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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(246) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(246) 

[金融证券系统] budget-tracker

Discover a sleek budget tracker app, leveraging Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, and PostgreSQL for seamless financial management. Effortlessly track income, expenses, and savings with responsive design and robust data storage. Take control of your finances with ease and precision, ensuring a brighter financial future. (2024-05-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Trading-View

浏览器的Trading View Premium插件。
Trading-View Premium Plugin for Browser. (2024-04-02, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载1次)


[金融证券系统] Projeto1

O appéum aplicativo para ajudar amigos,colegas de quarto e pessoas em geral a controlar a divis O de gastos de forma simples e organiz.O app eum aplicativo para ajudar amigos、colegas d quarto e pessoas em geral.控制器形式...
O Rateio é um aplicativo para ajudar amigos, colegas de quarto e pessoas em geral a controlar a divis?o de gastos de forma simples e organizada. Com o Rateio, você pode criar grupos, adicionar despesas compartilhadas e acompanhar quem deve o quê de maneira eficiente. (2023-12-02, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] epoca-compose

Epoca Compose是一个CLI,旨在执行敏感操作,可以在没有活动Internet连接的情况下运行,通过使用Docker Compose来管理项目的容器,并通过SSH直接与服务器交互。
Epoca Compose is a CLI designed to perform sensitive operations and can run without an active Internet connection, takes care of managing the project s containers by making use of Docker Compose and interacts directly with the server through SSH. (2023-10-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] realtime-stock-next

There are many ways to achieve real-time content updates on the web. For one of them, the browser’s event source API is used to open a channel of communication between the client and the server for updates to flow from the server to the client.This demonstration is to leverage the browser EventSource API to build a real-time React application. (2023-02-12, TypeScript, 77KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] basicStocktakingManager

Basic stocktaking manager made using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript using Angular. The user will be able to use a table that stores his information and will have a form to put data into the table. The user will have the option to remove or edit each row of the table. (2022-05-21, TypeScript, 218KB, 下载0次)
