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按分类查找All PHP编程(424) 

[PHP编程] laravel-tus

Laravel package for handling resumable file uploads with tus protocol and native Uppy.js support without additional tus servers. (2024-04-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] flyclone

rclone的PHP包装器。支持本地磁盘、Dropbox、FTP、SFTP、Google Drive、MEGA、S3(任何兼容)和其他。进度支持。
PHP wrapper for rclone. Supports Local disk, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, Google Drive, MEGA, S3 (any compatible) and others. Progress support. (2024-03-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] projet-tdw

CarLog is a car comparator website ,developed as part of a Web Development project (2CS) for learning purposes , using HTML , CSS , JS , PHP (2024-02-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] arks-service

这个独立的应用程序提供了一个用于造币、(批量)绑定ARK标识符和ARK URL解析器的用户界面。
This standalone application provides a user interface to mint, (bulk) bind ARK Identifiers, and resolver for Ark URLs. (2024-02-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] profiler

php profiler for record and analyze logs, time load, memory usage, session get post variables, files included, database usage. (2024-02-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] RolePlayingGame-phpMVC

在PHP web应用程序中练习模型-视图-控制器开发架构。项目的主题是角色游戏。在t中…
Practicing Model View Controller developing architecture in a PHP web application. The thematic of the proyect is about a role game. In t… (2023-10-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] wp-enqueue

The WP Enqueue class provides a wrapper to make enqueueing scripts and styles in WordPress more easily., (2023-10-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Laravel-Amazone-Kit

Laravel is an open source, model-view-controller (MVC) framework for PHP. This tutorial walks you through the process of generating a Laravel application, deploying it to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, and configuring it to connect to an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database instance. (2021-06-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] register-php-app-in-eureka

This Package is Eureka Client And it s a library that interacts with the Eureka Server to register, deregister, and discover other services., (2023-09-16, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] ftp-sftp-connector

PHP FTP和SFTP客户端连接器库简化了FTP和SFTP-协议操作,使管理远程文件和建立变得容易…,
PHP FTP and SFTP Client Connector Library simplifies FTP and SFTP protocol operations, making it easy to manage remote files and establi…, (2023-09-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] php-annotations

为您的项目提供简单、懒惰、快速和轻量级Doctrine注释和PHP 8属性读取器的库。,
A library that provides a Simple, Lazy, Fast & Lightweight Doctrine Annotations and PHP 8 Attribute reader for your project., (2023-08-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] app-store-server-api

这是一个零依赖性的纯PHP库,允许使用App Store Server API管理客户的事务,并处理服务器-...,
This is a zero-dependencies pure PHP library which allows to manage customer s transactions using App Store Server API and handle server-to-server notifications using App Store Server Notifications V2 (2023-08-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] readsb

Readsb是用于RTLSDR、BladeRF、Modes Beast和GNS5894设备的S模式ADSB TIS解码器。
Readsb is a Mode-S ADSB TIS decoder for RTLSDR, BladeRF, Modes-Beast and GNS5894 devices. (2020-08-01, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] excel_uploader

This is a simple JavaScript library that simplify the process of uploading data from large excel files to the server (2018-03-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Env

Env是一个轻量级库,为PHP带来了.Env文件解析器兼容性。简而言之,它使您能够读取.env f...
Env is a lightweight library bringing .env file parser compatibility to PHP. In short - it enables you to read .env files with PHP. (2022-05-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] ts3admin

ts3admin.class是一个强大的api,用于从您的网站与Teamspeak 3服务器通信!你的创造力...
The ts3admin.class is a powerful api for communication with Teamspeak 3 Servers from your website! Your creativity knows no bounds! (2019-10-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] archer

基于协程Swoole的Task组件,支持多种模式。轻松实现协程Task的队列、并发、Defer、计时器等 | Swoole coroutine task kit - Swoole Humanization Library
Task components based on coroutine Swoole support multiple modes. Easily implement the queue, concurrency, Defer, timer, etc. | Swoole coroutine task kit - Swoole Humanization Library (2020-07-17, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 商城模板

alpha框架web开发使用在开始新在开始新项目之前,我们首先要把开发工具准备好,依旧是那个几个软件,wampserver,浏览器,nodepad, Mysqlworkbench。
Before starting a new project, we first need to get the development tools ready, the same software, wampserver, browser, nodePad, Mysqlworkbench. (2021-01-21, PHP, 1903KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 码支付V1.0

Support WeChat, Alipay, QQ wallet scan code payment, can be used to reward sponsorship payment website system, support the background to view real-time income, the system is completely open source, no backdoor, upload directly to their servers to install it! (2019-05-22, PHP, 13937KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] bookmarks-checker-2019-04-25

这个包可以检查浏览器书签文件以识别死掉的URL。 它可以获取一个带有Chrome或Firefox浏览器使用书签的文件,并检查它们所指向的URL是否仍然可以访问。 包可以确定仍然可以访问或访问失败的链接数。
This package can check browser bookmark files to identify dead URLs. It can take a file with bookmarks used by the Chrome or Firefox browsers and checks if the URL they point are still accessible. The package can determine the number of links that are still accessible or it failed to access them. (2019-04-29, PHP, 22KB, 下载1次)
