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[处理器开发] zhanjian_jichuqiban

This is a battleship STM32 development board registers versions of all the source code, you can learn about the code they write. (2015-04-23, Visual C++, 12778KB, 下载16次)


[处理器开发] fwegergqrhqrehtqteh

STM32 timers learning, a summary of some of the documents for reference, or quite used to reference to solve practical problems (2015-02-08, Visual C++, 432KB, 下载2次)


[处理器开发] stm32f051demo

1.Cortex-M0系列处理器库函数开发模板 2.简单使用库函数开发
1.Cortex-M0 processor family developed template library functions easy to use library functions 2. Development (2014-11-13, Visual C++, 5334KB, 下载28次)


[处理器开发] mymain

s3c2410 X下编写的 音频播放器,可以播放wav文件,录音,在博创的平台上调试成功;
prepared s3c2410 X audio player, can play wav files, sound recordings, in Fiberxon successful commissioning of the platform (2014-03-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[处理器开发] MB85RC64

Ferroelectric MB85RC64 drivers need to be downloaded to see the application in the STM32 above. (2013-10-11, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载334次)


[处理器开发] M

STM32测频,数脉冲测频,三个定时器,M法测频 适合测高频
STM32 frequency measurement, digital pulse frequency measurement, three timers, M method to measure the frequency Suitable for measuring high-frequency (2013-09-06, Visual C++, 2067KB, 下载83次)


[处理器开发] PPXAA270CaymmX

PXA270 development information to tell you the internal structure of the analysis of the analysis from the processor and the memory of some of the information (2012-09-30, Visual C++, 623KB, 下载3次)


[处理器开发] SNicheLite_foT

STM32 的TCP/IP协议栈,由InterNiche提供供,可以在STM32微控制器上免费使用,
The STM32 TCP/IP protocol stack, by the InterNiche provided for, can be used free of charge on the STM32 microcontroller, (2012-08-14, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] NNEC78F0527HwE

NEC78F0527 hardware I2C- IIC_register,. NEC processor hardware I2C code chip for NEC78F0527 build environment PM+, has been tested. (2012-07-20, Visual C++, 38KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] LM3S615_cn

LM3S615 微控制器包含以下的产品特性: 􀁺 32 位RISC 性能 - 采用为小型嵌入式应用方案而优化的32 位ARM® CortexTM M3 v7M 结构 - 可兼容Thumb® 的Thumb-2 专用指令集处理器内核,可提高代码密度 - 50-MHz 工作频率 - 硬件除法和单周期乘法 - 集成了嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC)以提供明确的中断处理 - 29 个中断,带8 个优先级 - 存储器保护单元(MPU)为受保护的操作系统功能提供了一种特权模式 - 非对齐式的数据访问,使数据可以有效地压入内存 - 极细微的位元处理操作(atomic bit-banding)可最大限度地使用内存,并且提供 精简(streamlined)的外设控制
LM3S615 micro controller contains the following characteristics: 􀁺 32 位RISC 性能 -the embedded application scheme for the small and the optimization of the 32-bit ARM ® CortexTM M3 v7M structure -compatible with the Thumb ® Thumb-2 special instruction set processor core, can improve the code density -50-MHz working frequency -hardware division and single cycle the multiplication -integrated nested vector interrupt controller (NVIC) to provide clear interrupt handling -29 interrupt, with eight priority -memory protection unit (MPU) for protected operating system function provides a privilege mode -the alignment of the type data access, so that data can be effective pressure into memory -extremely slight bit processing operation (atomic bit-banding) can maximum use of memory, and to provide Streamline (streamlined) control of peripherals (2011-12-29, Visual C++, 2081KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] Intel-microprocessor-architecture

Intel微处理器结构、编程与接口 从8086到Pentium系列体系结构、编程与接口技术
Intel microprocessor architecture, programming and interface to the Pentium series from the 8086 architecture, programming and interface technology (2011-11-10, Visual C++, 13552KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] alg_focus

DM6437 processor based auto-focusing to achieve, including planning and focus window image quality assessment in two parts. (2011-10-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载45次)


[处理器开发] 7455

mma7455 加速度传感器 430源码 SPI 模式 直接添加可以引用
mma7455 source SPI mode acceleration sensor 430 can directly add reference to (2011-06-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载90次)


[处理器开发] introduce_to_51regiser_table

The file describe the 51 mcu register, we can use the file in the project to konw more about 51 mcu (2011-05-30, Visual C++, 10KB, 下载3次)


[处理器开发] arm7

This master' s thesis is based on ARM micro-controller of blood pressure detection system, put it detailed and specific. (2009-12-15, Visual C++, 957KB, 下载82次)


[处理器开发] S3C2440_CN

This is a Samsung S3C2440 processor ARM9 Chinese manual, should be online now most of the manual translation of the (2009-06-27, Visual C++, 2480KB, 下载4次)


[处理器开发] ImplementationofFPGAconfiguration

基于ARM 微控制器配置FPGA 的实现 摘 要:介绍了基于ARM 内核的ATMEL AT91FR4081 微控制器以J TAG 的ISP 方式配置XILINX XC2S150PQ208 FPGA 的实现过程。这是一种灵活和经济的FPGA 的配置方法。介绍了ISP 和J TAG 的原 理、系统实现的流程、硬件电路设计、J TAG 驱动算法的实现和配置时间的测试结果。
ARM-based microcontroller to configure the FPGA to achieve Abstract: The ARM core-based microcontrollers ATMEL AT91FR4081 to J TAG (2008-11-14, Visual C++, 80KB, 下载29次)


[处理器开发] yuanma

uC/GUI is a generic graphics module embedded applications, it is the United States Micrium developed an efficient, processor and LCD controller with an independent generic GUI, can be applied a variety of CPU and LCD, in a single task and multi-tasking operation (2008-09-09, Visual C++, 4052KB, 下载41次)


[处理器开发] TCPIPARM

embedded TCPIP agreement on the low-speed processor to achieve a simplified program, and successfully applied to a distributed system (2006-03-28, Visual C++, 457KB, 下载29次)


[处理器开发] Release2.1

burning flash devices, and support WRIGGLER SDT JTAG (runtime can automatically select) (2005-03-24, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载77次)
