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按分类查找All 汇编语言(318) 
按平台查找All Assembly(318) 

[汇编语言] CORDIC-Optimization-and-Analysis

Optimize CORDIC algorithm based on the functionally-correct C code by applying loop unrolling, register specifier, software pipelining and several other techniques. (2017-04-03, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] cmc-asm

A set of helper scripts and text editor plugins heavily used at the Moscow State University s CS faculty to run the ancient MASM 4.0 on Windows and GNU/Linux. (2016-08-11, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Microprocessor-Cartoon-Shape-in-Assembly-Language

This is a Cartoon Shape developed with assembly language and tested in emu8086 (v4.08) emulator All you need to copy the code from mycode.asm file and run it in emu8086. (2017-06-29, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] three-tac-toe

Project for Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing - Labs. A game of tic-tac-toe where each of the pips can have three different sizes, and pips of a larger size can be placed on top of those that are smaller. (2021-10-23, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Smart-Home-System

this program set and update both room s temperature and its smoke sensor rate. we set a critical limit range for the the temperature system with <15 and >30 we also set critical range for smoke sensor rate which is >=30. the program is according to our flowchart. here are the four members of the group and their respective part of work in the (2021-06-29, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Bubble-Sorting-in-Assembly

An Assembly Language Program to sort a given array present in external memory with a starting address 9000h and size of an array is 10h using bubble sort technique. (2017-01-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] miniftp-keylogger

Proof-of-concept FTP keylogger (updated in 2020) that I wrote during my free time. Written in x86-64 assembly language. Use for educational purposes only, and at your own risk! (2020-06-21, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] sprite-compiler

A 6809 sprite compiler that can be integrated into any video game or application design. It works in any 16-colors graphics mode and treat color #0 as transparency. (2017-05-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Elfos-turbo

Turbo是Elf OS 0.3.1及更高版本的文件系统加速器。它通过替换o_read_and_o_write来工作...
Turbo is a filesystem accelerator for Elf/OS versions 0.3.1 and greater. It works by replacing the o_read and o_write API calls with more efficient versions that process data block-by-block instead of byte-by-byte. (2021-08-12, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] inding-Largest-Element-in-an-Array-using-Assembly

An ALP to find largest elements in a given array present in external memory with a starting address 9000h and size of array is 10. (2017-01-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] xyz

xyz是一个完整的zxspectrum 48k操作系统,包括:x编译器套件、yos和zgui。
xyz is a complete operating system for zx spectrum 48k consisting of: the x compiler suite, the y os _and_ the z gui. (2023-01-06, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] bootstrap-os

A bootable x86 assembler _and_ simple text editor that lets you run the code you type in so you can bootstrap anything (2022-03-24, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] 6502TFTScreen

Guides and example software to allow the use of a TFT screen and Controller with a Ben Eater style 6502 computer with minor modifications. If this is useful to you, please do feel free to buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/martinmienM By Martin Mienczakowski (2022-04-15, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] advent-of-code-2022

AoC 2022第1天到第11天,每个解决方案都用汇编语言编写,用于不同的体系结构,并在物理处理器上运行。
AoC 2022 days 1-11, with each solution written in assembly for a different architecture _and_ run on a physical processor. (2023-01-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] com-cpm

com-cpm:com,一个由Jim Cathey开发的CP M-80模拟器(在便携式C_and_ 68000汇编风格中)
com-cpm: COM, a CP M-80 simulator (in portable C _and_ 68000 assembly flavors) by Jim Cathey (2022-04-12, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] PE_Bootloader_x86

使用x86 Arch为处理器编写引导加载程序的快速课程。在研究金维尔·科尔德林和马特乌斯时写的...
A quick course of writing bootloader for processors with x86 Arch. Written while studying Gynvael Coldwind and Mateusz Jurczyk low-programming tutorial (2020-09-22, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] tinytcp64

x86-64 TCP服务器写入FreeBSD_and_ Linux的程序集
x86-64 TCP server written in assembly for FreeBSD _and_ Linux (2021-12-29, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] rp2040_z80_emulator

用于覆盆子Pi Pico _和_其他基于RP2040的MCU板的Z80模拟器
Z80 Emulator for Raspberry Pi Pico _and_ other RP2040 based MCU boards (2023-04-28, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] SYSMON65

SYSMON65 is a full 2-pass assembler, with local and global labels, directives, and more. A 65C02 disassembler is included which includes Step-By-Step debugging (i.e., Tracing), memory dump, ASCII dump, fill, delete, block move, intel hex loader and more. (2022-11-16, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] tastybasic

用于CP M和RetroBrew SBC v2的BASIC解释器,基于Palo Alto Tiny BASIC的Z80端口
a BASIC interpreter for CP M _and_ the RetroBrew SBC v2, based on the Z80 port of Palo Alto Tiny Basic (2023-03-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)
