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[虚拟化] finman_api

财务经理的小型烧瓶REST API服务器。部署在虚拟共享托管上。实现了jwt身份验证。CRUD功能用于管理每个类别的家庭付款。使用mono webhook获取单行支付。按年、月和类别显示付款报告。
Small Flask REST API server for finance manager. Deployed on virtual shared hosting. Realized jwt auth. CRUD functional for manage family payments per category. Getting monobank payments using mono webhook. Showing payments reports by years, months and category. (2024-04-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Microsoft_Cryptofile_Currency

yknow, if that million billiion terabyte virtual memory space is for capitalizing on controlled pathways for root servers, I ma generate in the search function and capitalize on it myself (2024-03-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] digital-ocean-python-sdk

DigitalOcean为云基础架构提供了虚拟服务器、存储、网络和开发人员友好的工具,用于快速部署和扩展应用程序。初创公司、开发人员和企业用于web应用程序。Konfig(https:konfigthis.com)生成的DigitalOcean的Python SDK。
DigitalOcean offers cloud infrastructure with virtual servers, storage, networking, and developer-friendly tools for quick application deployment and scaling. Used by startups, developers, and enterprises for web apps. DigitalOcean s Python SDK generated by Konfig (https: konfigthis.com ). (2024-03-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] econ-simulator

The Python Economic Simulator is a simulation program designed to model economic events and their impact on a virtual economy. This project provides a simple and interactive way to simulate economic scenarios and observe changes in a simulated economic environment. (2024-02-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Json-Local-Server

The server is a minimal implementation written in just 14 lines and 275 characters. It runs on the local host with a simple endpoint ([h…](http: ), (2023-07-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] xen-grabber

XenGrabber重新推出了更多功能!不一致令牌窃取者、浏览器cookie和密码窃取者,Roblox cookie窃取者等!,
XenGrabber is back with more packed features! Discord token stealer, browser cookie & password stealer, Roblox cookie stealer and more!, (2023-07-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
