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[数据库编程] 2701

mysql 建库 触发器 存储过程 视图建立等。内容比较基础,但是比较全的数据库三层系统架构设计。
MySQL build library trigger stored procedure view establishment and so on. The content is relatively basic, but the design of three-tier database system architecture is relatively complete. (2018-12-08, SQL, 264KB, 下载0次)


[数据库编程] 住宅小区物业管理系统

1)信息录入:新的物业费、停车费产生,新的维修记录产生,都需要往数据库中添加信息。 2)信息修改:当数据库中信息发生了改变,需要及时修改信息,如用户缴纳了费用 3)信息查询:可以按条件查询住户基本信息、住户缴费信息、停车位基本信息、停车费缴纳信息、维修信息等,并尽可能实现多条件组合查询。 4)统计、汇总在规定时间段内小区的应交物业费总额、未交物业费总额等。 5)将近要交的物业费、停车费,已过期未交的物业费、停车费请给出提醒。
1) information input: new property fees, parking fees generated, new maintenance records are generated, all need to add information to the database. 2) information modification: when the information in the database has changed, it is necessary to modify the information in time, such as the user paid the fees 3) information inquiry: you can inquire about the basic information of the residents, the payment information of the residents, the parking space basic information, the parking fee, the payment information, the maintenance information and so on, and realize the multi condition combination inquiry as much as possible. 4) statistics, summary in the specified period of time, the district should pay the total amount of property costs, the total amount of property costs. 5) nearly property costs, parking fees, overdue, property costs, parking fees, please give a reminder. (2017-07-03, C#, 2322KB, 下载18次)


[数据库编程] MySQL

This is a tutorial on mySQL c programming. For every specific server operation in the book, there is a variety of solutions to be given. (2017-04-30, Visual C++, 2535KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] chuangjianshujukuhebiao

数据库实验1,怎样创建数据库和表 使用“企业管理器”或者用CREATE语句创建一个“教务管理”数据库。数据库的模式如教科书78页例3.1 需要增加的约束:“学号”必须是4位数字字符 “成绩”在[0,100]之间
Database Experiment 1, how to create s and tables (2014-11-13, SQL, 12KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] ADzh

分别采用延时和查询的方法编写A/D转换程序。 启动A/D转换,将输入模拟量的转换结果在显示器上显示。
Respectively with the method of time delay and query to write A/D conversion program. Start the A/D conversion, the input analog conversion results displayed on the display. (2014-05-13, C/C++, 49KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] guestbook

A message board written in Active Server. There is only one page, another the view entries signature sign this entry. All Guestbook entries are stored in an Access database (2013-04-27, Asm, 17KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] Redis-begin

Redis,典型的NoSQL数据库服务器,和BerkeleyDB相比,它可以作为服务程序独立运行于自己的服务器主机。在很多时候,人们只是将Redis视为Key/Value数据库服务器,然而事实并非如此,在目前的版本中,Redis除了Key/Value之外还支持List、Hash、Set和Ordered Set等数据结构,因此它的用途也更为宽泛。对于此种误解,Redis官网也进行了相应的澄清。和以上两种产品不同的是,Redis的License是Apache License,就目前而言,它是完全免费。
Redis, a typical NoSQL database server, and BerkeleyDB compared, it can be run independently as a service program in their own server host. In many cases, people just will Redis as a Key/Value database server, however, is not the case in the current version, Redis also supports in addition to the Key/Value List, Hash, Set and Ordered Set data structure, so it the purpose is broader. For such a misunderstanding, Redis official website the clarification. The above two products, the the Redis License Apache License, for now, it is completely free. (2012-11-04, Java, 2759KB, 下载9次)


[数据库编程] Personnel-management-system

1.本程序开发环境为VB6.0+SP5+WindowsXP,希望读者尽量按这个配置来学习(其他环境未测试,如有问题,来信咨询) 2.在使用程序以前,要安装水晶报表,由于版权问题,光盘中没有提供水晶报表,读者可以购买或者上网下载试用版本。 3.需要建立数据库,将sql目录下的Wage_MIS.sql文件,用sql server的查询分析器打开,然后按f5运行。 4.由于在程序代码中,服务器的名称没有设置成全局变量,因此,打开项目文件后,需要全局替换,将所有的服务器名称“busywxp”替换成读者自己的服务器名称。 5.由于在使用水晶报表的时候,使用了odbc,因此还需要设定刚才创建的wage数据库的odbc,odbc名称为wage。
procedures for the development environment for the VB6.0+SP5+WindowsXP, I hope readers as the configured to learning ( other environment not tested, if there are questions, the letter from the Advisory )2in the use of procedures before, to the installation of crystal reports, due to copyright issues, the disc does not provide crystal reports, readers can be purchased online or download the trial version.3needs to establish a database, the SQL directory under the Wage_MIS.sql file, SQL Server Query Analyzer to open, and then press F5 to run.4 the procedure code, server name is not set into global variables, therefore, open the project file, need global replacement, all the server name" busywxp" replaced the reader s own server name.In5due to the use of time, used the ODBC, thus also need to set just create a wage database ODBC, ODBC for wage. (2012-04-10, Visual Basic, 1963KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] oracle2ly

