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[PHP编程] SMSIR-Prestashop

It is a practical add-on for the PrestaShop free store builder system that enables you to easily notify users and administrators via SMS. (2024-05-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Simple-Banking-System

Create a banking system utilizing PHP or Node.js along with Vue.js or React.js, following the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, and using MySQL as the database. (2024-02-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] Laravel

Laravel是一个免费的开源PHP web框架,由Taylor Otwell创建,旨在遵循模型-视图-控制器体系结构模式并基于Symfony开发web应用程序。
Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. (2024-02-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] php_Mvc

Proyek PHP MVC sederhana untuk memulai pengembangan web Anda。Proyek ini memanfaatkan konsep模型视图控制器(MVC)untuk membuat struktur yang mudah dipahami dan dikelola。
Proyek PHP MVC sederhana untuk memulai pengembangan web Anda. Proyek ini memanfaatkan konsep Model-View-Controller (MVC) untuk membuat struktur yang mudah dipahami dan dikelola. (2024-01-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] laravel-pulse-guzzle-recorder

Laravel Pulse Guzzle Recorder提供了一个自定义记录器,用于拦截通过guzzlehttp guzzlephp库发出的http请求,并将它们记录到Laravele Pulse Slow Outgoing requests部分。
Laravel Pulse Guzzle Recorder provide a custom recorder for intercepting http requests made via guzzlehttp guzzle php library and log them into the Laravel Pulse Slow Outgoing Requests section. (2023-12-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] redesocial

Este项目包括em uma实现,没有Facebook。Foi desenvolvido seguindo o padr o MVC(模型-视图-控制器)e utilizando一种语言PHP na vers o 7.4 como base。
Este projeto consiste em uma implementa o inspirada no Facebook. Foi desenvolvido seguindo o padr o MVC (Model-View-Controller) e utilizando a linguagem PHP na vers o 7.4 como base. (2023-12-20, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] simple-php-router

Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind. (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] router

Robust PSR-7 router supporting attribute-based routing, complete with PSR-15 middleware and PSR-11 container support, all built upon the foundation of FastRoute. (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] skybox

基于Canvas WebGL(threejs.org)和Flash(pan0.net)的等矩形全景沉浸式查看器。包括在PHP中内置的基本MVC...,
Immersive viewer for equirectangular panoramas based on Canvas/WebGL (threejs.org) and Flash (pan0.net). Includes a basic MVC built in PHP from scratch. (2021-11-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] php-xml-chunker

A lightweight, fast, and optimized XML file splitter with build in tag data validation, written with the XMLParser library. The main goal of this is to split an XML file into multiple small chunks (hence the name), then save it into multiple different little XML files. (2023-10-16, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)



This library provides HTTP Message and HTTP Factory solution following PSR-7 and PSR-17 standards. It also includes an Emitter class for the PSR-7. (2023-08-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] LogLeaf

LogLeaf is a powerful PHP logging class tailored for tracking file activities in text or CSV. It logs timestamps, IP, browser, and OS, using external libraries for enhanced accuracy. Ideal for detailed data analysis, it ensures users can easily access structured logs. (2023-08-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] forms

?? Generating, validating and processing secure forms in PHP. Handy API, fully customizable, server & client side validation and mature design. (2023-07-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] dome

Upload to your server and decompress it to visit it. Oh, the JS in it is accelerated by CDN of plug-in library, so that the web page loads quickly (2020-07-12, PHP, 363KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] rockoa_utf8_2.3.2

ROCKOA协同办公系统是适用于中小型企业的通用型协同OA管理软件,融合了长期从事管理软件开发的丰富经验与先进技术,该系统采用领先的B/S(浏览器/服务器)操作方式,使得网络办公不受地域限制。 ROCKOA协同办公系统 2.3.2 更新日志:2016-07-05 1、添加自定义元素。 2、自定义表单开发流程。
Rockoa collaborative office system is a general-purpose collaborative OA management software for small and medium-sized enterprises, which integrates the rich experience and advanced technology of long-term management software development. The system adopts the leading B / S (Browser / server) operation mode, so that the network office is not restricted by the region. Rockoa coordinative office system 2.3.2 update log: July 5, 2016 1. Add custom elements. 2. Customize the form development process. (2020-06-12, PHP, 7480KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] discuzcj_Countdown

Discuz!代码倒计时插件Countdown插件适用于Discuz! X3站点的帖子, 投票, 发布悬赏, 发起活动, 出售商品 等所有可以使用编辑器的地方
Discuz! Code countdown plugin Countdown plugin is applicable to Discuz! X3 site posts, voting, posting rewards, launching events, selling goods and other places where you can use the editor (2020-03-16, PHP, 682KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Typesetter

A full-featured website content management system, and its embedded management interface allows users to see changes to the website in a simple browser window. (2020-03-16, PHP, 4015KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 丰桥下单sdk(PHP)demo实例

Create the order command under the same controller, and create a function to send the order request, you can send the order request to Fengqiao. (2019-05-28, PHP, 1KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 文件管理系统ajaxplorer

AjaXplorer是一个基于Web(PHP编程语言)的易于安装的远程档案管理器。其丰富的图形用户界面使终端用户能够很清晰的查阅档案信息。其主要特点是管理文件的常用操作(上传,下载,移动,重命名等) ,在线文件编辑,图片预览,书签管理系统,等等。 AjaXplorer主要特征 可以对远程端文件进行全功能的操作,如上传、下载、删除、更名等 提供了一个在线编辑器 图片预览功能 完备的书签系统
AjaXplorer is a remote file manager that is easy to install based on Web (PHP programming language). Its rich graphical user interface enables end users to access file information very clearly. Its main features are the common operation of managing files (uploading, downloading, moving, renaming, etc.), online file editing, picture preview, bookmark management system, and so on. Main features of AjaXplorer It can perform full-featured operation on remote end files, such as uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming and so on. An online editor is provided Picture preview function A complete bookmark system (2018-04-01, PHP, 3005KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] 仿头条CMS

CMS fang tou tiao php development (2018-02-07, PHP, 66070KB, 下载7次)
