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[其他] honeynet_data.tar

Linked below is the data collected and used by the Honeynet Project. This data represent eleven months of data, collected from April, 2000 to February, 2001. (2017-12-29, DOS, 115KB, 下载7次)


[软件设计/软件工程] network-design

According to the actual situation of the Institute of Management, the construction of the network in the core room using the core switch, the server area switches each one each department (such as dormitories, laboratories, offices, etc.) to deploy a switch, the main building node The switch is connected with the core switch of the network center using the optical fiber, which constitutes the backbone network of the campus Gigabit Ethernet. The access switch connects the dual five types of unshielded twisted pair to the internal wiring points of each room. The business servers, including DHCP, WWW, mail servers are deployed in the core of the server room area. (2017-04-21, DOS, 1455KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] phpcjwzyw_v2016

PHP acquisition network- English is a forum with php website development automatic acquisition source, the website only appropriate php environment without the need MySQL can be run (2016-03-08, DOS, 2695KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] aspxp

Integrated asp probe, online application online editing, uploading Transformation, czy non fso program and see online are widespread cmd.asp, rewrite all the functions in a web program (2016-03-06, DOS, 9KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] intelligent-house100

程序包含数据采集与数据分析部分、电话交换网程控交换信令识别与分析部分、GSM模块TC35 modem接口程序部分、分析控制部分。
Program includes data acquisition and data analysis part of the program-controlled telephone switching network identification and the analysis of signaling exchange, GSM module TC35 modem interface program section of control section. (2016-02-07, DOS, 4KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] thyikjd

Product distribution process undertaken by ticketing China, and Network Alliance website updates, etc., in case of special reasons, such as: customer submits an order but the required stamps for special reasons such as (2015-05-13, DOS, 7885KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] intelligent-house100

程序包含数据采集与数据分析部分、电话交换网程控交换信令识别与分析部分、GSM模块TC35 modem接口程序部分、分析控制部分。
Program includes data acquisition and data analysis part of the program-controlled telephone switching network identification and the analysis of signaling exchange, GSM module TC35 modem interface program section of control section. (2014-09-22, DOS, 4KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] STM32-GPIO_uart

利用GPIO、EXTI外部中断、TIM定时器实现URAT串口,该例子来自21IC网,未做改动,明天自己调试,看看效果 完全是根据UART协议编写
Using GPIO, EXTI external interrupt, TIM timer URAT serial port, the example from 21 IC net, do not make changes, their debugging tomorrow, see the effect Writing is entirely based on UART protocol (2013-12-23, DOS, 775KB, 下载58次)


[控制台编程] WLAN

wireless network to share under windows dos command, after the establishment of the need to set the network share, and then open the can. useful unable to search the win7 hotspot only supports wlan devices (2013-01-29, DOS, 4KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] computer-network-and-the-Internet

This book is a comprehensive introduction of the computer network and the Internet the development and structure of the computer system. Innovative illustrations. (2012-09-14, DOS, 10044KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Static-Routing

Set static routes BAT file, the user can directly click use, without any operation, simple and convenient and easy. Running environment for the WINDOS system, and is typically used outside the network through the LAN connection, in slow download internal resources of the occasion. (2012-09-10, DOS, 1KB, 下载6次)


[系统设计方案] a-design-of-auto-adaptive-switch

硕士论文 介绍了一种带隔离功能的 8 端口 10M/100M 自适应以太网交换机的设计。采用芯片:H1164:RTL8208:RTL8308:3807:24LC02
8-port 10M/100M adaptive Ethernet switch design a kind of isolation. Using chip: H1164: RTL8208: RTL8308: 3807:24 LC02 (2012-03-30, DOS, 2315KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] arp-attack-solution

arp attacks from affecting network connectivity solutions to smooth the way of view, ARP spoofing is divided into two kinds, one is cheating the router ARP table the other is the internal network PC' s gateway to deceive. (2011-11-13, DOS, 133KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] Computernetworkcurriculumdesign

The network is an intranet for the realization of internal communications between various departments and all internal computers only allow the exchange of information in the LAN, in addition to other computers outside the administrator does not allow access to external networks. (2010-05-20, DOS, 41KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] Zyp31

五、软件的使用 1、软件使用前要先修改zyzfk.dbf 中的结算价格: 省内网地市价格=到郑州的固定车辆成本(折成每公斤价格,一般在0.1元左右)+ 集配中心费用(0.05)+下行到地市的费用+投递费 2、省内网的省费栏是不投递的价格,市费、县费栏是投递价格。 3、省际网价格分为省级、市级、县级 4、使用前应先将发货量大的客户用客户增加功能录入,客户代码是指客户姓名的拼音第一个字母。
5, the software' s use of a software first before using the settlement price changes zyzfk.dbf: province network = to the cities of Zhengzhou, the fixed price of vehicle costs (converted into the price per kilogram, generally at 0.1 yuan)+ set of distribution centers costs (0.05)+ the cost and cities down to the delivery fee+ 2, in the province of the province of net charge column is the price of non-delivery, city fees, county fees column is delivered price. 3, inter-provincial net price is divided into provincial, municipal, county-level 4, use should be preceded to ship large quantities of customers increased functionality with the client input, client code refers to the customer name, a phonetic alphabet. (2010-03-09, DOS, 1KB, 下载26次)


[matlab编程] ZYP11

四、软件的功能 1、核算结算成本 2、稽核县局收入 3、统计六网的收入和成本 4、核算利润率 5、统计客户经理业绩
4, the software features a, accounting settlement cost of the two, the auditing county bureau of income 3, Statistics 6 net revenue and cost four, accounting profit margin of 5, statistical account manager performance (2010-03-09, DOS, 1KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] pubwin2007

pubwin2007此工具是必须结合文章 Pubwin2007破解全攻略(http://www.netbarghost.com/wpaper/03/01.html) 使用 网吧幽灵(http://www.netbarghost.com)
This tool is pubwin2007 article must be read in conjunction Pubwin2007 Raiders wide crack (http://www.netbarghost.com/wpaper/03/01.html) the specter of the use of Internet cafes (http://www.netbarghost.com) (2008-12-18, DOS, 4366KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] CP2200

a very handy Ethernet control chip, the company has just introduced by sillabs. with 8 and 16 microprocessors in industrial control, building and office automation to widespread use. This document is a simple controller introduced. (2006-10-13, DOS, 53KB, 下载87次)


[PropertySheet] TSipPrto11

IP2022内含全双工串化器/ 解串器(SER/DES),能直接与各种常用网络接口连接,可实现片内10BaseT以太网(MAC 和PHY)、USB以及其他各种快速串行协议。
IP2022 Series of full-duplex intron/deserializer (SER/DES). all can be used directly with the network interface connector, can be realized on-chip 10BaseT Ethernet (MAC and PHY), USB and various other fast serial agreement. (2006-05-19, DOS, 28KB, 下载44次)


[其他] 网络管理课件

This is a more practical network management courseware, rich in content, including router configuration of static and dynamic configuration, VLAN Implementation, switches, the basic operation. (2005-12-01, DOS, 5256KB, 下载95次)
