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[虚拟化] Jenkins-Authentication-Authorization

此存储库包含有关以下内容的详细信息:;设置Ubuntu Jammy虚拟机,使用k3s部署单服务器Kubernetes集群,将Longhorn实现为分布式块存储系统,通过Helm部署Jenkins,并使用SAML和OpenID Connect协议将Keycoard与Jenkins。
This repository contains detailed information about; Setting up an Ubuntu Jammy virtual machine, deploying a Single-server Kubernetes cluster using k3s, implementing Longhorn as the Distributed block storage system, deploying Jenkins through Helm, and integrating Keycloak with Jenkins using SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. (2024-04-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] esx_idenity

Modern Design: A contemporary look and feel that enhances aesthetics and usability. Customizable Options: We provide customization options to tailor the script to the specific requirements of your server. (2024-04-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Calculadora-Svelte

Este repositório contém uma aplica o de calculadora desenvolvida em Svelte,理想的para Explorer是一个创造性的交互式框架。该存储库托管了一个基于Svelte的计算器应用程序,非常适合于探索框架的 React性和交互性。
Este repositório contém uma aplica o de calculadora desenvolvida em Svelte, ideal para explorar a reatividade e interatividade do framework. The repository hosts a Svelte-based calculator application, perfect for exploring the reactivity and interactivity of the framework. (2024-04-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] MemoryManagementSimulator

该程序模拟使用请求分页将虚拟地址转换为物理地址的虚拟内存管理器。它包括TLB(Translation Lookaside Buffer)和页面替换算法的实现。
This program simulates a virtual memory manager that translates virtual addresses into physical addresses using demand paging. It includes implementations of a TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) and page replacement algorithm. (2024-04-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Water-Level-Controller-in-Wokwi

A water level controller created in Wokwi is an electronic simulation project that allows you to monitor and control the water level in a tank or container. The Wokwi simulation platform is used to create a virtual circuit that emulates the behavior of a real water level control system. (2024-03-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] webpageAutomationTesting

该存储库托管网页自动化测试框架的源代码,该框架旨在简化和自动化web应用程序的测试。我们的框架利用[Tool Technology Name,例如,Selenium、Puppeter、Cypress]为自动化基于浏览器的测试提供强大的解决方案。该项目旨在减少手动测试。
This repository hosts the source code for a webpage automation testing framework designed to streamline and automate the testing of web applications. Our framework leverages [Tool Technology Name, e.g., Selenium, Puppeteer, Cypress] to provide a robust solution for automating browser-based tests. This project aims to reduce manual testing. (2024-02-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] -AWS-3-Tier-Web-App-Architecture

在这个3层web应用程序体系结构中,面向公共的应用程序负载平衡器将客户端流量转发到我们的web层EC2实例。web层正在运行Nginx web服务器,这些服务器配置为服务于React.js网站,并将我们的API调用重定向到应用层的内部面向负载平衡器。
In this 3 tier web app architecture, a public-facing Application Load Balancer forwards client traffic to our web tier EC2 instances. The web tier is running Nginx webservers that are configured to serve a React.js website and redirects our API calls to the application tier’s internal facing load balancer. (2024-02-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Memory-Encrypted-Virtual-Machine

Normal virtual machines are vulnerable to a "Cold boot attack", where by an adversary posing as a UniCoin miner can attack their customers, stealing secret keys! To get around this: We use a ChromeOS inspired bootloader, encrypt all the memory used by the VM, and clear all the keys from the CPU registers upon any reboot powerstate change (2023-12-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] leo-drugsell-ESX-

In this script, players can interact with NPCs in town, supplying goods with caution—other dealers might attack if selling in their territory. Download and try it on your FiveM server for free. Share your experience! (2023-12-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Caf-Online-Ordering-System---AWS-Lab

Create a secure VPC for café admins, using a bastion host in a public subnet for remote server management. Include a NAT gateway for internet access to an EC2 instance in a private subnet, ensuring a robust and protected network for the café s web application server. (2023-12-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] ESX

Ves vengo是BX Base的演示者,是Base Legacy aunque editada和preaparada para tu服务器de RolePlay en espa ol。Trae más cosas que la...
Ves vengo a presentar BX-Base, es la base Legacy aunque editada y preaparada para tu server de RolePlay en espa?ol. Trae más cosas que las que hay en la versión original aunque iremos actualizándolo para que siempre tengais la ultima version de esx-core y de los scripts. (2023-11-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Active-Directory-Home-Lab-VirtualBox

Created a simple home lab with a domain controller and a client. Established a private and internal network. Set up DHCP and powershell script to create 1K users. (2023-11-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] New_Template_ESX_OX

Je vais vous proposer une模板pour vous aider a commencer un服务器pour FiveM avec du[ESX]...,
Je vais vous proposer une Template pour vous aider a commencer un server pour FiveM avec du [ESX] https://github.com/esx-framework/esx_core - et aussi du [OX] (2023-10-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] DIY_Home_Server

使用任何PC(英特尔Nuc)创建通用家庭服务器。使用Debian Linux和VPN虚拟化、托管网站和保护数据。|克雷兹...,
Create a versatile server using any PC. | Créez un serveur polyvalent en utilisant n importe quel PC. (2023-09-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] ting-Prometheus-and-Grafana-Deployment-on-AWS-EC2

“通过我们关于在AWS EC2上部署Prometheus和Grafana的指南,探索高效的多服务器监控。学习设置这些工具...,
"Explore efficient multi-server monitoring through our guide on deploying Prometheus and Grafana on AWS EC2. Learn to set up these tools using automation scripts for seamless monitoring. Our step-by-step instructions empower you to establish a powerful monitoring stack without complex setups." (2023-08-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Hotel-Reservation-System

How To Run The Project? To run this project, you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC (for Windows). This Hotel Management System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps. 1st Step: Extract file 2nd Step: Copy the main (2023-01-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Ubuntu-Virtualization-KVM

安装KVM。使用VMM(虚拟机管理器)创建VM,即使用GUI。使用“virt install”cli创建基于kvm的VM。正在制作...,
Installing KVM. Creating a VM using VMM (virtual machine manager) i.e using GUI. Creating a kvm based VM using “virt-install” cli. Making a shared folder between host os and guest os using cli. If any changes happen in Guest-OS then the same change should be reflected in the Host-OS. (2022-10-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] warewulf-on-kvm

Rocky Linux 8上使用Vagrant的KVM虚拟机管理程序上的Warewulf v4开发环境。Vagrantfile包括Warewulf服务器和PXE引导c...,
Warewulf v4 Development Environment on KVM hypervisor on Rocky Linux 8 using Vagrant. Vagrantfile includes Warewulf server and PXE boot clients. (2023-06-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Hyper-V-Management-Pack-Extensions-2012-2012-R2

用于监视Hyper-V 2012和2012 R2服务器和群集的性能的管理包。需要SCOM 2012 RTM或更高版本。SCOM...,
Management Pack to monitor the performance of your Hyper-V 2012 and 2012 R2 Servers and Clusters. Requires SCOM 2012 RTM or higher. SCOM 2012 SP1 recommended. (2018-01-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
