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按分类查找All Node.js(347) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(347) 

[Node.js] x-js-kit

This is a common JavaScript tool library, which contains a lot of public methods, it can save you from repeating trivia, and most of its methods support Node.js and browser environment, I hope you will like it! (2024-05-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] UrlShorten

This service constitutes a URL shortener that reflects the harmonious integration of my skills in both backend and frontend development. The resulting application has been efficiently and elegantly implemented on the Vercel platform, highlighting my ability to orchestrate both disciplines synergistically. (2024-04-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] nextjs-themes

自信的主题和[释放React服务器组件的力量]([https:medium.com javascript(纯英语)release-the-p...](https:medial.com javascript,纯英语)释放-React-Server-Components-eb3fe7201231的力量
Theme with confidence and [Unleash the Power of React Server Components]([https: medium.com javascript-in-plain-english unleash- the-p…](https: medium.com javascript-in-plain-english unleash-the-power-of- react-server-components-eb3fe7201231) (2023-12-02, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] En-Code-Server

The backend of the "Encode" e-learning platform is powered by Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime, and MongoDB, a NoSQL database, ensuring scalability and performance for handling user data, course content, and various platform functionalities. (2023-09-02, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] Bug-spy

在项目开发周期中,监视、解决并永远不要让任何错误未被跟踪。后端服务器:[https:github.com Yagi91 bug spy-Bac...](https:gitchub.com Yagi91 bug spy后端),
Spy, resolve and never let any bug untracked during your project development cycle. Backend Server: https://github.com/Yagi91/bug-spy-BackEnd (2023-08-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] PoW-Shield

Project dedicated to fight Layer 7 DDoS with proof of work, with an additional WAF and controller. Completed with full set of features and containerized for rapid and lightweight deployment. (2023-07-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] ocsjs

OCS 网课助手,网课脚本,帮助大学生解决网课难题,支持【超星学习通】【知道智慧树】【职教云】【智慧职教】等网课 , 可以在 脚本猫 以及 油猴 等开源脚本管理器下运行。,
OCS online course assistant and online course script help college students solve online course problems, support online courses such as [Superstar Learning Link], [Know the Wisdom Tree], [Vocational Education Cloud] and [Smart Vocational Education], and can be run under open source script managers such as Script Cat and Oil Monkey., (2023-06-22, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
