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[collect] zio-quartz-h2

ZIO2本机、基于异步Java NIO的http 2数据包流服务器实现,TLS加密实现为scala ZIO2 e...,
ZIO2 native, asynchronous Java NIO based implementation of http/2 packet streaming server with TLS encryption implemented as scala ZIO2 effect. Direct native translation of ZIO ZStream chunks into http2 packets (inbound and outbound). (2023-05-10, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] grabby-hands

聚合来自多个服务器的队列的JVM Kestrel客户端。在Scala中使用Java绑定实现。在Twitter上用于所有JVM...,
A JVM Kestrel client that aggregates queues from multiple servers. Implemented in Scala with Java bindings. In use at Twitter for all JVM Search and Streaming Kestrel interactions. (2017-03-16, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] SoundProcesses

用Scala编程语言描述、创建和管理声音过程的计算机音乐框架。问题跟踪器:[https:codeb…](https:codeberg.org sciss-SoundProcesses问题),
A computer music framework to describe, create and manage sound processes in the Scala programming language. Issue tracker: [https: codeb…](https: codeberg.org sciss SoundProcesses issues), (2023-07-20, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] shapesafe

SHAPE S F:Scala中N-D数组编程的静态证明文件类型检查器,直觉主义类型理论的一个用例
SHAPE S F : static prover type-checker for N-D array programming in Scala, a use case of intuitionistic type theory (2023-06-27, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] o2-test-sharing-resources-testcontainers-workshop

Introduction to sbt basics (multimodule setup, plugins, compiler plugins), testcontainers and shared resources in tests., (2023-02-26, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] scala-xgettext

Scala编译器插件,类似于GNU xgettext命令,用于将Scala源代码文件中的i18n字符串提取到Gettext.po文件中,
Scala compiler plugin that acts like GNU xgettext command to extract i18n strings in Scala source code files to Gettext .po file, (2021-01-17, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] zio-inspirational-quote

基于ZIO的HTTP web应用程序。使用ZIO-Http、ZIO-Streams、Cats for Redis客户端和Doobie。它还具有JWT身份验证和Java邮件服务器。,
ZIO based HTTP web application. Using ZIO -Http, ZIO -Streams, Cats for Redis client and Doobie. It also has JWT auth and Java mail server., (2023-06-27, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)
