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[物理/力学计算] bin-fill-level-monitoring-system

this project enables real-time monitoring of trash levels within a bin. The ultrasonic sensor accurately measures the distance to the surface of the waste, while the Arduino processes this data to calculate the fill level as a percentage of the bin s capacity. Users can conveniently monitor the fill. (2024-05-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Smart_Bin

"Smart Bin" is an Arduino-based project integrating ultrasonic, servo motor, and odor sensors to create an intelligent waste management system. It automatically opens and closes the bin when a person approaches, emits alerts when the bin is full, provides real-time status updates, and alerts users to hazardous odors. (2024-05-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] pit_lake_GHE_modelling

GHE流体温度时间序列从COMSOL为《坑湖热动力学对地埋管换热器热性能的作用:一项数值研究》(the Role of Pit Lake Thermal Dynamics on the Heat Performance of Ground Heat Exchange:A numerical Study)手稿开发的数值模型中获得,目前正在审查中。
GHE fluid temperature time series obtained from the numerical models developed in COMSOL for the manuscript : The Role of Pit Lake Thermal Dynamics on the Thermal Performance of Ground Heat Exchangers: A Numerical Study, currently under review. (2024-05-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] samuko_imu_compute

Samuko IMU Compute(sic)项目的母回购。本项目的目标是设计和提供一个IMU设置和计算系统(即物理模块、软件和库),该系统将帮助轻松校准IMU传感器(即磁强计、陀螺仪和加速计)并输出经过良好过滤的方向读数
The parent repo of the Samuko IMU Compute (sic) Project. The AIM of this project is to design and make available a IMU setup and computation system (i.e a physical module, software and libraries) that will help to easily calibrate IMU sensors (i.e magnetometer, gyroscope and accelerometer) and output a well filetered orientation readings (2024-03-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] UltrasonicSensorProject

This project is a waste bin monitoring system implemented using a Raspberry Pi(Operating System) and an ultrasonic distance sensor. The system monitors the fill level of a waste bin, controls LEDs to indicate the fill status, calculates a disposal fee based on the fill level, and triggers an alert if the bin reaches a certain fill threshold. (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Obstacles-detection-using-raspberry-pi

In this IoT (Internet of Things) project, we have harnessed the power of a Raspberry Pi and an ultrasonic distance sensor to create a versatile and interactive system with a multitude of practical applications. By continuously measuring distances in real-time, this project opens doors to innovations in various domains. (2023-12-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
