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[FlashMX/Flex源码] cmp_4_b120729

CMP是一款免费的在线Flash音乐播放器,致力于提供最佳在线音乐播放解决方案。支持的音频视频格式主要有MP3,FLV,MP4,并可以通过网页JS接口实现WMP(Windows Media Player)所支持的格式播放,如wma等。主要功能特色有列表式播放(自定义音乐专辑和列表),MP3可视化效果(声音频谱),同步歌词(默认支持lrc歌词以及kmc卡拉ok歌词),高清视频和在线直播(h264/rtmp),自定义皮肤,加载各种插件等等,CMP4支持api的调用,可让用户实现更多自定义功能。。
CMP is a free online Flash music player dedicated to providing the best online music player solution. The supported audio and video formats are mainly MP3, FLV, and MP4, and can be played by WMP (Windows Media Player) supported by the web JS interface, such as wma. The main feature features are list playback (custom music album and list), MP3 visualizations (sound spectrum), sync lyrics (default support LRC lyrics and KMC karaoke lyrics), high definition video and online live (h264/rtmp), custom skin, loading various plug-ins and so on, CMP4 supports API calls, allowing users to real More custom functions are now available. (2018-06-12, FlashMX, 808KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] CellWeb

Cell 插件用于开发B/S结构程序,使用Asp, Asp.net, Jsp, VbScript, JavaScript等语言开发,可以在浏览器中直接打印报表(非IE打印),带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用更方便,更安全。 ? 具备Cell组件的所有特色功能,在浏览器中提供报表的显示和打印 ? 网络报表界面美观,大大改善了浏览器中报表的输出效果 ? 带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用的更安全、更放心 ? 可将报表文件另存为华表文件或者Excel文件,从而可以进行进一步加工 ? 支持ASP、ASP.Net、JSP、VBScript、JavaScript等语言开发 在开发工具中将Cell插件引入至工程,然后将Cell插件拖至页面中即可开始报表设计。
Cell plug-in for the development of B/S structure, using Asp, Asp.net, Jsp, VbScript, JavaScript and other language development, can be in the browser directly print statements (non IE printing), with international digital signature, so that users use more convenient, more secure. With all the features of the Cell component, the display and print of the report in the browser. The network report interface is beautiful, which greatly improves the output of the report in the browser. With international digital signature, so that users use more secure, more assured The report? Can save the file as the table file or Excel file, which can be used for further processing Support for ASP.Net, JSP, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript and other language development In the development tool, the Cell plug-in is introduced to the project, and then drag the Cell plug-in to the page to begin the report design. (2015-08-08, FlashMX, 199KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] 20140610swf

电子技术swf 动画 1.PN结 2.二极管的伏安特性 3.单向半波整流电路 4.桥式全波整流电路 5.电容滤波器 6.三极管的电流放大作用 7.三极管的电流分配关系 8.三极管的输入特性
1.PN knot 2 diode voltage characteristics 3-way half-wave rectifier circuit 4 full-wave bridge rectifier circuit 5-capacitor filter 6 the current amplification transistor 7 transistor current distribution relationship 8 transistor input characteristics (2014-06-10, FlashMX, 5935KB, 下载55次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Box2D-Chuang-Jian-Flash-Game

介绍如何使用Box2D物理引擎创建Flash游戏。共分八章。第一章 hello box2d world;第二章 给世界添加刚体;第三章 刚体交互;第四章 给刚体施力;第五章 处理碰撞;第六章 joint与motor;第七章 给游戏换肤;第八章 子弹及感知器
Describes how to use the Box2D physics engine to create a Flash game. Divided into eight chapters. The first chapter hello box2d world Chapter II rigid added to the world Chapter III rigid interaction Chapter IV to the rigid body force Chapter V handle collisions Chapter VI joint and motor Chapter VII of the skin to the game Chapter VIII of the bullet and perceptron (2014-02-13, FlashMX, 1285KB, 下载2次)


