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[云数据库/云存储] voyagio

Do you love travelling Do you hate planning your trips Look no further, plan your trip to anywhere within seconds, using our highly configureable, AI powered travel itinerary planner. (2024-04-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] car_showcase

Car Showcase: Retrieves cars from an API, implementing pagination for limited car displays. Provides detailed car information and offers filtering options by manufacturer name, fuel type, and year of manufacture for an enhanced user experience. (2024-01-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] task-board

O Task Boardéum sistema de Gerenciato de tarefas baseado em um Kanban,projetado para ajudar装备了一个控制器suas atividades em...
O Task Board é um sistema de gerenciamento de tarefas baseado em um Kanban, projetado para ajudar equipes a controlar suas atividades em progresso de maneira eficiente. Este projeto foi desenvolvido utilizando as tecnologias Next.js e Node.js. (2023-11-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] thesis-money-mapper

一个广泛记录的Next.js 13全栈财务跟踪器,用于组织个人财务。包括收入、税收、资产、债务和...,
An extensively documentated Next.js 13 fullstack finance tracker for organizing personal finances. Covers income, taxes, assets, debt, and net worth management. Utilizes next-auth for user authentication and stores user data in a MongoDB database with prisma ORM. (2023-09-24, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] next-kickstart

功能打包的Next.js 13.4(应用程序路由器)样板-开箱即用。使用ESLint、Prettier、Tailwind CSS、shadcn ui、Drizzle、,
Feature packed Next.js 13.4 (app router) boilerplate — runs on edge out of the box. With ESLint, Prettier, Tailwind CSS, shadcn ui, Drizzle, (2023-08-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] money-mapper

Next.js 13全栈财务跟踪器,用于组织个人财务。涵盖收入、税收、资产、债务和净值管理。Ut...,
A Next.js 13 fullstack finance tracker for organizing personal finances. Covers income, taxes, assets, debt, and net worth management. Utilizes next-auth for user authentication and stores user data in a MongoDB database with prisma ORM. (2023-08-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] grpc-node-prisma

在本指南中,您将学习如何在Node.js en中使用TypeScript构建完整的CRUD gRPC API服务器和客户端...
In this guide, you will learn how to build a complete CRUD gRPC API server and client with TypeScript in a Node.js environment that runs on an Expressjs framework and uses a Prisma database ORM. We ll create five RPC services on the gRPC server that are going to be evoked by the gRPC client to perform the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and (2022-10-02, TypeScript, 70KB, 下载0次)
