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[构建工具] React_Server_Side_Rendering_Demos

This is a demo project that showcases different ways you can achieve server-side rendering without the reliance on frameworks like Next.js. (2024-02-24, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] contentstack-stencil-starter-app

Stencil是一个令人惊叹的工具,有助于构建可重用和可扩展的设计系统。它允许开发人员生成快速的web组件,并在每个浏览器上运行。本指南将帮助您以最少的步骤创建在Stencil之上构建的入门网站。它使用Contentstack的Node.js SDK来存储和交付Contentstack中的网站内容。我们创建了一个深入的教程,介绍如何使用Contentstack的Node.js SDK及其fetch con创建Stencil.js入门网站
Stencil is an amazing tool that helps to build a reusable and scalable design system. It allows developers to generate web components that are fast and run on every browser. This guide will help you create a starter website built on top of Stencil with minimal steps. It uses Contentstack s Node.js SDK to store and deliver the website content from Contentstack.We have created an in-depth tutorial on how you can create a Stencil.js starter website using Contentstack s Node.js SDK and its fetch con (2024-02-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] madu-framework

This is my own little framework based on webpack including typescript, static components and a compiler which compiles all files into 3. (2024-01-13, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] mcw-calc

MCW Interactive Tools项目使用的Vue应用程序Repo和构建系统(由Webpack提供支持),旨在探索交互式工具和计算器如何有益于读者体验。
Repo for Vue apps and the build system (powered by Webpack) used by the MCW Interactive Tools project, which is aimed to explore how interactive tools and calculators might benefit reader experience. (2023-12-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] backend_reveal

Application server reveal. Reveal is a type of social network where users are anonymous, they can share ideas, secrets and what they are thinking at that very moment. (2022-06-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] electron-express

Sample electron application with an Express server embedded. The idea is to distribute a full web application as one package that can be later be run as a conventional web application with the server in a separate process. (2021-08-10, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] Kurumi

Install npm dependencies that run directly in the browser!Imports source code URLs(it must support UMD)! most of all, It don t affect global variable as same as webpack (2019-03-07, TypeScript, 42KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] ind-angular-starter

[www.independer.nl](http://www.independers.nl)提供的高级Angular 2+启动器设置。具有ASP.NET Core、Angular4、多个Angular-apps、Angu...
Advanced Angular 2+ starter setup by [www.independer.nl](http://www.independer.nl). Features ASP.NET Core, Angular 4, Multiple Angular apps, Angular Universal (server-side rendering), AOT compilation and more. (2018-01-26, TypeScript, 89KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] traverse

Traverse is a GitHub explorer. You can browse repositories trending by language. Traverse is an Electron app built with React, in TypeScript. (2022-02-11, TypeScript, 7206KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] universal-react-redux-typescript-starter-kit

具有React、Redux、服务器端渲染、热重新加载和Webpack 2的最小初学者工具包。100%TypeScript。
A minimal starter kit with React, Redux, server side rendering, hot reloading, and Webpack 2. 100% TypeScript. (2017-05-08, TypeScript, 33KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] ves-admin

Ves节点框架的Egg Vue TypeScript SSR(服务器端渲染)示例
Egg Vue TypeScript SSR (Server Side Render) Example for Ves Node Framework (2020-01-08, TypeScript, 974KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] React-Extension-Boilerplate

This is cross-browser(Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge) extension boilerplate using React, Typescript and Webpack (2023-05-11, TypeScript, 14336KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] universal

Angular Universal应用程序的种子项目,具有服务器端渲染(SSR)、Webpack、CLI脚手架、开发产品模块...
Seed project for Angular Universal apps featuring Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Webpack, CLI scaffolding, dev/prod modes, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer (2023-01-07, TypeScript, 432KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] resource-hint-webpack-plugin

快速配置 Resource Hints 的 Webpack 插件,实现资源预加载,利用空闲时间对可能访问的服务器进行 DNS 解析和提前建立 连接。
Quickly configure the Webpack plug-in of Resource Hints to preload resources, use idle time to perform DNS resolution on servers that may be accessed, and establish connections in advance. (2023-03-12, TypeScript, 84KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] TOMATOX

Online free VIP video parsing player based on Electron and React, full resources of American TV series, Korean TV series and Japanese TV series, and available on all platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS) (2022-12-23, TypeScript, 6227KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] react-ssr-setup

React Starter项目,具有Webpack 4、Babel 7、TypeScript、CSS模块、服务器端渲染、i18n和更多nic...
React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties (2023-02-03, TypeScript, 567KB, 下载0次)
