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[其他游戏] 学OpenGL编3D游戏随书源码_爱给网_aigei_com

Is learning opengl to compile 3D games with the book CD source code, reference value is very large. (2020-08-17, C/C++, 6425KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] mahjong

麻将通用版JAVA版。这是一款不错的单机版麻将游戏,操作顺手,难度不是很大,而且速度超快,正适合休闲娱乐。 基本规则:本麻将以广东鸡平胡为游戏规则,特色在于爆胡3番的设定,即除了特殊牌型按约定的番数计算,普通牌型和附加番数的叠加以3番封顶,不能超出
Mahjong generic version of JAVA version. This is a good stand-alone version of mahjong games, operating smoothly, the difficulty is not great, but the speed is super fast, is suitable for leisure and entertainment. Basic Rule: The chickens in Guangdong mahjong game rules Hu Ping, HU 3 Fan feature is the burst setting, that except for special fan card type according to the agreed number of ordinary card type and number of additional superimposed Fan with 3 Fan cap, not exceed (2013-09-15, Java, 55KB, 下载28次)


[其他游戏] stopgames

Parking game source code C#, imitation QQ network Flash parking games, of course, there are many features need to improve, it only provides a programming ideas. I hope to help beginners. (2013-07-07, C#, 39KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] AppBox

Internet cafe software simulation game directory, you can get the software icon to run the software, support software classifications. (2013-06-09, Visual Basic, 267KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] java21

内容索引:JAVA源码,游戏娱乐,21点游戏,Java游戏   用JAVA开发的21点游戏,实现网络对战。分为客户端和网络端,分别有不同的源代码,欢迎下载研究。
Content Indexing: JAVA source code, games and entertainment, 21-point games, Java games JAVA development of 21-point games, online play. Divided into client and network side, were different from the source code, welcome to download research. (2012-11-14, Java, 2708KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] LONGQUANGame

产品:龙QUAN手机游戏 用途:娱乐休闲,益智闯关类游戏 开发背景:为积极参加齐鲁软件设计大赛,同时也为相应大学生教育的开拓创新,我们组队开发了此款游戏软件.
Product: Long QUAN mobile game uses: recreation and leisure, educational the checkpoints class game development background: In order to actively participate in the Qilu Software Design Contest, but also for the corresponding undergraduate education innovation team to develop this game software. (2012-06-05, Java, 29038KB, 下载11次)


[其他游戏] Snake-Games

Snake game, individuals to write in C++, feature simple, but expert review and improve the network (2011-09-28, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] Biter

Biter V0.6f for Kaixin001.com (2011-07-07, C#, 207KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] childrenonline

A board of education classes online, for the purpose of learning English. flex environmental development, sql database backend. Background due to the need to build, so the database files are packaged together, please use the database file and restore the configured iis (2011-02-23, Flex, 5555KB, 下载10次)


[其他游戏] GuessWords

There are several groups of words to be selected and to guess one by one.Players be seperate into couples. One see the words and delivers the message to the other with arm language.The other one guess the words. (2011-02-15, Visual C++, 3312KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] wow-313-source

魔兽世界3.13源代码,仅仅客户端的。 客户端版本:3.1.3(10146) 只能校验zhCN登录文件,不可选其它语种 由于战网对reamlist服务程序作了专门改动,所以连不上官网,只能连私服。 服务器ip设置方法1: 下载登录器运行一次。 服务器ip设置方法2: 打开wow根目录\data\zhCN\realmlist.wtf set realmlist xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(或域名):端口号 (如果没端口号则默认3724) 或者打开:wow根目录\realmlist.wtf修改 (优先级高于前者) 由于代码不完整, 有很多功能看不到, 还有些按键和按钮会触发错误对话框,请注意规避。 exe文件需在wow根目录下运行
World of Warcraft 3.13 source code, only the client. Client Version: 3.1.3 (10146) can only verify zhCN log file, not an optional other languages due to fighting nets reamlist service program made a special change, so Rom' s official website, only with Sifu. Server ip is set Method 1: Download the log runs once. Server ip is set Method 2: Open the wow root directory \ data \ zhCN \ realmlist.wtf set realmlist xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (or domain name): port number (if not the default port number 3724) or open: wow root directory \ realmlist.wtf modified (priority than the former) as the code is not complete, there are many features can not see, and some keys and buttons will trigger an error dialog box, please note that to avoid. exe files need to run under the root directory of wow (2010-03-15, Visual C++, 39506KB, 下载1042次)


