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按分类查找All GPS编程(266) 
按平台查找All Python(266) 

[GPS编程] esp32-gps-micropython

基于 micropython 与 esp32 的一个 gps 水位监测项目。由于是第一个单片机项目,只是试试水,开源是因为也许可以给小伙伴们带来帮助(bushi)。主要外设 ATK-NEO-6M 以及 水位传感器(ADC) OLED 屏幕。实现了接收电脑端定位点数据与简单的定位导航功能。阿里云 MQTT 数据上云是在电脑端通过串口接收单片机数据实现,开源的部分仅仅是MQTT模块,还需要自行写一个处理串口数据和调用发送的脚本。
A gps water level monitoring project based on micropython and esp32. As it is the first single-chip project, it is just a trial of water. Open source is because it may bring help to the kids (bushi). The main peripherals are ATK-NEO-6M and the water level sensor (ADC) OLED screen. It has realized the functions of receiving the positioning point data at the computer end and simple positioning and navigation. AliCloud s MQTT data cloud is realized by receiving SCM data through a serial port on the computer side. The open source part is only the MQTT module. You also need to write a script for processing serial port data and calling and sending. (2023-06-06, Python, 0KB, 下载6次)


[GPS编程] NMEA-GPS-Emulator

NMEA-GPS模拟器是一个简单的脚本,它模拟GPS接收机(模拟单元的移动)。脚本生成的数据以NMEA 0183格式发送到客户端。
The NMEA-GPS Emulator is a simple script that emulates a GPS receiver (simulates unit s movement). Data generated by the script are sent to clients in NMEA 0183 format. (2022-05-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] hackathon-5

maps these days don t give the detailed information about potholes and speedbreakers on road due to which many accidents take place. our system uses minimum hardware to plot and transmit the information about potholes by using minimum resourse present in smartphones such as accelerometer and gps sensor.the map created using this information can ... (2018-08-28, Python, 1803KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] GPS_Data_Logger

In this project, I developed a real-time GPS data logger. This multi-threaded application allows connecting to a GPSD server, retrieve real-time location data and save it to a local SQLite database. In addition, the stored data can be exported in both Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and GPS Exchange Format (GPX) formats. (2022-11-06, Python, 237KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] gps_tracker

这个gps_tracker项目是一个基于树莓π的gps跟踪器,能够通过wifi 3g和基因记录或流式传输其位置...
This gps_tracker project is a raspberry pi based gps tracker able to log or stream its location over wifi/3g and generate on the client s side visual maps in real time. (2017-03-15, Python, 22KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] fuxi-planner

It is a global computational efficient path planner for UAVs, now it can work perfectly in the Gazebo simulation environment. It can work with the default GPS positioning tools in Gazebo/PX4 and a 2D grid map which can be obtained from some mapping kit like Octomap. (2020-11-10, Python, 267KB, 下载0次)
