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按平台查找All Borland C++(316) 

[语音合成] wpiqf

A simple picture viewer written in C # can open all the pictures under a file and press the left and right keys to display them for reference. (2019-05-11, Borland C++, 40KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] congectjon_head

This example can also be developed by VC 6, 0 to synchronize the files and directories between the server and the client. (2019-04-23, Borland C++, 3KB, 下载0次)


[控制台编程] filreh-Very-amplifier

Described in detail the use of operational amplifier, as well as the use of operational amplifier to achieve a variety of filter circuit and analysis! Very useful! (2019-01-05, Borland C++, 1229KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] file__dvpth__coded

ISIS是英国工程学院电子工程系普遍用的一个涉及硬件的工具 比如滤波器设计 这里面讲解了ISIS的基本用法
ISIS is a hardware tool commonly used by the Department of Electronic Engineering at the British Institute of Engineering, such as filter design, which explains the basic use of ISIS. (2019-01-04, Borland C++, 600KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PTGL

BF客户端 上传资料 服务器客户端 数据库
martFTP_Server\bin\Debug\SmartFTP_Server.exe SmartFTP_Server\bin\Debug\SmartFTP_Server.pdb SmartFTP_Server\Form1.cs SmartFTP_Server\Form1.Designer.cs SmartFTP_Server\Form1.resx SmartFTP_Server\obj\Debug\SmartFTP_Server.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt SmartFTP_Server\obj\Debug\SmartFTP_Server.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache SmartFTP_Server\obj\Debug\SmartFTP_Server.exe (2017-10-27, Borland C++, 1608KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] RDS21

1、修正了已知Bug; 2、对用户进行了分组; 3、会员注册增加了审核功能; 4、改进了下载服务器地址设置; 5、对一些地方作了小的改动
1, amended known Bug 2, a group of users 3, registered members increased audit function 4, improved download server address settings 5, minor changes were made in some places (2016-03-11, Borland C++, 244KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fzwbbs1

形象设计2.4 VIP会员第四版 生活伴侣 涂鸭板 论坛风格管理器 快速注册插件 版主评定(带请假功能) clasky music Box2.0
Image Design 2.4 VIP Member fourth edition Life partner Graffiti board Forum Style Manager Fast Registration widget Moderators assessment (with leave function) clasky music Box2.0 (2016-03-08, Borland C++, 6272KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] SpoilerAL

非常出色的游戏修改器,SpoilerAL重写内存中正在运行的进程 这是一个通用的内存编辑工具。 您可以继续添加的,SSG(Spoiler Scripts Group)的文件扩展名,
The excellent game changes, SpoilerAL rewrite the running processes in the memory is a generic memory editing tools. You can continue to add the file extension of the SSG (Spoiler Scripts Group) (2013-02-19, Borland C++, 139KB, 下载13次)


[单片机开发] danpianjipid

The microcontroller is widely used in automatic control systems for process control (such as chemical processes, thermodynamic processes, machining processes) and objects (such as equipment, etc.). SCM as the controller, it is the state of the process of determination of value adjustments in accordance with a variable (ie process variables), so that stability in the standard value. The controller mode of operation referred to as control algorithms or control (2012-06-01, Borland C++, 20KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] bdy2462000

开关电源型整流器对蓄电池的充放电控制程序,基于单片机和KEIL C开发环境
Switching Power Supply Rectifier pairs of battery charge and discharge control procedures, based on single chip, and KEIL C development environment (2010-03-16, Borland C++, 7KB, 下载34次)



利用uC/OS II模拟器写的贪吃蛇游戏,注释比较全,可以了解uC/OS II 常用API的使用方法。 \BC45\SOURCE下是源码 \BC45\TEST下可以看到运行效果
Using uC/OS II emulator written by Snake game note relatively complete, you can understand the uC/OS II common API is used. \ BC45 \ SOURCE is the source code under the \ BC45 \ TEST operation effect can be seen under the (2009-08-27, Borland C++, 154KB, 下载27次)


