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[建站系统] mail-validator

Email Validator is a simple WordPress plugin that allows you to validate email addresses without relying on external APIs. It checks for the validity of email addresses based on MX and SPF records and also detects disposable email addresses. (2024-05-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] PHP_Google_Search_Console_API_Client

通过轻松地将Google服务与此Google Search Console API客户端集成,提升您的PHP应用程序。它旨在与Google API无缝连接,有助于全面的数据交换,并具有XML数据解析器。主要面向Laravel、Symfony、Wordpress和Prestashop开发人员。
Elevate your PHP applications by effortlessly integrating Google services with this Google Search Console API Client. Designed for seamless connectivity with Google APIs, it facilitates comprehensive data exchange and features an XML data parser. Dedicated mainly to Laravel, Symfony, Wordpress and Prestashop developers. (2024-03-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Woongkir

WooCommerce印度尼西亚国内和国际货运运费计算器:AnterAja,21 Express,Expedito,IDexpress Service Solution,Indotama Domestik Lestari,Indah Logistic,JET Express,Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir(JNE),J&T Express,JTL Express,Lion Parcel,Ninja Xpress,Pahala Express,Pandu Logistics,PCP,POS Indonesia,Royal Express Indonesian,RPX,SAP Express,Sentral Cargo,SiCepat Express、Solusi Ekspres、Star Cargo、TIKI、Wahana Express。
WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment: AnterAja, 21 Express, Expedito, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express. (2024-02-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] pageflash

PageFlash is a powerful headless browser WordPress plugin designed to provide you with a fast and efficient web browsing experience within your WordPress site. Say goodbye to page reloads and enjoy seamless navigation through web content with this plugin. (2024-02-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] waimai

超级外卖 Super Cms是专业的外卖订餐系统,使用它,不用写代码,只要会打字,就可以管理网站。 前台设计采用采用html5与css3设计,兼容IE6+、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera等主流浏览器. 并可以在...
Super Cms is a professional take out ordering system. With it, you can manage the website as long as you can type without writing code. The foreground design adopts html5 and css3 design, compatible with IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and other mainstream browsers And can be used in (2020-02-14, PHP, 4440KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] 全能解析

主目录文件结构及说明: admin 后台管理目录,请改名 save 数据保存目录,注意:权限必须为755以上,不然无法后台更新配置; cache 文件缓存 目录 注意:权限必须为755以上,不然出错; include 引用文件 目录 player 播放器目录 plus 插件存放目录 source 资源目录 templets 模版 目录 video 模块目录 index.php 首页文件 v.php vip调用页 api.php jsonp服务模块 config.php 配置文件 favicon.ico 网站图标 crossdomain.xml 访问权限控制文件 注意:文件直接拷贝到网站根目录下,很重要; data.php 本地数据库文件 parse.php 模块调用文件 play.html 框架调用文件 so.html 搜索页 404.html 404页 使用前,需登录后台 "/admin" ,默认账号:admin 默认密码:admin888 系统设置-基本设置-网站路径 默认为v3 ,修改为自己上传的目录,如果是根目录,留空即可正常运行; 其他配置请自行摸索,这里不再说明;
Video parsing source code (2019-06-10, PHP, 7478KB, 下载1次)
