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[物理/力学计算] AJ-CD-N

Ajcdn是领先的IDC云计算综合服务提供商,专业提供互联网云安全、云计算、云存储等增值服务,公司与中国电信、中国联通、中国移动等运营商合作,在香港、新加坡、日本、台湾、美国、欧洲等多个地区和城市,运营多个数据中心,同时拥有BGP、CN2、多线接入等精品网络,让您的网络能轻松连接,快速访问! 公司通过提供云主机、云存储、CDN、边缘计算、DDOS安全防护、SD-WAN、云计算产品及解决方案,帮助客户业务创新,是客户数字化升级值得信赖的合作伙伴, 立志成为让客户放心服务商和先进的优质云安全云数据服务商!http://AJCDN.com香港,美国,等海外服务器租用,物理服务器,站群/高防/ 24小时售后,免费测试3天。可U付。 售前客服https://t.me/ajcdn003 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] QR-Based-Bus-Ticketing-System

开发了基于QR的公交车售票系统,以加强公共交通的卫生和安全。该系统利用ESP32-S3 Eye、Arduino-Uno和超声波传感器检测接近的乘客,并显示用于机票验证的QR码,允许非接触式交互。
Developed a QR-based bus ticketing system to enhance hygiene and security in public transportation. Utilizing ESP32-S3 Eye, Arduino Uno, and ultrasonic sensors, the system detects approaching passengers and displays a QR code for ticket validation, allowing contactless interaction. (2024-05-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Security_System_Prototype

The system will use ultrasonic sensors and motorised mechanics to detect and track potential intrusions within the designated area. Upon detection of suspicious activity, the system will lock onto the intruding object and provide real-time distance data. (2024-05-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] pit_lake_GHE_modelling

GHE流体温度时间序列从COMSOL为《坑湖热动力学对地埋管换热器热性能的作用:一项数值研究》(the Role of Pit Lake Thermal Dynamics on the Heat Performance of Ground Heat Exchange:A numerical Study)手稿开发的数值模型中获得,目前正在审查中。
GHE fluid temperature time series obtained from the numerical models developed in COMSOL for the manuscript : The Role of Pit Lake Thermal Dynamics on the Thermal Performance of Ground Heat Exchangers: A Numerical Study, currently under review. (2024-05-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] luation-of-PAC-Decoding-with-Deep-Neural-Networks

Performance and computational analysis of polarization-adjusted convolutional (PAC) decoder with deep neural netwrok; MLP, CNN, RNN. You may reference the following works if you are using our implementation. You are welcome to contact me for further discussion or cooperation. (2024-04-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Obstacle_detection_and_path_tracking_model-

GitHub回购:带障碍物检测的物联网货物跟踪。使用ESP32、NRF24L01进行无线通信,使用超声波和IR传感器进行障碍物检测。在Arduino IDE中开发。启用实时跟踪和障碍物警报。
GitHub repo: IoT Cargo Tracking with Obstacle Detection. Uses ESP32, NRF24L01 for wireless comm, ultrasonic & IR sensors for obstacle detection. Developed in Arduino IDE. Enables real-time tracking and obstacle alerts. (2024-04-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] kugelpy

构建该代码是为了为通用球床 React器(PBR)创建蛇形输入文件。除此之外,它还跟踪各种 React堆物理量,以允许在试运行和接近平衡期间对PBR进行与时间相关的模拟。
This code was built to create Serpent input files for a general pebble bed reactor (PBR). Along with this, it keeps track of various reactor physics quantities to allow for the time-dependent simulation of a PBR during the run-in and approach to equilibrium. (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Emergency-Fuel-Provision-Device

构建了一个设备,当超声波传感器检测到燃油箱中存在低燃油时,该设备将SMS消息发送到附近的加油站。这是使用Python、Arduino UNO和ESP8266模块构建的
Built a device which sends SMS messages to the nearby gas station when the ultrasonic sensor senses the presence of low fuel in the fuel tank. This was built using Python, Arduino UNO, and ESP8266 module (2024-03-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Unity-WaterInteractions

This is a project that implements interactions with water in Unity. The interactions include use of foam and deformers to show effects like wakes as well as hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces acting on rigid bodies on the water. (2024-02-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Air-levitation-ball

The main idea is to control the ball so that it follows the reference height. I used an ultrasonic sensor to measure the height of the ball. PWM as output of the fan which pushes the ball up or down. Potentiometer to set reference height. I2C to display the reference and actual heights. (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] UltrasonicSensorProject

This project is a waste bin monitoring system implemented using a Raspberry Pi(Operating System) and an ultrasonic distance sensor. The system monitors the fill level of a waste bin, controls LEDs to indicate the fill status, calculates a disposal fee based on the fill level, and triggers an alert if the bin reaches a certain fill threshold. (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] AMR-sensor-multiphysics-simulation-module

This module utilizes the mumax3 micromagnetic package and Matlab s pdeModeler app to calculate the magnetization and electrical resistivity distribution throughout the volume of a custom geometry ferromagnetic film. Using this data, the module calculates the field-swept output signal of a Wheatstone bridge AMR sensor. (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Arduino-smart-car-with-obstacle-detection

arduino smart car with ultrasonic sensor, it have 2 mode one is fully autonomous another is manual mode which is controlled through bluto… (2024-01-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] ler-A-PID-Control-System-for-Inclination-Control

UAV Stability and Control Project Implemented a PID controller to enhance UAV stability and control in dynamic settings. Merged mechanical … (2024-01-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Automatic-tap-

automatic tap using an Arduino, servo motor, and ultrasonic sensor aims to automate the water flow of a tap based on the presence or abse… (2024-01-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Cloud-Pentest

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including storage, processing power, and software, over the internet. Instead of owning and maintaining physical servers or hardware, users can access and use these resources on-demand from a cloud service provider. (2024-01-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Obstacles-detection-using-raspberry-pi

In this IoT (Internet of Things) project, we have harnessed the power of a Raspberry Pi and an ultrasonic distance sensor to create a versatile and interactive system with a multitude of practical applications. By continuously measuring distances in real-time, this project opens doors to innovations in various domains. (2023-12-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] esign-Modification-and-Analysis-of-Heat-Exchanger

Being a engineer last year project is very important. Its my B.E. Mechanical last year project based on design of Heat Exchanger and its components. (2023-10-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] BluetoothCarr-Arduino

这是一款蓝牙控制手推车的开发代码,该手推车具有用于2个或4个电机、超声波传感器和机器人的Arduino 4继电器…,
This is the development code of a bluetooth controlled cart with an Arduino 4 relays for 2 or 4 of the motors, ultrasonic sensor and robo…, (2023-09-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Gyroscopic-Watch-Winder

When my first mechanical watch was passed down to me, I decided I wanted a watch winder to keep it running optimally. I thought gyroscopic winders looked fascinating, and I also discovered that they are better for the watch. I designed one to be made using my home 3D printer. (2021-11-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