[编辑器/阅读器] browse

In the book on the source to see, read, and read*. txt, and can use the PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, Esc, F1, and up and down keys around to read the entire article. (2009-02-04, Borland C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] DosSerial

DOS下串口通信程序库,程序结构较好,能编出用中断方式接收/发送的多串口通信程序。 笔者曾用于嵌入式DOS控制变频器。
Under DOS serial communication libraries, program structure better, will be allocated to the interruption of the use of receive/transmit multi-serial communication program. I have DOS for embedded control inverter. (2008-11-29, Borland C++, 6KB, 下载46次)


[uCOS/RTOS] bc45

BORLAND 4.5 compiler. UCOS- (2008-09-05, Borland C++, 1906KB, 下载167次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

一套牛人开发的 即时聊天系统原代码(c++开发)客户端和服务器端代码,适合对即时通讯感兴趣的朋友学习参考。
A set of cattle were developed in real-time chat system, the original code (c++ Development) client and server-side code, suitable for the instant messaging friends interested in learning reference. (2007-12-06, Borland C++, 161KB, 下载142次)


[uCOS/RTOS] uCOSforATmega128

源代码实现的是uC/OS-II在ATmega128L上的移植,编译器使用的是codevision AVR,编译后可直接运行。
source code is embedded realized/OS-II ATmega128L applied in the transplant, compiler uses the codevision AVR, the compiler can execute directly. (2007-06-23, Borland C++, 359KB, 下载167次)


[编译器/解释器] bc31

borland c++3.1的压缩文件,是一个很好的编译器,比c++好用一点,不过差不多。
borland c 3.1 compressed files, is a good compiler, c handy, But almost. (2006-05-25, Borland C++, 7202KB, 下载329次)


[网络编程] 8888888888

simple TELNET servers, can also be used for the most simple way of the back door, leave frivolous, the two at home writing small programs, because of information available is limited, so it is very simple, all refer to the (2006-03-03, Borland C++, 54KB, 下载5次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] TIERRA

地球模拟器,最经典的人工生命模型,研究人工智能的必看。一般地说,生命都具有新陈代谢、复制和进化的能力。在自然界中,生物是由有限的食物供给和有限的生存空间约束的。在Tierra中,“生物”由一系列能够自我复制的机器代码或程序组成,它在计算机中的复制分别受到计算机的存储空间和CPU时间约束。能有效地占有内存空间和利用CPU时间的生物体,将具有更高的适应度,传递到下一代的机会就越大。 在Tierra中,计算机的RAM(随机访问存储器)中有一块专门的空间,这个空间中放置了一个“祖先有机体”,该祖先有机体根据它的汇编程序代码中的指令开始复制对它的生存是基本的代码。随着有机体的数目的增加,RAM中的空间减少了,因此有机体为了自己的生存空间开始竞争。
Earth Simulator, the most classic of artificial life model, the study of artificial intelligence Watchable. Generally speaking, life is metabolism, reproduction and the ability of evolution. In nature, biomass is limited by the supply of food and limited living space constraints. In Tierra, "biological" to a series of self-replicating machine code or procedure, in which computers were copied by the computer storage space and CPU time constraints. Effective occupy memory space and CPU time using the organisms, will have a higher degree of adaptability, conveying to the next generation the greater the chances. In Tierra, computer RAM (random access memory) is a specialized space, the space had placed an "ancestral organisms," the ancestors of organisms under its code comp (2005-08-24, Borland C++, 263KB, 下载108次)


[Telnet服务器] kts107s

KpyM Telnet Server v1.07: WINNT上的免费的Telnet服务器,作为服务运行,使客户机可以通过telnet协议访问主机,支持颜色。
KpyM Telnet Server v1.07 : WINNT free on the Telnet server, running as a service, so that clients can telnet protocol access mainframe support color. (2005-04-08, Borland C++, 277KB, 下载17次)