在自建的关系表上,编写如下程序: 1.用PL/SQL的存储过程删除某条记录(条件作为参数传入); 2.用带输入输出参数的存储过程查询出参数给定的记录的有关关键信息; 3.用函数作第2题。 触发器及游标 定义一个PLSQL块,用显式游标循环输出一基本表查询信息。 生成一个基本表S触发器,如果删除某带外键的记录时,同时也参照表对应的记录; 删除生成的触发器。
The relationship between the self-built table, write the following procedure: 1. Using PL/SQL stored procedure to delete a record (on the condition as a parameter) 2. With input and output parameters with stored procedure to query the parameters of a given key information about the records 3. 2 with a function for the problem. Trigger and the cursor to define a PLSQL block with an explicit cursor to loop the output of a basic table query information. S flip-flop to generate a basic table, if you delete a record with foreign keys, but also records the corresponding reference table deletion generated the trigger. (2011-05-03, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载21次)


[数据库编程] dbadmin

Access database management program DBAdmin online through the browser so that you can manage your Access database, you can perform various operations on your database without having to download and upload. (2010-10-25, C/C++, 211KB, 下载18次)


[数据库编程] 2007879439541

Sybase Manager, you can view the database information, backup, delete, create constraints, etc., copy the database is not finished PB8.0 production, has been upgraded to PB9.0. Instructions, source-wide. (2010-07-11, PowerBuilder, 340KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] data_transfer

Data converters, a complete program, can achieve single-byte to multi-byte was converted, you can also multi-byte to single byte conversion, interface and convenient operation (2009-08-25, Visual C++, 3514KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] achievementmanagementsystem

BC31 system used as a compiler development environment, the environment is in our learning platform C++, the compiler function and easy to use. I made the design of the program is " student achievement management system" , its main function is to modify the performance of students and management, and facilitate the rapid, this procedure is simple, but the supporting software as a teacher of students of the types of performance management. (2009-06-21, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] vb_accesstool

VB version of a simple ACCESS database management tools, functions similar to SQLSERVER the Enterprise Manager, you look at the screenshot above will know that it can modify the ACCESS table structure, field, add, delete data, you can such as the implementation of query. VB would like to study the operation of the access friends, this was a good information (2009-05-03, Visual Basic, 71KB, 下载176次)


[数据库编程] ado

ADO入门教程,介绍了ADO 支持用于建立基于客户端/服务器和 Web 的应用程序的主要功能及部分代码等内容。
ADO Tutorial introduces ADO support for the establishment-based client/server and Web applications and some of the main functions of the code and so on. (2008-11-04, Visual C++, 785KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] materialmanagementsystem

运行 1:创建数据库 将Material.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Material_MIS
Run 1: Create a database in SQL statements Material.sql admitted to the SQL Server s Query Analyzer, all running 2: Create ODBC data source data formerly known as Material_MIS (2008-01-16, Visual C++, 3044KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] SqlCeExaple

用C++写的数据库程序!在模拟器下调试通过!是做CE 对象存储库中数据库的好资料!
With C++ Written database program! Adopted in the simulator under the debugger! CE is done Object Repository good information in the database! (2007-11-23, Visual C++, 800KB, 下载118次)


[数据库编程] StoreProcNew

we have to follow the general database records change, with some operators. We are accustomed to the mode of operation is kept of the proceedings of the inquiry table to determine whether there is any new records. Such resources spent on high, how to improve the efficiency of this, I think, in the table to create triggers, Calling the trigger external dynamic link library through news or event notification application procedures can be achieved. And master's stored procedure can be called the best external dynamic link library, We call master trigger the process can be stored. This paper provides a dynamic process and storage for a concrete realization (2007-04-19, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载136次)


[数据库编程] dephi_che

开发客户/服务器应用程序时,一个需要考虑的问题是,面向集合还是面向记录?客户程序并不是 像桌面数据库程序那样直接面对数据库表,而只是面对数据的子集。 客户程序在向服务器请求数据时,得到的数据可能是由一个或多个表中的字段构成的,而请求是 通过结构化查询语言( S Q L )实现的。
development of client/server applications, a need to consider the problems that still face pool-oriented record? Clients are not as desktop database program as directly face the database tables, and faced with only a subset of data. Client to the server requesting data, the data may be from one or more tables of fields, which are requested through structured query language (S Q L) achieved. (2006-10-31, Delphi, 296KB, 下载9次)


[数据库编程] DbBrowser

可以设定连接到任意数据库,并浏览器中的全部表及指定标的全部字段和数据 而且可以执行SQL语句检索需要的数据
set can connect to any database, browser and the designated table and the subject of all data fields and can be implemented SQL retrieval of data (2006-05-06, Delphi, 335KB, 下载9次)
