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按分类查找All 代理服务器(354) 
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[代理服务器] ProxyCompose

ProxyCompose is a tool for secondary combination of proxy IP pools. Users can perform secondary combination of multiple purchased IP resources and use unified account passwords, server ports and other information for unified access. (2024-04-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] maven-dependency-version-enforcer

Custom rule implementation for the maven-enforcer plugin that enforces dependency versions used by a project are not older than a set duration. Requires running a custom smart proxy (a simple Java servlet) that provides release dates for each artifact version (among other things) (2024-03-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] HTTP-Proxy-Servlet

基于插桩在Servlet内部对配置路径进行反向代理,实现将请求转发到其他服务器,目前支持基于Spring MVC和Spring Boot的应用。
Reverse proxy the configuration path within the servlet based on the stub insertion to forward the request to other servers. Currently, applications based on Spring MVC and Spring Boot are supported. (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] Spring-Actuator-health-aggregator

一个弹簧引导执行器应用程序,用于演示如何在中央Edge或API G...下聚合我的微服务状态的运行状况...,
A spring boot actuator application, to demonstrate how to aggregate the health of my microservices statuses under the central Edge or API Gateway Server. (2020-04-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] springcloud

spring学习教程-把代码写成诗系列 微服务 服务治理 服务中心 服务提供 服务消费 熔断器 网关 eureka ribbon feign hystrix gateway,
Spring Learning Tutorial - Write Code into Poetry Series Micro service Service Governance Service Center Service Provision Service Consumption Fuse Gateway eureka ribbon feign hybrid gateway, (2019-04-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] react-native-sms-user-consent

用于Android SMS用户同意API的React Native包装器,可在React Native应用程序中使用,只需付出最小的努力。,
React Native wrapper for Android s SMS User Consent API, ready to use in React Native apps with minimum effort., (2023-05-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] two-level-proxy

It is used to proxy the intranet. If the host does not have a public IP address, this project can be used to map the specified port to the public network (requires an ECS) (2020-08-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] McProtocolLib

McPrococol was created for simple communication with mc client-server List of currently supported versions: 1.8 - 1.12.2 (2021-09-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] MojangPipe

A java proxy server to Mojang s profile API, to avoid rate limits and serve profiles faster. (2020-03-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] HTTPRequest

HTTPRequest is an easy-to-use zero dependency Java wrapper to read from a URL. Support for Cookies, proxies, UserAgent, post data and more. (2023-03-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] ViaProxy

Standalone proxy which allows players to join EVERY Minecraft server version (Classic, Alpha, Beta, Release, Bedrock) (2023-07-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] jsoup_xici1.7.3

加入对代理服务器的支持,不考虑账号验证的问题。重载了方法 connect() 调用方法: Jsoup.connect(String url,String proxyhost,int proxyport) org.jsoup.Connection interface Request 添加抽象方法getProxyhost,getProxyport,setProxyhost,setProxyport org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection inner Class Request 添加方法的实现getProxyhost,getProxyport,setProxyhost,setProxyport org.jsoup.Connection 添加抽象方法proxy(String,int) org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection 加入方法proxy(String host,int port) org.jsoup.Jsoup 添加方法public static Connection connect(String url,String proxyhost,int proxyport) 和方法public static Document parse(URL url, int timeoutMillis,String proxyhost,int proxyport)
Adding support for proxy server does not consider the problem of the account verification. Overloaded methods connect () Call the method: Jsoup.connect (String url, String proxyhost, int proxyport) org.jsoup.Connection interface Request Add abstract methods getProxyhost, getProxyport, setProxyhost, setProxyport org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection inner Class Request Add methods to achieve getProxyhost, getProxyport, setProxyhost, setProxyport org.jsoup.Connection Add abstract method proxy (String, int) org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection Add Method proxy (String host, int port) org.jsoup.Jsoup Add a method public static Connection connect (String url, String proxyhost, int proxyport) And methods public static Document parse (URL url, int timeoutMillis, String proxyhost, int proxyport) (2014-05-10, Java, 665KB, 下载19次)


[代理服务器] Java_ProxyServer

It is a realization of the category of agency services. When the client calls the connection serve () method to the client and server-side data. (2009-04-29, Java, 5KB, 下载7次)


[代理服务器] paw-release-0.27

PAW 是一个java实现的http代理服务器。可以方便的通过插件来扩展。所有的管理配置文件都采用了xml格式,并且通过图形化界面的PAW GUI客户端可以方便的进行管理。
PAW is a java achieve http proxy. Accessible via the plug-in to expand. All the management configuration files are used xml format, through graphical interface PAW GUI client can conveniently manage. (2006-03-03, Java, 1984KB, 下载59次)