[OpenGL] Pixel-BenderOfFlash

使用Adobe Pixel Bender的是由安装Adobe Flash Player 10,Adobe After Effects的,和Adobe Photoshop图形处理引擎的支持。语言是基于OpenGL着色语言(GLSL),用于优化像素绘图操作在3D渲染片段着色器语言,如。在Flash Player中,您可以使用Pixel Bender程序创建滤镜,混合,区域填充和线条填充。
Use Adobe Pixel Bender is installed by Adobe Flash Player 10, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop graphics processing engine and support. Language is based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), is used to optimize the pixel drawing operations in 3D rendering fragment shader language, such as. In Flash Player, you can use the program to create Pixel Bender filters, blends, area fills and line fills. (2013-07-16, FlashMX, 138KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] FishTP-v1.0.1

包含主要的FTP通信代码以及几个自定义流程,能在一般情况下正常使用,如功能不够,请发邮件与我联系,将会尽快丰富该库,或者自行添加 文档里包含了所有类的说明,源码里的main.mxml文件里包含了使用方法,给出的Demo是模拟一个DOS控制台的形式 初始输入示例: connect 21 username password 可以连接服务器 连接成功后, 输入 help 可以查询可使用的命令 更新 FishTP-1.0.1 针对大文件(1G以上)上传下载过程中出现内存消耗导致程序崩溃实现了一种解决方法,可供参考
新版V1.0.1 no message (2013-05-25, FlashMX, 921KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] aaaaa

蚁群算法(ant colony optimization, ACO),又称蚂蚁算法,是一种用来在图中寻找优化路径的机率型算法。它由Marco Dorigo于1992年在他的博士论文中提出,其灵感来源于蚂蚁在寻找食物过程中发现路径的行为。蚁群算法是一种模拟进化算法,初步的研究表明该算法具有许多优良的性质。针对PID控制器参数优化设计问题,将蚁群算法设计的结果与遗传算法设计的结果进行了比较,数值仿真结果表明,蚁群算法具有一种新的模拟进化优化方法的有效性和应用价值。
Ant Colony Algorithm (2013-03-19, FlashMX, 24KB, 下载9次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] tv

本插件基于网络FLASH开发的网络播放器,功能强大,比普通网络电视更流畅、更清晰,而且十分方便,无需安装任何插件,打开网页既可实时在线播放 ,各个地方省电视台集合于一身,高速,高清线路,不卡,多线路版本。适用于所有网站,特别适合影视站点添加电视直播只用,方便快捷,免维护
The plug-in based on the development of the network of networks FLASH player, powerful, more fluid than ordinary network television, clearer, and very convenient, do not need to install any plug-in, open the the pages either real-time online play, various parts of the the provincial television set in a high-speed HD line cards, multi-line versions. Applies to all sites, especially for film and television add the site live television only, convenient, maintenance-free (2012-09-07, FlashMX, 66KB, 下载4次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] AnimSpriteExample

网页三维开发,建立控制器并连接摄像机 cameraController = new CameraController(stage) cameraController.camera = camera // Set default control keys——设置默认控制键 cameraController.setDefaultBindings() // Turn on camera collision detection——打开摄像机碰撞检测 cameraController.checkCollisions = true // Set collision detection radius for camera——设置摄像机碰撞检测弧度 cameraController.collisionRadius = 20 // Aim camera at the cube primitive——把摄像机定位到原始立方体上 cameraController.lookAt(box.coords)
private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void { // User input processing cameraController.processInput() // Scene calculating. Scene will be recalculated and all changes will be redrawed in camera. (2012-02-22, FlashMX, 929KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] FusionCharts_Evaluation

FusionCharts是InfoSoft Global公司的一个产品,InfoSoft Global 公司是专业的Flash图形方案提供商,他们还有几款其他的,基于Flash技术的产品,都非常的漂亮。 FusionCharts free 是一个跨平台,跨浏览器的flash图表组件解决方案,能够被 ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, 简单 HTML 页面甚至PPT调用。你不需要知道任何关于flash编程的知识,你只需要知道你所用的编程语言就可以了。
FusionCharts v3 helps you create animated and interactive Flash charts for web and desktop applications. It livens up your applications by converting monotonous data into exciting visuals. (2010-08-02, FlashMX, 18834KB, 下载24次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] as3isolib

