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[Email服务器] ServerMonitor

代码脚本,用于跟踪基于linux的服务器的RAM、CPU和磁盘使用情况,并发送通知电子邮件。这是为AWS EC2实例开发的,因为AWS在cloudwatch中不提供磁盘使用度量。
Code Script to track RAM, CPU and Disk usage of a linux based server and send notification email . Developed this for AWS EC2 instance as AWS does not provide disk usage metric in cloudwatch. (2024-05-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email服务器] Flipkart_PriceTracker

使用Scheduler、Beautiful Soup和SMTPlib的简单flipkart产品价格跟踪器我们可以设置产品URL和阈值。我们的python代码每半小时检查一次产品的价格,并将内容输入到csv文件中。如果当前价格小于阈值价格,它将向用户发送通知电子邮件
A simple flipkart price tracker of products using Scheduler, Beautiful Soup and SMTPlib We can set product URL and threshold. Our python code checks the price of the product every half an hour and enters the content in a csv file If present price is less than threshold price, it sends a notification email to the user (2024-04-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email服务器] imap-smtp-csv-server

Python s imaplib library facilitates IMAP protocol usage, enabling users to connect to IMAP servers, authenticate, and interact with mailboxes programmatically. It empowers fetching emails, searching for specific messages, and performing various mailbox operations. Python s smtplib module handles SMTP protocol functionality, allowing users to send (2024-04-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email服务器] Python-SMTP-Email-Sender-with-Gmail-using-smtplib

Python SMTP Email Sender with Gmail using smtplib”是一个简明实用的脚本,展示了如何通过Gmail的SMTP服务器以编程方式发送电子邮件。该脚本使用smtplib库建立安全连接,确保通信加密。
Python SMTP Email Sender with Gmail using smtplib" is a concise and practical script that showcases how to send emails programmatically via Gmail s SMTP server. The script employs the smtplib library to establish a secure connection, ensuring that the communication is encrypted. (2024-03-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email服务器] My-Projects

This Python program is a simple GUI application for creating user accounts with email verification using OTP (One-Time Password). It utilizes Tkinter for the graphical interface and sends OTP emails through Gmail s SMTP server. Additionally, it stores user details and OTP information in a MongoDB database. (2024-02-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email服务器] PyMail-Automator

Developed a Python script using the smtplib and email libraries to send emails programmatically. The script allows users to specify sender and recipient addresses, subject, and body of the email. Implemented secure authentication with the SMTP server. (2023-12-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
