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[物联网] qihangerp-oms

启航电商OMS订单处理系统支持多平台多店铺订单、售后、商品等管理,支持:淘宝、京东、拼多多、抖店,快手、视频号。 主体功能包括:商品管理(ERP关联、库存同步)、订单管理(订单同步)、售后管理(补发、换货、退货处理)、发货管理(发货记录、物流跟踪)等,基本上覆盖了电商网店管理日常业务,可使用接口对接内部ERP系统。 采用SpringCloudAlibaba微服务架构+Vue2+Element开发。 (2024-04-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] animal-platform

基于SpringBoot和微信小程序的宠物救助领养系统小程序 本系统使用了SpringBoot2.X VUE2.6 ElementUI MyBatisPlus Java1.8等一系列现代化互联网技术技术。 本系统分为两个端,其中后台管理系统是具备了系统管理、权限管理、角色管...
Pet rescue and adoption system applet based on SpringBoot and WeChat applet This system uses a series of modern Internet technology technologies such as SpringBoot2. X VUE2.6 ElementUI MyBatisPlus Java1.8. This system is divided into two ends, of which the background management system is equipped with system management, authority management, role management (2023-12-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Lidar-based-3D-object-detection-in-closed-parks

Topic 1 of the perception competition of the CIAC2023 China Intelligent Connected Vehicle Algorithm Challenge: target recognition in typical scenes of closed parks based on laser radar. The short tail cat team entry code. (2023-11-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] CH9130L

CH9130是一款用于以太网络扩展多外设接口的芯片,内置10 100M以太网介质传输层(MAC)和物理层(PHY),完全兼容 IEEE802.3 10 100M协议,可同时扩展:2路UART、16路GPIO、2路SPI、3路PWM、1...
CH9130 is a chip for Ethernet network expansion of multiple peripheral interfaces, with built-in 10 100M Ethernet media transport layer (MAC) and physical layer (PHY), fully compatible with IEEE802.3 10 100M protocol, and can be expanded at the same time: 2-way UART, 16 way GPIO, 2-way SPI, 3-way PWM, 1 (2017-03-24, C, 2506KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] STM32Internet

本程序基于STM32F407芯片的FreeRTOS操作系统,采用正点原子ESP8266-wifi(ESP-01-S系列)作为传输模块, 采用Mqtt网络传输协议,以阿里云物联网平台为云服务器,由微信小程序 App获取传感器信息并操控相关硬件
This program is based on the FreeRTOS operating system of STM32F407 chip, uses punctual atom ESP8266 wifi (ESP-01-S series) as the transmission module, uses the Mqtt network transmission protocol, uses Alibaba Cloud Internet of Things platform as the cloud server, and uses WeChat applet App to obtain sensor information and control related hardware (2022-04-30, C, 27848KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] shopping-cart---address-card

Vue2.0 adds shopping cart and address selection Demo, which improves the linkage function of the shopping cart radio select all button, the function of shopping cart not allowed to be empty, the function of expanding and shrinking address cards, the function of adding, deleting and editing addresses, and the function of setting the address box as the default back row to the first row and the selected function, based on the course Demo of the teacher of "A Corner by the River" on MOOC (2018-01-31, JavaScript, 2633KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] STM32-BigIOT

Simple Demo of the Internet of Things based on STM32 and ESP8266, using the Shell IOT open platform, supports up to five devices online at the same time, supports APP wireless distribution network, data upload, and voice control through Tmall Genie or small speakers and other devices (2018-12-15, Others, 425KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] checkbox

签到盒子2021 12 28导入 常用网站签到本地 云函数 青龙脚本( 人人视频、刺猬猫小说、Acfun、WPS、 时光相册、书香门第论坛、绅士领域、好游快爆、埋堆堆、多看阅读、一亩三分地、闪艺app、吾爱破解、香网小说、晋江、橙光、...
Check in box 2021 12 28 Import the local cloud function Qinglong script (Renren Video, Hedgehog Cat Novel, Acfun, WPS, Time Album, Scholarly Family Forum, Gentleman Field, Joyou Fast Burst, Bury Piles, Read More, One Mu Three Districts, Flash App, My Love Breaking, Xiangwang Novel, Jinjiang, Orange Light (2022-07-02, JavaScript, 919KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Hybrid-IDS_CICIDS2018

The proposed hybrid IDS is tested on two public network datasets, the CSE-CIC- IDS2018 and the TON IoT datasets, representing internal and external network traffic data. Various measures, such as accuracy, detection rates, false alarm rates, F1 scores, and model execution time, are used to assess the model s feasibility, efficacy, and efficiency.... (2022-05-18, Jupyter Notebook, 25KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] TcpProxy

A tcp proxy tool; With the help of public network server transit, you can map the TCP port of the remote device in the NAT to the localhost, and accessing the localhost mapping port is equivalent to accessing the remote device port. (2023-02-13, C, 24771KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] ZServer4D

ZServer4D 是一套从商业项目剥离而出的云服务器中间件,可以承载百万级的分布式负载服务,并且支持IoT及内网穿透
ZServer4D is a set of ECS middleware separated from commercial projects. It can carry millions of distributed load services and support IoT and intranet penetration (2022-02-15, Pascal, 91655KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IoT-Firstep

An introductory tutorial for the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). It involves the knowledge of SCM, upper computer, mobile application and server background development. And examples of Bluetooth 4.0 and Ethernet modules. (2019-04-20, Java, 63862KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] 2022厦门物通博联MQTT工业网关WG583产品

WG583-MQTT系列产品,是一款三个网口,支持4G/3G/WIFI/PPPOE/ethernet等各种网络接入方式、支持各种工控协议解析,支持MQTT上行协议,支持网关信息采集管理,支持设备和变量的定义和远程部署、支持自定义方式的数据采集和数据控制和支持防火墙等功能为一体的嵌入式工业级智能网关。 (2022-08-31, Others, 1110KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] 工业智能网关WG282产品手册 4G/3G/WIF

WG282系列工业智能网关是物通博联针对工业互联网领域推出的一款工业级的边缘计算及两化融合的高可靠性的智能网关。不仅可以为工业现场提供可靠的联网接入,同时可以为工业应用在边缘节点提供丰富的数据采集、边缘计算和云端适配等功能。 WG282工业智能网关,是一款两个网口,一个串口,支持4G/3G/WIF等多种网络接入方式、支持采集包含PLC、仪器仪表、CNC、机器手臂等各种工业设备的数据、内嵌各种工业协 (2022-08-30, Others, 2708KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] 传感网原理及应用

The system is based on ZigBee network remote temperature and humidity acquisition, coordinator first sends start command, the terminal starts to collect temperature and humidity data after receiving, terminal node periodically (1s) collects temperature and humidity data, it can upload data through ZigBee network, after receiving data, coordinator can transmit data to client PC for display through serial port, (2020-07-08, C/C++, 48724KB, 下载2次)


[物联网] 项目7 (拓展)-(我的电脑版)-成功

Two ZigBee nodes are used to form a network, A is used as coordinator, B is used as terminal node, PC is connected to A through serial port, A coordinator controls B terminal node to write and read NV data through serial port (sending commands). NV data is the flashing time interval of B terminal node indicator. (2019-07-20, IAR, 30081KB, 下载1次)
