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按分类查找All FaaS/Serverless(327) 
按平台查找All Java(327) 

[FaaS/Serverless] serverless-java-container

在AWS Lambda中运行Spring、Jersey、Spark和其他应用程序的Java包装器。
A Java wrapper to run Spring, Jersey, Spark, and other apps inside AWS Lambda. (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] merloc-demo-java

这是一个100%无服务器TODO应用程序示例,展示如何开发、测试、调试和热重新加载AWS Lambda函数loc...
This is a sample 100% serverless TODO app to show how to develop, test, debug and hot-reload AWS Lambda functions locally. (2022-09-25, Java, 674KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] microservices-poc-atividades

Java Spring Boot应用程序通过AWS上的无服务器框架部署在Lambda函数和API网关中。使用l...
Java Spring Boot Application deployed via Serverless Framework on AWS in a Lambda function and an API Gateway. Uses lambda "warming" mechanism and the AWS Serverless Java Container. (2021-06-19, Java, 34KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aws-serverless-java-container-spring-boot-starter

AWS无服务器Java容器库的starter应用程序的生成副本,用于部署和运行SpringBoot web...
Generated copy of the AWS serverless Java container library s starter app for deploying and running a Spring Boot web app/APIs on the AWS Lambda platform, using AWS API Gateway as a proxy. (2019-03-23, Java, 12KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] agc-serverless-demo

本回购包括Android iOS Web Flutter Cordova中AppGallery Connect无服务器服务的所有现有演示...
This repo including all of exsiting demos of AppGallery Connect Serverless Service in Android/iOS/Web/Flutter/Cordova/RN/Xamarin platforms. (2021-08-28, Java, 40807KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aws-serverless-stack-to-parse-apache-orc-files

A complete serverless stack that parses a sample Hive ORC file and ingest the extracted data into DynamoDB. (2022-09-26, Java, 70KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] SmartFS

A distributed file system (SmartFS) for file access and sharing across multiple Android smartphones. It is a serverless file system, it is a peer-to- peer (p2p) distributed file system. (2013-05-01, Java, 5340KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aws-serverless-developer-experience-workshop-java

This repository contains the reference architecture implementation for the AWS Serverless Developer Experience workshop in Java (2023-06-14, Java, 573KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] telegram-image-analysis

A sample application illustrating the use of OpenShift Serverless Functions, Camel-K and Telegram to do AI image analysis on Telegram chat messages. (2021-07-28, Java, 2967KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aws-java-serverless

使用Java和无服务器框架部署到AWS Lambda的教程项目,并添加了一些提示和技巧。
Tutorial project for using Java and Serverless Framwork to deploy to AWS Lambda, with some added tips and tricks. (2022-11-02, Java, 4735KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] java-crud-microservice-template

用Java编写的无服务器crud微服务的示例,其中有一个SAM项目模板与SAM init--location一起使用
Sample of a serverless crud microservice written in Java, with a SAM project template to use with sam init --location (2021-10-08, Java, 233KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] jvm-lambda-template

A template project for quickly getting started writing a Scala, Groovy, or Java Serverless Application with SAM / Cloud Formation (2018-03-06, Java, 74KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] Serverless-Goat-Java

故意易受攻击的无服务器应用程序的Java版本serverless-Goat,来自[https:github.com OWASP Serv...](https:github.com OWASP serverless Goat)
Java version of the deliberately vulnerable serverless application Serverless- Goat from <https://github.com/OWASP/Serverless-Goat> (2021-10-12, Java, 328KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] SeMoDe

SeMoDe is a tool to support lifecycle activites of Serverless functions on different platforms. Currently automated test generation on AWS Lambda is possible and performance considerations due to the cold start issue are work in progress. (2022-03-30, Java, 324KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] tweet-notifier

AWS上的无服务器应用程序,获取感兴趣的推文,并通过Twilio SMS将其发布到Slack、Amazon Chime
A serverless app on AWS that gets Tweets of interest and publishes those to Slack, Amazon Chime & via Twilio SMS (2020-05-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] sample-spring-boot-graalvm

Demo project that shows how to build Spring Boot applications with GraalVM and run them in serverless architecture, e.g. Knative on Kubernetes with Skaffold and Jib (2023-05-18, Java, 23KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] inventory-hub-java-on-azure

使用无服务器和事件驱动Java的清单中心示例应用程序-在Azure上,具有Spring Boot、Tomcat、Functions、Event...
Sample Inventory Hub App using Serverless and Event-driven Java - on Azure with Spring Boot, Tomcat, Functions, Event Hub and Cosmos DB (2022-11-28, Java, 2191KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] springboot-aws-serverless

具有Spring Boot的无服务器应用程序,与AWS API网关、Lambda和DynamoDB集成,并与Cloud一起部署...
Serverless application with Spring Boot, integrated with AWS API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB and deployed with Cloudformation. (2020-08-28, Java, 879KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aws-java-products-api

用于部署到AWS的产品的无服务器REST API服务。数据存储在DynamoDB表中。
A serverless REST API service for products deployed to AWS. The data is stored in a DynamoDB table. (2018-12-28, Java, 14KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] lambadaframework

使用JAVA构建无服务器REST API。它实现了JAX-RS API,并可以轻松地将应用程序部署到AWS Lambda...
Build serverless REST API s with JAVA. It implements the JAX-RS API and deploys your application easily to AWS Lambda and API Gateway (2019-03-29, Java, 109KB, 下载0次)