[其他游戏] SimpleGame

This is my " network-based game design" course on the use of a simple code for a complete gaming, the game is relatively simple, in addition to not consider synchronization problems, the network basically all other aspects of the game included, suitable for students and beginners to learn (2009-10-16, Visual C++, 285KB, 下载17次)


[其他游戏] zh

Baby keep your account ID and password, to prevent too many forgotten account and password for online games (2009-09-30, Visual Basic, 30KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] sanguo

1.上传所有文件至服务器目录 2.创建数据库 编码选 gb2312_chinese_ci(虚拟空间略过) 3.进入数据库,点右上角的操作 下面的整理选gb2312_chinese_ci 4.点击IMPORT 选择数据库文件夹下sql 文件。导入下面的编码选GB2312 5.导入成功后,即可进入游戏 6.后台地址:xxx.xxxxx.xxx/admin.php 默认管理员账号 admin admin 7.登陆后台 配置好系统配置和游戏配置。 8.到云网支付网站申请网关商户。成功后登陆后台回去支付密匙。 9.登陆游戏后台 再支付网关设置支付网关信息 10.可以正式开放游戏。 别忘记了修改数据库配置文件(请查看"数据库配置参数所在的几个文件.gif"),不然网站进不去哦!
1.上传所有文件至服务器目录 2.创建数据库 编码选 gb2312_chinese_ci(虚拟空间略过) 3.进入数据库,点右上角的操作 下面的整理选gb2312_chinese_ci 4.点击IMPORT 选择数据库文件夹下sql 文件。导入下面的编码选GB2312 5.导入成功后,即可进入游戏 6.后台地址:xxx.xxxxx.xxx/admin.php 默认管理员账号 admin admin 7.登陆后台 配置好系统配置和游戏配置。 8.到云网支付网站申请网关商户。成功后登陆后台回去支付密匙。 9.登陆游戏后台 再支付网关设置支付网关信息 10.可以正式开放游戏。 别忘记了修改数据库配置文件(请查看"数据库配置参数所在的几个文件.gif"),不然网站进不去哦! (2009-03-08, PHP, 14626KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] glod

网游金币交易系统(收购 销售)?谓鸨医灰紫低?收购 销售)
Game Gold Trading System (the acquisition of sales)?  that medical Bustard Ash Violet low? Acquisition sales) (2008-04-14, ASP, 7116KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] jisu

I used to write java games to memorize numbers, will be downloaded after the suffix to JAR, it can run the (installation JDK1.5). (2007-06-18, Java, 43KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] NetGame_Dev

network game development guide, A Practical Gallery rapid development of the portal books (2007-04-07, C++ Builder, 403KB, 下载76次)


[其他游戏] tank_yu

经典的坦克大战游戏,单人或双人同机操作,游戏画面精致,并提供地图编辑器,可以自定义地图替换map文件夹中的过关地图,是不可多得的娱乐和学习材料。开发工具:VC++6.0 和 Directx ,地图编辑器是VB6。
classic casual games, single- or two-person operation with the machine, games exquisite picture, and provides a map editor, can customize maps replacement map folder clearance maps, is a rare entertainment and learning materials. Development tools : VC 6.0 and DirectX Map Editor is VB6. (2005-07-18, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载277次)


[其他游戏] 生死时速

本世纪70年代,人们曾疯魔一种被称作“生命游戏”的小游戏,这种游戏相当简单。假设有一个像棋盘一样的方格网,每个方格中放置一个 生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。
the 1970s, it has been a crazy magic known as the "Game of Life" small games, this game is quite simple. Suppose a chessboard like the same square grid, each box had placed a living cell, cell life only two states : "Health" or "die." (2005-05-25, C/C++, 3KB, 下载18次)
