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[加密解密] secure-api-spring-boot

一款接口参数和返回值加解密工具,高性能、轻量化,无任何外部依赖;支持param、body参数(暂不支持path参数),springboot场景启动器设计,完全自动化,用户无需关心加密解密和密钥生成过程。配置灵活,配置文件支持yml和bean方式,支持注解、url正则进行接口匹配,支持AES、SM4、RSA、DM等多种加密方式,支持多种前后端密钥协商方式 (2024-06-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] NKrypt

Crypto exchange simulator to test out your investment skills with the real values. It is a school project,it will be finished before 20 5 2024. After that date we might add more complex things. (2024-05-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] PasswordManagerGUI

The program is a simple password manager implemented in Java using Swing for the graphical user interface. It allows users to encrypt and decrypt passwords using a master password. The passwords are encrypted using AES encryption with CBC mode and PKCS5Padding. (2024-02-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] hake-web-starter

基于SpringBoot的JAVA Web应用快速启动器。封装了请求响应常规操作,如参数数据加解密。整合了swagger。基于redis封装了消息队列。
Spring Boot based Java Web application quick launcher. Encapsulates the request response routine operations, such as parameter data encryption and decryption. Swagger is integrated. The message queue is encapsulated based on Redis. (2021-11-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] utils

高复用服务器响应数据封装 DIY工具类 Redis连接池 自定义Cookies ftp文件上传 MD5加密加盐 获取配置文件 处理浮点数据计算 自定义RedisPool工具类
High reuse server response data encapsulation DIY tool class Redis connection pool custom cookies ftp file upload MD5 encryption salt addition obtain configuration file processing floating point data calculation custom RedisPool tool class (2018-05-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Networked-Chat

Chat via local network with RSA encryption consisting of two applications. Server application allows clients to connect and is forwarding messages from one client to the other. Client application allows users to join chat room, see list of connected users and chat with them. (2017-12-08, Java, 197KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] SecureChat

This messenger uses cryptographic protocols using a hand made big number calculator called "BigMath" to generate large primes and perform quick mathematical operations with little computational resources. The messenger uses RSA as a digital signature system, Diffie-Hellman to generate a secret shared key, DES for message encryption and hashes, (2021-06-23, Java, 3277KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] TGDH

Group Chat. 2 Projects: Server + Client which implements Tree-based Group Diffie-Hellman protocol to calculate and distribute group key. The key is used to encrypt and decrypt data using AES cipher. Moreover signalling messages between server and client are also digital signatured using SHA1 with RSA. (2017-03-05, Java, 164KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] spring-cloud-rsa-aes-demo

该spring cloud项目中整合的eureka,feign,web,aspectj 配置了整合网关,异常处理信息,logback日志,过滤器,拦截器,邮件服务 多线程断点续传下载, 多文件压缩下载功能
The integration of eureka, feign, web, and aspectj in this spring cloud project is equipped with integrated gateway, exception handling information, logback logs, filters, interceptors, email services, multithreaded breakpoint continuation download, and multi file compression download functions (2018-06-23, Java, 278KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] JavaChatRoom

[北京大学Java2020课程设计] 基于Java的聊天程序(含服务器),可以进行好友间私密对话,采用RSA-4096加密通信,支持消息漫游,以及美观易用的客户端程序
Java 2020 Course Design for Peking University: A Java based chat program (including a server) that allows for private conversations between friends. It uses RSA-4096 encrypted communication, supports message roaming, and is a beautiful and easy-to-use client program (2020-06-07, Java, 16976KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] homomorphic-encryption-on-cloud

Designed and developed a web application, where files in the local system are encrypted and uploaded to google drive of the user using symmetric encryption. These files can be downloaded by the user from cloud which are later decrypted. The encryption and decryption are performed using AES algorithm. (2016-11-18, Java, 2178KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Information-Security-Demo

A demo to simulate a multi-client server environment with the ability to encrypt messages using a variety of encryption algorithms and simulate a CA server as well to grant SSL certificates. This project was done as a part of the Information Systems Security class at Damascus University. (2017-12-16, Java, 146KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Personal-Health-Record

It is a web developement project, Used for sharing personal Health Records on cloud servers using AES encryption algorithm with Multi Authority Attribute Based Encryption (MA-ABE) algorithm. It is developed using Java EE web technology with JSP, and Servlet. It uses Dropbox api for uploading encrypted PHR files on clouds. (2016-07-16, Java, 34871KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] encrypt-body-spring-boot-starter

SpringBoot控制器统一的响应体编码 加密与请求体解密的注解处理方式,支持MD5 SHA AES DES RSA | SpringBoot controller unified response body encoding e...
The SpringBoot controller has a unified response body encoding encryption and request body decryption annotation processing method, supporting MD5 SHA AES DES RSA | SpringBoot controller unified response body encoding e (2022-12-11, Java, 41KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] freecoin

Free Coin, a centralized cryptographic currency based on BitCoin, where a server controls transactions and creation of coins based on hashing challenges, that change in difficulty based on the time current challenges are solved. It features completely secure communication with Transport Layer Security and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (2018-06-12, Java, 7436KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Open-Diary

Our project focuses on client-side and server-side identification of users for secure online transactions, corporate resource access, and application and facility usage. We have implemented a secure authentication system that utilizes cryptography methods to ensure data confidentiality and integrity in the presence of adversaries. (2022-02-26, Java, 6968KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] dice

A cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator cli tool printing in a wide variety of byte encodings (hex, base64,..) and for many programming languages (c, java, c#, php, etc.) using NIST SP800-90Ar1 HMAC-DRBG. Supports external seeding from various true random services. (2023-04-02, Java, 40714KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] HttpHeaders

Host : 指定所请求资源的主机名及端口。在HTTP/1.1中为必填字段,可以为空置。HTTP/1.0中为可选字段。 Authorization : 认证所需信息。 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.8 Date : 请求发送时的时间。格式由RFC 822定义,如: Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT Content-Length : 请求的内容长度,以字节为单位。 Content-Type : 请求实体的MIME类型。若客户端未指定Content-type, 服务端将按Binary/octet-stream 处理 Content-MD5 : 请求实体的MD5校验值,用来验证数据的完整性。 Expect : 有效值:100-continue 用来确认服务端是否支持特定行为。当Expect的值为100-continue时, 客户端在 发送请求实体前,等待服务器的确认,若服务器拒绝该请求,则请求实体将不会被发送。
HTTP headersHTTP headers HTTP headers HTTP headers (2016-05-06, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[加密解密] Base64

Write your own phone applet: the Base64 character encoding/decoding, enter the number or English characters can be converted into a Base64 encoded characters, but is not supported by the Chinese character encoding/decoding. Containing the software source code. (2013-02-24, Java, 5KB, 下载7次)


[加密解密] DES算法实现代码

using JAVA DES encryption and decryption algorithm code (2004-09-17, Java, 3KB, 下载243次)