As3isolib是一个开源的ActionScript 3.0等距图书馆,以协助建立等距预测的内容(如游戏和图形)的Flash播放器的平台的目标。 As3isolib包括公用事业,原语和意见。 As3isolib已研制了简单,速度和性能方面考虑,使开发人员能够专注于实际应用,而不必学习复杂的API。该as3isolib是松散的基于场景图的执行情况。
As3isolib is an open-source ActionScript 3.0 Isometric Library developed to assist in creating isometrically projected content (such as games and graphics) targeted for the Flash player platform. As3isolib includes utilities, primitives and views. As3isolib was developed with simplicity, speed and performance in mind so that developers can focus on actual implementations rather than having to learn a complex API. The as3isolib is loosely based on a scenegraph implementation. (2010-01-25, FlashMX, 508KB, 下载5次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flash_maze

flash迷宫游戏源码。 该文件为近期给一个在大学里的一个朋友做的一个小的flash版的迷宫游戏。 里面包括游戏源代码、程序界面、最终效果(swf文件)、制作过程人网页说明文档以及播放器软件。 主要是为其给老师交作业用的。里面包含了flash中的一个重要方法hitTest()的使用. 实现了迷宫的大致功能。是一个学习参考的不错的例子。
The document for the near future to a university, a friend to do a little flash version of the maze game. Which includes the game source code, program interface, the final result (swf file), one page describes the document production process as well as the player software. Is mainly used for its hand in papers to the teacher. Which contains a flash in an important way to hitTest () use. To achieve the broad features of the maze. Is a learning reference to a good example of this. (2010-01-10, FlashMX, 2681KB, 下载118次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] j_11314_flash_mp3

带列表的FLASH MP3播放器,特点: 1.动态计算歌曲时间 2.拖放中动态显示进度 3.当前歌曲播放完前进行提示 4.随机和有序播放歌曲 5.歌曲列表中点击播放 6.输入曲号指定歌曲播放
With a list of FLASH MP3 player features: 1. Dynamic computing time for two songs. Drag and drop in the dynamic display of the progress of three. End of the current song playing before the prompts 4. Random and orderly play songs 5. Song list, click to play 6. Enter the specified number songs play song (2009-08-31, FlashMX, 503KB, 下载17次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flash-playC01

在线flash播放器.用AS3.0编写,请用flash cs3.0打开! AS3.0 可以解决了as2无法解决对加载flash的舞台的大小的判断,从实现了对加载的flash有效播放面大小的控制,不再需要像以前用遮罩来做一个伪装!
Online flash player. AS3.0 prepared using, please open the flash cs3.0! As2 could solve the problem of AS3.0 can not load flash on the stage to determine the size, from the realization of the load side of the flash player the size of effective control, are no longer required to do as before with a camouflage mask! (2009-08-16, FlashMX, 19KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] ppdong

