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按分类查找All Web服务器(186) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(186) 

[Web服务器] discord

Developed a web application that clones the popular communication platform Discord. It allows users to create or join servers, communicate through text channels, and send direct messages. The application replicates core Discord features like user authentication, file sharing, and real-time messaging. (2024-04-30, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] todos-server

his repository contains an Express server with TypeScript and MongoDB, implementing a simple task management system (todo list). It includes CORS support, error handling, and is configured to use environment variables with dotenv. Ideal as a starting point for web projects with Node.js. (2024-04-16, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] rbook

Not built on jupyter notebooks, but conceptually similar, an rbook is a web server for R sessions. rbook creates a lab book like archival record of the session. An rbook shows code and output plots interspersed. Enhances emacs ess with R. (2024-03-31, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Cinema_WebApi_Angular

客户端使用Angular构建,而服务器端使用ASP。具有C#的NET Web API。在该网站上,用户可以浏览目前在电影院放映的所有电影,查看其详细信息,并搜索特定的电影。在管理部分,管理员可以添加、删除和编辑电影。
The client side is built using Angular, while the server side utilizes ASP.NET Web API with C#. On the website, users can browse all movies currently showing in cinemas, view their details, and search for specific movies. In the admin section, administrators can add, remove, and edit movies. (2024-03-01, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Lucy-Frontend

使用React库用Javascript编写的NLP Powered Chatbot(第三年项目)的前端代码。您可以使用此web界面访问聊天机器人。注意:首先,您必须确保Lucy后端服务器在您的机器中启动并运行。
Front-end code for a NLP Powered Chatbot (3rd year project) written in Javascript using React library. You can access the chatbot using this web interface. Note: Firstly, you have to ensure that Lucy backend server is up and running in your machine. (2024-01-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] nextjs-music-app

NextJS Music App 是一个音乐Web App,提供在线音乐体验。使用React框架和Next.js服务器端渲染|NextJS Music App is a music Web App that provides an online music experien...,
NextJS Music App is a music web app that provides online music experience. Use React framework and Next.js server side rendering | NextJS Music App is a music Web App that provides an online music experience, (2023-10-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
