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[网络编程] BT-SDK_3.4.2

点量BT的开发目的是让用户无需关心和了解BT的具体实现细节,只需要写几十行甚至几行代码,一天便可以实现一个功能完善而且强大的BT应用软件。目前点量BT已经在多家客户的网吧游戏更新系统 / 教育视频BT下载、点播、直播等系统中应用.
Point of BT' s development objective is to enable BT customers do not care about and understand the specific implementation details, just write several lines or even a few lines of code, one day we can achieve a functional and powerful BT applications. BT has now points more than the amount of customers game update system cafes/educational video BT download, on-demand, broadcast and other system applications. (2010-05-15, Visual C++, 5631KB, 下载25次)


[网络编程] NIDS

基于协议分析的网络入侵检测,在互联网上与人(或网站)通讯的时候,必须使用统一的协议——TCP/IP,基本上Internet的所有服务都是基于TCP/IP的,如HTTP、FTP等。TCP/IP将数据进出计算机的通道定义为“端口”,电脑上的端口号是0~65535(256×256个),不同的网络方式会使用不同的端口,例如:收邮件时是利用的110号端口;而发邮件则是用的25号端口;上网则是通过139端口。当然黑客也是从端口攻入你的系统的。 可以这样认为,任何一次网络连接(方式),都可以使本机与该次连接对应的端口暴露在网络上,成为黑客或木马程序攻击或入侵的大门。要想防止,就得把它关闭或隐藏起来。我们以现在比较流行的天网防火墙为例来具体谈谈。先看看如何关闭(隐藏)TCP端口(TCP端口号为80)。单击程序主界面的[自定义IP规则]按钮,在规则菜单下双击要更改的规则(如TCP数据包监视),或利用不用的规则,或使用空规则。 修改IP规则
Based on protocol analysis of network intrusion detection (2009-05-04, Visual C++, 5133KB, 下载351次)


[网络编程] CSMA

CSMA/CD simulation code, Gigabit Ethernet previous versions used to compete for a unified approach, in order to decide on the right of media access, which relates to the backoff algorithm. OPNET environment can be achieved through the experience card. (2008-07-08, Visual C++, 119KB, 下载242次)


[网络编程] qqvc

I set up software during class VC to do a local area network communications system, and QQ is very similar to, C/S mode, the client login to the server, its user can display a list of other users head, while integrated file transfer and chat records and viewing features, chats with document preservation, did not use a database. (2008-03-18, Visual C++, 355KB, 下载157次)
