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[编辑器/阅读器] FantasticEditorWeb

妙笔智编前端平台,一个结合大小AI模型技术,通过百度飞桨AI Studio和文心ERNIE SDK开发的在线文档编辑器,旨在提高用户处理多模态信息的效率,实现智能润色、多媒体信息提取和智能格式排版等功能,以优化学习和工作体验。, stars:1, update:2024-05-21 12:04:37 (2024-05-25, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] editor

Umo Editor 是一个基于 Vue3 适合于国人使用的本土化开源文档编辑器。Umo Editor 提供完善的文档编辑能力,支持 Markdown 语法,支持基础的富文本编辑功能,支持多种插入多种格式的节点类型、提供了多种类型的实用工具,并支持设置页面的样式,支持导出多种类型的格式。 (2024-05-10, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] vue-tiptap-appmsg-editor

基于 tiptap 搭建的微信公众号编辑器vue示例,支持排版后复制到微信公众平台,支持开发者自己开发样式库、模板库作为内容插入;如 135Editor、壹伴等
The example of WeChat public account editor vue based on tiptap supports copying to WeChat public platform after typesetting, and supports developers to develop their own style library and template library as content insertion; For example, 135Editor, One Partner, etc (2024-04-20, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] Vue-CK-Editor

An easy-to-use but yet powerful and customizable rich text editor powered by Quill.js and Vue.js (2023-12-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] NewsManagementSystem

使用vue2 全家桶 echarts axiso elementUI开发的新闻管理系统,包含了富文本编辑器,有对文章基本的增删改查,以及登录注册,数据可视化展示等功能,
The news management system developed with vue2 ECharts axiso elementUI includes a rich text editor, which can add, delete, modify and check articles, log in and register, and display data visually, (2023-06-30, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] mdEditor

The markdown editor based on vue electron realizes the storage of Qiniu Cloud files. Drag and drop files to upload and generate attachments, and use the codemirror to implement functions such as the shortcut key for sublime (2022-06-06, Vue, 293KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] chiko_pet

基于Vue2的一个练手项目,技术栈vue2、vuex、vue-router、axios、element- ui、quill富文本编辑器等等。自学前端的练手项目,全部由当时粗浅的理解实现,代码并不规范,仅作为初学Vue的过程记录。
A training project based on Vue2, including technology stack vue2, vuex, vue router, axios, element - ui, quill rich text editor, etc. The hands-on projects in the front end of self-study were all implemented with a superficial understanding at that time. The code was not standardized and was only used as a record of the process of learning Vue for beginners. (2022-03-23, Vue, 8754KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] pet-dock

Favorite Dock is a personal completed work, which is implemented based on VUE, and mainly includes functions such as user registration, login, publishing articles, posts, problems, topics, etc. The map bed uses seven cow clouds. The article uses a rich text editor. (2021-05-20, Vue, 5695KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] vue-quill-editor

vue, quilljs, vue-quill-editor, 定制版vue quill,目前支持自定义文字大小,文字颜色,emoji,自定义插入拓展文本,超链接,自定义插入图片,拖入图片,粘贴图片,插入视频,插入附件,拖拽改变编辑器大...
Vue, quilljs, vue quill editor, customized version of vue quill, currently supports customized text size, text color, emoji, customized insertion of extended text, hyperlink, customized insertion of pictures, dragging in pictures, pasting pictures, inserting videos, inserting attachments, dragging to change the editor size (2020-12-21, Vue, 90KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] v-charteditor

v-charteditor是一款基于Vue.js 2.0和echarts的统计图表编辑器,支持上传excel数据,用来在线制作如柱状图、折线图、饼状图等统计图表
V-chartertor is a statistical chart editor based on Vue.js 2.0 and echarts. It supports uploading excel data and is used to create online statistical charts such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, etc (2022-03-16, Vue, 455KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] bf-editor

基于vue vue-router vuex element-ui 的markdown编辑器。支持文件与文件夹操作,支持保存与分享。一键发布、修改文章到第三方平台。
Markdown editor based on vue vue router vuex element ui. Support file and folder operations, save and share. One click publishing and modifying articles to third-party platforms. (2017-05-01, Vue, 133KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] vue-elementUI

Demo display of a background relationship system built with the help of vue and elementUI. In this resource, you can see the implementation of charts, image upload, drag and drop, rich text editor and other applications. Well, take your time to experience (2018-02-01, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] code-editor

一个默认支持美化、高亮、报错、格式化、注释、补全、缩放的代码编辑器(sql为默认语言),主体基于Vue和[CodeMirror]([https: github.com codemirror CodeMirror)等。](https: github.com codemirror CodeMirror\)%E7%AD%89%E3%80%82)
A code editor that supports beautification, highlighting, error reporting, formatting, annotation, completion, and scaling by default (sql is the default language). The main body is based on Vue and [CodeMirror] ([https: github. com codemirror CodeMirror), etc.] (https: github. com codemirror CodeMirror )% E7% AD% 89% E3% 80% 82) (2020-10-12, Vue, 865KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] smart-block-editor

Smart build open source low code editor, build a base based on Vue3 mobile terminal page, and use it out of the box. Developers only need to develop components according to their own enterprise needs! (2022-03-09, Vue, 82KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] wechat-editor-project

The rich text editor component of WeChat applet has been developed according to Tencent s document applet, which has been sorted out in recent days. If you have this requirement, you can go to Tencent s document applet to see the actual effect. After all, it is an official small program, which cannot achieve 100% effect. It can only be implemented as far as possible according to the existing open api. (2021-10-26, Vue, 29KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] vue-elementUI

Demo display of a background relationship system built with the help of vue and elementUI. In this resource, you can see the implementation of charts, image upload, drag and drop, rich text editor and other applications. Well, take your time to experience (2018-07-03, Vue, 122KB, 下载0次)
