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[地理学] CloudWeatherStation

该存储库托管为ARDUINO CONTEST开发的基于云的气象站网络的代码库。该项目利用ESP32板作为传感节点,配备各种传感器,用于监测温度、压力、光强、海拔和位置。来自这些节点的数据通过MQTT传输到基于云的平台。
This repository hosts the codebase for a cloud-based weather station network developed for the ARDUINO CONTEST. The project utilizes ESP32 boards as sensing nodes equipped with various sensors for monitoring temperature, pressure, light intensity, altitude, and position. The data from these nodes is transmitted over MQTT to a cloud-based platform. (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] Farm-PC-Client-Design----Weahther-Station-Monitor

结合Python、QT,设计了一个简易的 气 象 站监控程序,用于接收指定MQTT服务器地址的消息,并接收 气 象 数据进行实时显示。主要功能有:1.数据实时显示,2.折线图绘制,3.MQTT消息展示,4.数据库查询功能。,
Combined with Python and QT, a simple weather station monitoring program is designed to receive messages specifying MQTT server address and receive meteorological data for real-time display. The main functions are: 1. real-time data display, 2. line drawing, 3. MQTT message display, 4. database query function., (2022-06-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
