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按分类查找All NFT(387) 

[NFT] generator

A code generator based on open-source projects that can dynamically switch and connect to databases online to generate entity, XML, dao, service, Vue, and SQL code, reducing development tasks by more than 70% (2019-04-16, CSS, 2191KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] rm3

RM3是一个很棒的无服务器web3 CRM,用于构建和开发DAO、DeFi和其他完全基于...
RM3 is an awesome serverless web3 CRM for building and developing DAO, DeFi and other communities based completely on web3 technologies. It also introduces a novel protocol helping dApps become serverless. (2022-09-25, CSS, 1104KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] Full-Stack-Web-App-Superhero-Sighting-Manager

超级英雄瞄准管理器的全栈Web应用程序。使用MySql作为数据库,java与Spring JPA结合使用,可以实现对数据库的管理...
Full-Stack Web Application for a Superhero sighting manager. Used MySql for the database, java with Spring JPA to handle/implement DAOs and Thymeleaf to handle the front end (2020-09-08, HTML, 155KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] hatchery-dao

HatcheryDAO is a Token gated Startup Incubator DAO in which a STARTUP can post about his startup and can recieves fundings on it from all over the world (2023-02-06, TypeScript, 3102KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] service-harness-jdbc

An easy to use, auto-configuring JDBC connection pool with circuit breaker and configurable backoff strategy. Plus, a data access object harness with many helper functions. (2023-04-13, Java, 496KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] spring-tdd-example

A Spring project for italiancoders community in order to show how to test: controller layer, service layer ( also using 3rd party API) and dao layer with JUNIT, MOCKITO and WIREMOCK (2021-04-02, Java, 72KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] code-generator-maven-plugin

Maven插件,基于数据库表生成控制器、服务、实体、DAO CRUD代码。支持MyBatis、MyB...
Maven plugin that generates Controller, Service, Entity, DAO CRUD code based on database tables. Support MyBatis, MyBatis -Plus, JPA. It also supports generating Dockerfile files and related Docker scripts: DockerImageBuildRun.bat, DockerImageBuildRun.bat, DockerImageDelete.bat (2023-03-14, Java, 97KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] Axie_Manager_Bot

我们在Axie Manager服务器中使用的自托管Discord机器人。它由多个方便的管理功能组成...
The self-hosted Discord bot we are using in the Axie Manager server. It consists of multiple handy features for managing your scholars in Axie Infinity and being able to use it for multiple managers. (2023-06-02, Python, 424KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] KurtAtWork-OpenSea-Auto-Uploader

This is a bulk NFT uploader automation script for OpenSea. If using Json files to upload NFTs, this is a good starting point for uploading in bulk. (2022-01-11, Python, 15230KB, 下载0次)



NFT 盲盒玩法的伺服器端功能示範,包含合約撰寫、部署、驗證等操作範例。
Demonstration of server side functions for NFT blind box gameplay, including example operations such as contract writing, deployment, and verification. (2022-05-29, Solidity, 126KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] Optimistic-NFT-Transfer

A bridge to transfer NFTS from L2 to L1. Burn an ERC721 token on the OVM then mint one with the same id on L1 (2021-02-24, Solidity, 212KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] PixelCowboys

此回购包含PixelCowboys NFT系列的dApp。它使用连接到智能控制器的 React前端...
This repo contains the dApp for the PixelCowboys NFT collection. It uses a react frontend hooked up to the smart contract for the NFTs so users can mint their Cowboys. (2022-02-03, Solidity, 59444KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] algoworld-explorer

AlgoWorld Explorer是一个为AlgoWorld NFT社区构建的免费开源NFT浏览器。GPLv下分布...
?? AlgoWorld Explorer is a free and open-source NFT explorer built for AlgoWorld NFT community. Distributed under GPLv3 license (2023-05-25, TypeScript, 2051KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] Genie-clone

building an app from the open sourced contracts from genie[<https://discord.com/invite/genie>] , an NFT aggregrator and batch swapping protocol an higher efficiency and creating the future of efficient cross platform NFT swaps. (2021-11-15, TypeScript, 2442KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] tutorial-server-side-signing

An example project (using NextJS and Tailwind) teaching how to use Bundlr s server-side signing feature which lets you pay for uploads on the server. The payment process is fully hidden from the end users. (2023-05-26, TypeScript, 140KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] nft-tracker

Blockchain application that enables peer to peer lending and that also includes and also includes and NFT tracker which helps users track there assets which also has real time data of crypto currency market (2022-10-18, JavaScript, 4081KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] NiftyDiscordMember

NiftyDiscordMember is a platform where one can tokenize roles, channels of one s Discord servers. Buyers can buy NFT and access the creator s private channels by starting superfluid stream using NFT. (2021-05-07, JavaScript, 896KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] Minecraft-NFT-Server

A Minecraft server world where players can buy and sell virtual land, items and other cosmetic goods, and build a thriving in game economy. (2021-03-04, JavaScript, 428KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] crowsnest

Crow‘s Nest是一款免费且简单的NFT投资组合跟踪器。跟踪和分析您的NFT-楼层、每日交易量、最低成本...
Crow s Nest is a free and simple NFT portfolio tracker. Track and analyze your NFTs - floors, daily volume, minimal collection value, and more (2022-03-14, JavaScript, 398KB, 下载0次)



DevNFT的目标是Encode x Filecoin加速器和Dev Dapp Starter Grant-这个项目诞生于BUIDL IT黑客马拉松...
DevNFT aim for Encode x Filecoin Accelerator and Dev Dapp Starter Grant - This project was born on BUIDL IT Hackathon x Polygon. (2023-04-25, JavaScript, 1323KB, 下载0次)
