lines of code. Database Access database, MSSQL Server version two. (2007-02-28, C#, 512KB, 下载41次)
