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[物理/力学计算] AJ-CD-N

Ajcdn是领先的IDC云计算综合服务提供商,专业提供互联网云安全、云计算、云存储等增值服务,公司与中国电信、中国联通、中国移动等运营商合作,在香港、新加坡、日本、台湾、美国、欧洲等多个地区和城市,运营多个数据中心,同时拥有BGP、CN2、多线接入等精品网络,让您的网络能轻松连接,快速访问! 公司通过提供云主机、云存储、CDN、边缘计算、DDOS安全防护、SD-WAN、云计算产品及解决方案,帮助客户业务创新,是客户数字化升级值得信赖的合作伙伴, 立志成为让客户放心服务商和先进的优质云安全云数据服务商!http://AJCDN.com香港,美国,等海外服务器租用,物理服务器,站群/高防/ 24小时售后,免费测试3天。可U付。 售前客服https://t.me/ajcdn003 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Semi-Autonomous-Guided-Vehicle

This is a mechatronics assignment developed by me in Semester-7. It is an autonomous guided vehicle with object avoidance protocols (powered by HCSR05 Ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo motor), all libraries used have been marked in the code. The IR sensors used will need periodical recalibration to sense the black line which the AGV follows. (2024-02-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Arduino-smart-car-with-obstacle-detection

arduino smart car with ultrasonic sensor, it have 2 mode one is fully autonomous another is manual mode which is controlled through bluto… (2024-01-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] ler-A-PID-Control-System-for-Inclination-Control

UAV Stability and Control Project Implemented a PID controller to enhance UAV stability and control in dynamic settings. Merged mechanical … (2024-01-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Automatic-tap-

automatic tap using an Arduino, servo motor, and ultrasonic sensor aims to automate the water flow of a tap based on the presence or abse… (2024-01-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Radar-Using-Ultrasonic-Sensor

The aim of this project is to calculate the distance position and speed of the object placed at some distance from the sensor. Ultrasonic sensor sends the ultrasonic wave in different directions by rotating with help of servo motor. This wave travels in air and gets reflected back after striking some object. (2023-11-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] ce-Robot-By-Arduino-Uno-With-Led-Buzzer-Indicator

Obstacle avoidance robot is equipped with an HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor for detecting obstacles in its path, an SG90 servo motor for scanning the environment, & a L298N motor driver to control two gear motors that propel the robot. Additionally, robot includes a buzzer & LEDs for providing feedback & alerts. (2023-11-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Smart-Vaccum-cleaning-robot

It is a autonomous smart cleaning vacuum cleaning robot which is operated using arduino , it detects the object by using ultrasonic sensor and cleans using centrifugal fan , it changes its path when the object is detected and clean the floor along the way (2023-11-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] esign-Modification-and-Analysis-of-Heat-Exchanger

Being a engineer last year project is very important. Its my B.E. Mechanical last year project based on design of Heat Exchanger and its components. (2023-10-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] The-Sixth-Eye

Low power focussed Ultrasonic sensor eye for blind and visually impaired. The aim of this project is to be a navigation aid for blind or visually impaired. It s based on an Arduino with synthetic sound that gives information to the user about urban walking routes to point out decisions making. (2023-10-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Digital-Tape-Measure

C代码已经用Atmega 328pb微控制器实现,使LCD能够以英寸为单位显示检测到的物体的距离...,
C code has been implemented with the Atmega 328pb microcontroller to enable an LCD to display the distance in inches of objects detected by an ultrasonic sensor positioned in front of it. (2023-10-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] ICASSP-2024-BEAFX-using-DDSP

Github存储库,用于提交给ICASSP 2024的论文:使用自动编码器方法和不同的......盲估计音频效果...,
Github repository for the paper submitted to ICASSP 2024 : Blind estimation of audio effects using an auto-encoder approach and differentiable signal processing (2023-09-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] BluetoothCarr-Arduino

这是一款蓝牙控制手推车的开发代码,该手推车具有用于2个或4个电机、超声波传感器和机器人的Arduino 4继电器…,
This is the development code of a bluetooth controlled cart with an Arduino 4 relays for 2 or 4 of the motors, ultrasonic sensor and robo…, (2023-09-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] CR1000_Programs

Campbell Scientific CR1000数据记录器的脚本。特别是为了监测Geokon 4500HD压强计和Global Water Model WL705 Ultra...,
Scripts for Campbell Scientific CR1000 Dataloggers. Specifically to monitor Geokon 4500HD piezometers and Global Water Model WL705 ultrasonic water level sensors (2019-05-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] p-wheelchair-using-Raspberry-Pi-and-RF-Controller

Smart Stand-up wheelchair using Raspberry Pi and RF Controller is mechanically controlled devices designed to have self mobility with the help of the user command. This reduces the user’s human effort and force to drive the wheels for wheelchair .Furthermore it also provides an opportunity for visually or physically impaired persons to move (2021-06-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] 4_DOF_Manipulator

This is a repository for the project named 4 DOF Axis Mechanical grab Manipulator. This project is a part of Mechanical Design Methods course, Robotics Engineering, during my master s at the University of Genova, Italy. (2022-03-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)



Designed and developed a solution to detect gas leaks and switch the cylinder off automatically. A sensor-based mechanical equipment was designed to close/open gas knobs. (2023-06-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Gyroscopic-Watch-Winder

When my first mechanical watch was passed down to me, I decided I wanted a watch winder to keep it running optimally. I thought gyroscopic winders looked fascinating, and I also discovered that they are better for the watch. I designed one to be made using my home 3D printer. (2021-11-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] TCP-Client-Server-Generating-Wave-Thru-FPGA-PMOD

The server program runs in ArchLinux on the Zybo and outputs a sine or square wave based off of input from the client. Using the SPI bus interface on the Zybo, the server program communicates with a digital-to-analog converter chip inserted into one of the board’s PMOD connectors. Using an oscilloscope, the output of the DAC can be read to (2015-11-19, Others, 19KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] -and-Simulation-of-a-PEMFC-based-Electric-Vehicle

A simulation model of a PEMFC fuel cell is created to run a three-phase induction motor using a boost converter, three-phase inverter, and VFD method. (2023-03-09, Others, 219KB, 下载0次)
