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[Unreal] AgoraStaticMeshThumbnailRenderer

一个简单的Unreal Engine插件,在内容浏览器中提供有关静态网格的一些信息。
A simple Unreal Engine plugin that provides some information about Static Mesh in Content Browser. (2024-05-02, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Blender-Car-Streamliner

A Car Centered Focused Blender Addon, helps with modeling, rigging and exporting your car model to Unreal Engine, plus more (2024-03-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Kuwahara-Filter-Plugin

Created a Kuwahara Filter in HLSL for Unreal. Implemented as a global shader by making it a plugin in a C++ custom module. (2024-02-22, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Pottermore

Pottermore is a small VR test project in Unreal Engine 4.25 to experiment with Niagara particle effects and motion controller motion. (2024-02-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UnrealUiControllerGenerator

这是一个非常简单的WPF应用程序,它从Unreal Engine中的小部件蓝图层次结构生成UI控制器。要使用它,请选择...
This is a very simple WPF application that generates a UI controller from a widget blueprint hierarchy in Unreal Engine. To use it, select all the widgets in the Widget Hierarchy in the Unreal Engine Widget Blueprint Editor (Ctrl+A), and copy/paste it into the input field in this app, fill in the name/output location and press Create. (2023-12-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] StackOBot

Get stuck in Stack’O’Bot, a small sandbox project that showcases a lean player controller, an expandable interaction system, and modular pieces you can build on. It also shows all the new features of Unreal Engine 5 in a practical vertical slice. (2023-10-10, Inno Setup, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] custom-first-person-character-controller

A custom first-person character controller built in Unreal Engine 5.3 that features slope movement, dynamic footsteps, walking, looking, jumping, crouching, sprinting and head bobbing. Check out the YouTube video for more information. (2023-09-29, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] GraphPrinter-Document

This plugin adds a shortcut key that prints an Unreal Engine graph editor (such as Blueprint or Material ...) to an image file or copies it to the clipboard. (2023-09-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] ation-library-for-AWS-and-Unreal-Engine-processes

This library will allow you to commuicate player data between different processes on the same system. You will be able to GET/SET things in AWS DynamoDB, and also authenticate players using AWS Cognito. (2023-07-21, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] BTNetNoMenuMusic

A mod for Unreal Tournament (UT99) servers which prevents UT s default menu music from being played on maps which do not have a music track set. (2019-09-01, UnrealScript, 4KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Holine

Distributed Scablale Entity-Component-System Mmo Game server for Unreal Engine 4 and 5 ; For A better Game/ with more Map handle by the Game Server. (2023-01-16, HTML, 11057KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] YOLOv8_ROS

Implementation of Yolov8 in ROS , and Detecting, Segmenting, and Tracking swimming and treading people in a Sea Simulation Environment in real-time using Microsoft AirSim and Unreal Engine 5.1 (2023-04-30, Python, 609KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] airsim_ros_bridge

这是一个Python ROS包,用于在ROS上发布AirSim模拟器(基于虚幻引擎)作为主题,并实现...
This is a Python ROS Package for publishing AirSim simulator (based on Unreal Engine) on ROS as topics, and implementing nodes for different autonomous software stack algorithms. (2021-05-23, Python, 32KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE5Template

不需要Visual Studio的Unreal Engine 5的模板C++项目。从终端运行,使用任何编辑器。
Template C++ project for Unreal Engine 5 without the need of Visual Studio. Run from terminal, use any editor. (2022-06-11, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UnityTriggerTests

UE4TriggerTests的Unity版本。展示如何在Unity 3D中使用触发器。此外,还有一个自定义Thr...
A Unity version of the UE4TriggerTests. Showcases how to use triggers in Unity 3D. Additionally there is a custom ThridPersonCamera Script which replicates what Unreal does with it s Camera. (2018-12-03, C#, 10048KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4View

FAR Manager plugin, written in .NET using FarNet platform. Aims to help with inspecting, unpacking and deserializing Unreal Engine 4 files. (2018-05-03, C#, 44KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] FilePicker

Unreal Engine 4的插件,它添加了一个Blueprint节点,该节点启动一个文件选择器,如C#中的OpenFileDialog。工作...
A plug-in for Unreal Engine 4 that adds a Blueprint node that launches a file picker like OpenFileDialog in C #. Works in both editor and runtime. (2019-11-20, C++, 32KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE-DSSPlugin

Scalable MMO servers instantiation, dungeon instantiation and player balancing subsystem for unreal engine (2023-05-28, C++, 643KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] unimenu

跨应用程序的简单一致菜单:虚幻、搅拌器、玛雅、克里塔、物质画家、卡塔纳、绒猴、3ds max、哭泣...
easy consistent menus across apps: unreal, blender, maya, krita, substance painter, Katana, marmoset, 3ds max, cry-engine, FreeCAD, Hero, Nuke, Qt,... (2023-06-07, Python, 302KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] GraphPrinter

This plugin adds a shortcut key that prints an Unreal Engine graph editor (such as Blueprint or Material ...) to an image file or copies it to the clipboard. (2023-06-08, C++, 31500KB, 下载1次)