1、增加影片数量统计函数。 2、改进侧边栏及首页列表第一数据是否显示图片的函数。 3、加入AJAX留言插件。 4、加入AJAX评论插件,后台可设置是否开启,后台可分别按IP,留言者,影片名显示留言,并可以批量删除,留言和评论插件后台均有相关参数设置。 5、改进点播列表集数过多则自动限制在一定范围。 6、增加数据批量替换功能。 7、增加分类合并功能。 8、后台增加HTML状态判断,没有生成的自动选中,可直接批量生成。 9、后台增加人气显示,可以分别按人气,ID,时间排序,并显示当前影片评论数量,多来源数据将显示多个来源。 10、增加DZ编辑器,添加影片介绍更得心应手。 11、改进播放器选项为下拉式,并标有详细来源提示,更贴近新手。 12、改进后台登录模块,防止他人用COOKIES欺骗登录后台,为了绝对安全,建议还是改名。 13、重新增加播放前广告。 14、广告管理增加JS转换工具,凡是JS被编辑时下面均显示转换工具。 15、增加后台添加数据时重复数据检测。 16、不选播放器可以直接添加跳转地址,例如填KU6的。
1, increase the number of statistical functions videos. 2, improved sidebar and top the list of data indicate that the first picture of the function. 3, by adding AJAX plug-in message. 4, by adding AJAX Comments Plug-ins, the background can be set whether or not to open, the background can be based on IP, messages, and video messages were displayed, and can bulk delete messages and comments are related to the background plug-in parameters. 5, to improve the on-demand list automatically set too many restrictions in a certain range. 6, the replacement function to increase the data volume. 7, increase the functional classification of the merger. 8, the background increase in the state to determine HTML not generated automatically selected volume can be directly generated. 9, the background increase in popularity, it can be, respectively, by popularity, ID, time to sort and display the current number of video reviews, multi-source data from multiple sources will be displaye (2009-08-12, FlashMX, 1505KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] updateForASP

选择多个文件上传,显示上传速度,进度条,纯正的FLASH代码,使用的是HTTP协议,所以客户端,服务端都不需要安装任何组件 因为是模仿FORM表单提交,所以支持所有的网页动态语言:ASP PHP ASP.NET JSP等 此为ASP版 更新内容 添加了对等待上传文件最大个数控制,参数为 fileNum 添加了上传数据总量控制,参数为 UpSize,本地判断用户可传输的流量,最大限度的节省了服务器流量浪费
failed to translate (2009-04-14, FlashMX, 32KB, 下载15次)


[OA办公系统] OA

一套三层结构的文件管理OA系统源码,界面表现层使用flash,中间层使用c# webservice,数据库后台使用sqlserver.压缩文件中的webservicesOA文件是c#中间层代码,outState.sql是数据库脚本.需要配置IIS服务器.
A three-tiered structure of the document management system source OA, interface presentation layer to use flash, use the middle layer c# webservice, Backgrounds database using sqlserver. Compressed file in the document are webservicesOA layer between c# code, outState.sql are database scripts. Necessary Configure IIS server. (2009-03-16, FlashMX, 21659KB, 下载68次)


[WEB开发] j_12587_zscmp

后台管理地址adminlogin.asp 管理用户名和密码为:admin (使用前请修改) 密码修改方法:打开adminlogin.asp 把里面的admin改成你的用户名和密码 多用户FLASH播放器为网上免费程序整合,不保证没有Bug和保证程序的安全性,请谨慎使用!
Admin Address adminlogin.asp management for a user name and password: admin (use before modify) a password modification method: Open adminlogin.asp inside the admin to change your user name and password multi-user FLASH player for online free program integration, not Bug and guarantees to ensure that no security procedures, please use caution! (2008-09-09, FlashMX, 3475KB, 下载2次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] HeavenLight

辽宁师范大学研究生会(yjsh.lnnu.edu.cn)首页flash的源码,修改自一个国外开源的flash 图片展示器(改动较大),xml控制,实现了图片在一定范围内的自适应大小/抗锯齿,说明文字,点击链接。
Liaoning Normal University Postgraduate Association (yjsh.lnnu.edu.cn) Home flash source code, modified from a foreign open-source flash image display device (larger changes), xml control, realize the picture in a certain range of adaptive Size/antialiasing, descriptive text, click on the link. (2008-06-05, FlashMX, 680KB, 下载16次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] junhuavchat

包括所有源文件类,加载容器类,FMS2.0服务端文件类 具体的请打开项目文件,所有文件都在那里 另外加点说明: config.xml,客户端和FMS服务端各有一个.两个设置要相同,里面是服务器运行路径和FMS路径,参照设置即可 运行条
Including all types of source files, loading the container category, FMS2.0 services to client specific documents, please open the project file, all documents are points where additional note: config.xml, client and server have a FMS. Two set to the same, which is the server path and run the FMS path, the light settings can be run (2008-06-03, FlashMX, 2581KB, 下载26次)
