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按分类查找All 交通/航空行业(344) 
按平台查找All Python(344) 


The Parking Management System leverages Streamlit for an intuitive interface, allowing users to manage parking spaces and vehicle data in real-time. With PostgreSQL for data storage and Flask powering the server-side, the application efficiently handles parking operations, including real-time availability and financial transactions. (2024-04-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] AI-Classification

This repository houses a collection of image classification models for various purposes, including vehicle, object, animal, and flower classification. Each classifier is built using deep learning techniques and pre-trained models to accurately identify and categorize images based on their respective classes. (2024-03-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] rate-limiter

An API rate limiter plays a crucial role in constructing an API or a large-scale distributed system, aiding in traffic throttling based on user activity. They enable you to maintain control, ensuring that the service isn t overwhelmed by one or more users, whether intentionally or unintentionally, preventing potential disruptions. (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] CodeAlpha_Basic_Network_Sniffer

CodeAlpha 2024年2月网络安全远程实习的任务1。用Python构建一个网络嗅探器,用于捕获和分析网络流量。该项目将帮助您了解数据在网络上的流动方式以及网络数据包的结构。
Task 1 of CodeAlpha s February 2024 Cyber Security Remote Internship. Build a network sniffer in Python that captures and analyzes network traffic. This project will help you understand how data flows on a network and how network packets are structured. (2024-02-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
