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按分类查找All GIS/地图编程(90) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(90) 

[GIS/地图编程] 国界线

China national boundary line GIS data, SHP format, complete edition (2018-05-08, Visual C++, 939KB, 下载32次)


[GIS/地图编程] DelaunayNew

From file(txt), discrete points can be read, draw delaunay triangulation, the output of the discrete points and triangles information, you can also click on the mouse to input coordinates, and then output delaunay information (2014-05-21, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载5次)


[GIS/地图编程] 20105272003002

本程序为GIS和路径算法的测试程序,路径仅供参考。 算法描述:根据公交站点构造出虚拟含换乘边在内的公交路网,共有约22万个路段,2.3万个站点参与路径计算。根据不同的公交线路的速度赋不同的权值,对不同的换乘进行处理,求到最优的路径。换乘确定在400米之内+等车时间,求出最佳换乘。
The GIS program and path algorithm for the test program, the path is for reference only. Algorithm Description: The bus station is constructed in accordance with transfer side of the virtual network, including public transport, there were about 220,000 road, 2.3 million sites in the path calculation. Depending on the speed of bus lines assign different weights to different transfer processing, find the optimal path. Transfer to determine within 400 meters+ waiting time for optimum transfer. (2011-03-18, Visual C++, 4859KB, 下载15次)


[GIS/地图编程] ogram

《地理教师网》——地理信息系统知识及地理信息系统在中学地理教学中的应用地理信息系统知识及地理信息系统在中学地理教学中的应用 北京二中 李奕 北京二十二中 董俊娟
" Geography Teachers Net" - geographic information systems knowledge and geographic information systems geography teaching at secondary school in the application of GIS knowledge and geographic information systems at school Geography Teaching in Beijing two Li in Beijing董俊娟22 (2009-03-24, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载2次)


[GIS/地图编程] ReadMIF

GIS编程中的读取MapInfo MIF文件的VC6工程源码,读取点线面数据并保存到一个二进制文件中去,是GIS初学者不可多得的好参考资料。(附一个道路网的MIF测试文件)
GIS Programming read MapInfo MIF files VC6 project source code, read the points and lines to cover the data and save it to a binary file, and is a GIS rare good reference for beginners. (With a road network of the MIF test file) (2008-06-05, Visual C++, 193KB, 下载130次)


[GIS/地图编程] AoEx

ESRI development platform in the AO, the realization of some basic GIS functions. Such as scaling, read attribute information, Eagle Eye (2008-05-05, Visual C++, 10179KB, 下载18次)


[GIS/地图编程] 1018project4

Use vc++ Latitude and longitude of a network region 1084 map projection conversion, and use listbox control is displayed, the interface is simple, the code a more detailed explanation of GIS to study very helpful! GIS, refueling (2007-11-01, Visual C++, 249KB, 下载44次)


[GIS/地图编程] remoteSensing

一种新的彩色图像特征检测算法 -学术论文 - 图像图形网-机器视觉,数字水印,遥感,指纹,人脸识别,生物医学,神经网络,人工智能,GIS,小波变换
a new color image feature detection algorithm-academic-Image Network Graphics-machine vision, digital watermark, remote sensing, fingerprint, face recognition, biomedical, neural networks, artificial intelligence, GIS, wavelet transform (2007-02-24, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载227次)


[GIS/地图编程] GIS

这就是陈建春的《用Visual C++开发GIS系统》的配套代码。 用来给初学者熟悉VC++图形编程很不错,我当初学MFC的时候就是照着这本书上手的。但作为一个GIS系统来说缺少一些必要的 要素,比如大数据量的管理、空间索引、符号化、投影等等等等等。以现在的眼光看来整个系统的架构设计也不是太好。 这本书再版后改名为《矢量图形系统开发与编程》,内容变化不大
"using Visual C development of GIS systems" supporting code. For beginners to the VC familiar with graphical programming quite well, and I had the time to learn MFC is shining on this book in the business. But as a GIS systems lack the necessary elements, such as the large amount of data management, spatial indexing, symbols, such as projectors, etc.. Now the point of view of the entire system architecture design is not too good. This book reprinted later renamed as "vector graphics systems development and programming", little change (2006-03-07, Visual C++, 143KB, 下载1002次)


[GIS/地图编程] (鹰眼查询)

(Hawkeye inquiries) VC Connection is a GIS procedures, it is convenient in achieving win GIS eyes inquiries. (2005-06-04, Visual C++, 204KB, 下载332次)
