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按平台查找All Java(454) 

[前端开发] creative-faces

A placeholder extension for Minecraft servers to show the face of a player in the chat, scoreboard, tab, etc., (2023-05-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] powermeter

与当前成本128电源监视器接口的应用程序。提供显示电源使用情况的实时Web UI...
Application for interfacing with the Current Cost 128 power monitor. Provides a real-time Web UI showing power usage statistics. (2013-06-27, Java, 63KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] filesystem

This is web application "In Memory File Manager". Until application is runnig, you can create, update, delete, copy and move file and directories across web-ui interface (2017-08-09, Java, 582KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] RichTextWidget

包含工具栏的GWT RTF区域小部件。使用gwt:RichTextArea和UI绑定器应用工具栏。
GWT Rich Text Area Widget that includes a toolbar. Uses the gwt:RichTextArea and UI binder to apply a toolbar. (2011-04-08, Java, 3836KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Acceleration_Temp_Logger

An arduino sketch that logs acceleration and temperature data from the ADXL335 and TMP36 sensors to an SD card. (2011-09-21, Java, 1KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] CJam

CJam is a Java/Processing framework for collaborative creative coding. It consists of a server and a number of clients. The clients create processing sketeches and send them to the server. The server runs all the sketches on one big sketch, where every client sketch becomes one layer of the whole (2015-07-13, Java, 3736KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] videowall-processing-library

Processing library to stream content from a Processing sketch to the Sensor Lab video wall (2018-06-19, Java, 318KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] p5

Get rid of ImageMagick. P5 is a ruby gem that makes it easy to run Processing sketches on a headless web server. (2013-03-29, Java, 22914KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ALPHANCODERS_Hospital-Management-Time

字母编码器adalah sebuah komunitas yang dimana membantu para admistrasi rumah sakit untuk menentukan jadwal kerja...
Alphancoders adalah sebuah komunitas yang dimana membantu para adminstrasi rumah sakit untuk menentukan jadwal kerja bagi pekerja di rumah sakit. (2022-05-01, Java, 3568KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MusicPlayer

使用android studio(java)生成的android音乐播放器在媒体商店提供商中使用光标并查找本地...
music player for android generated with the android studio (java) used cursor in media store provider and find local music, used ORM green Dao database for uses like playlist and favorite songs, support lyrics adding for the song and sync playing with the song, UI used material design components. (2019-12-06, Java, 262KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ComposerUIAPI

This is an eclipse project where composer api is being improved and some basic user interface components are developed. (2013-09-26, Java, 8030KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bioroid

Bioroid has a Restful framework for creating restful Android applications and an ImageLoader. Restful framework allows easy implementation of restful based apps with reconfigurable response caching, the restful component can be configured in the component s manifest metadata, framework allows configurable callback to the end activity UI. Image (2010-09-27, Java, 182KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] rsp

用于构建实时用户界面和UI组件的服务器状态响应Java web框架。
A server-state reactive Java web framework for building real-time user interfaces and UI components. (2023-06-04, Java, 130KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Selenium-Read_From_Excel_File

A demo project that read data from Excel and automate web browser using Selenium in Java. (2017-06-11, Java, 3437KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] snj-selenium-java

这是一个用于不同浏览器(如Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefo...)上的web应用程序的测试自动化框架...
This is a test automation framework for the web applications on different browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari in real-time. It provides rich features like Test Execution, Test Reporting, and Test details sharing via mail. (2023-05-11, Java, 127KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] leanft-selenium-java-sdk

LeanFT Java SDK for Selenium-LeanFTforSeleniumJava SDK使用定位器和util扩展了Selenium WebDriver API...
LeanFT Java SDK for Selenium - LeanFT for Selenium Java SDK extends the Selenium WebDriver API with locators and utilities that enable creating tests which are more robust, and reduces Selenium test automation and maintenance efforts. (2021-11-15, Java, 405KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] myFirefoxDriver

Selenium Webdriver重新使用已打开的浏览器实例 适用于Selenium3.8.1 Firefox57 更新于2017-12-23
Selenium Webdriver reuses the opened browser instance for Selenium 3.8.1 Firefox 57 updated on December 23, 2017 (2019-01-28, Java, 9KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] spring-boot-quartz-scheduler

使用Vue js UI监控仪表板构建的spring boot quartz作业REST API调度器。
spring-boot quartz job REST API scheduler with monitoring dashboard builds with Vue js UI. (2020-11-08, Java, 1139KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] trip-planner

The trip planner is a springboot application uses JPA and the the front end contains JSP pages (2021-04-20, Java, 91KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] NashTech_Ecommerce_Website

使用Spring boot作为后端,React作为前端的电子商务网站,带有MySQL服务器数据库
The e-Commerce website using Spring boot as back-end and React as front-end, with MySQL server database (2021-07-29, Java, 626KB, 下载0次)
