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[操作系统开发] V.M.O.S.S

This is a Virtual-Machine-Operating-System-Simulator built in python and tkinter, this uses local .avo (plain text file) as cashe and json to store settings like color. (2024-03-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] vmwarelog

vmwarelog is a tool to pull vmware logs based on time and type filters. It is better than collecting syslog with all of the noise. (2024-02-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] cache-simulator

作为计算机架构项目开发:缓存模拟器-用于模拟内存访问和分析缓存性能的Python GUI。配置缓存参数,可视化行为,并获取详细的统计信息,包括命中率
Developed as a Computer Architecture Project: Cache Simulator - A Python GUI for simulating memory accesses and analyzing cache performance. Configure cache parameters, visualize behavior, and get detailed statistics, including hit rate (2023-12-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] irc_script

该脚本是使用异步库用Python编写的简单IRC(Internet Relay Chat)客户端。它连接到IRC服务器,加入...
This script is a simple IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client written in Python using the asyncio library. It connects to an IRC server, joins a channel, and sends messages at regular intervals. (2023-11-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] Meadows_Character_Manager

The official source repository for the Meadows operating system character manager. (2023-11-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] vcenter_vm_info_collector

VM Info Collector脚本从vCenter服务器获取虚拟机详细信息,将此数据编译为HTML表和Excel文件,…,
The VM Info Collector script fetches virtual machine details from a vCenter server, compiles this data into an HTML table and Excel file,…, (2023-10-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] JAGGS-Malware-Analyser

GUI based Malware Analyser that detects malicious portable executable files. The software creates a hash of the file and compares it to a database with over 68 million malware samples. (2023-09-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] sysinfo

A simple Python script for sending system information to STDOUT. For use in Docks and Status bars commonly used in Window Manager-only setups. (2015-10-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] landscape-sysinfo-mini

启动时debian上显示的sysinfo打印输出的简单重新实现。没有扭曲,没有 React器,只有proc&utmp灵感来自你...,
a trivial re-implementation of the sysinfo printout shown on debian at boot time. No twisted, no reactor, just /proc & utmp inspired by ubuntu 14.10 /etc/update-motd.d/50-landscape-sysinfo Requires: python-utmp for counting users. (2020-07-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] Keylogger

Every 10 seconds, you can get Keyboard, Mouse, ScreenShot and Microphone inputs from target computer and send to your mail. (2023-09-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] PicoBoy

基于Raspberry Pi Pico的视频游戏控制台,具有LCD显示器、4通道声音输出和可编程Micropython opera...,
A video game console based off of the Raspberry Pi Pico with an LCD display, 4 channel sound output, and a programmable Micropython operating system. (2023-08-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] simple_async_command_manager

Simple command manager and asyncio command queue handler with wraps for subprocesses and synchronous commands. Designed to be modular for easy profiling and monitoring. (2023-08-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] mft2df

通过将$MFT转换为熊猫数据帧,疯狂地快速列出驱动器上的文件(180万个文件为43秒-600 GB),
Lists the files on a drive insanely fast (43 seconds for 1,800,000 files - 600 GB) by converting the $MFT to a pandas DataFrame, (2023-06-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] cpi-breakdown

CPI refers to how many processor cycles are needed to complete an instruction. An instruction can be a read/write from memory operation, an arithmetic calculation, or bit-wise operation. The more cycles the processor takes to complete an instruction, the poorer the performance of the application in the processor. Application performance can be (2021-11-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] PyClasher

这是用Python编写的异步ClashOfClans API包装器的存储库。它是面向对象的,提供了对...的轻松访问...,
This is a repository for my asynchronous ClashOfClans API wrapper written in Python. It is object oriented and provides an easy access to the requested data. (2023-07-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] uberduck

A synchronous and asynchronous API wrapper for the UberDuck text-to-speech service (https://uberduck.ai) with 100% coverage and top-notch utilities. (2023-05-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] rororo

使用模式优先方法实现aiohttp.web OpenAPI 3服务器应用程序。,
Implement aiohttp.web OpenAPI 3 server applications with schema first approach., (2023-07-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] dawgmon

dawg the hallway monitor - monitor operating system changes and analyze introduced attack surface when installing software, (2019-11-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] yunohost

YunoHost is an operating system aiming to simplify as much as possible the administration of a server. This repository corresponds to the core code, written mostly in Python and Bash. (2023-07-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] Perun

Perun是一款主要适用于乙方安服、渗透测试人员和甲方RedTeam红队人员的网络资产漏洞扫描器 扫描框架
Perun is a network asset vulnerability scanner scanning framework that is mainly applicable to Party B s security service, penetration test personnel and Party A s Red Team personnel (2019-04-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
