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按分类查找All Unreal(392) 

[Unreal] InputManager_UE

An Input Manager for Unreal Engine (use with the old Input System, doesn t work with the Enhanced Input) developed during my last year school project (2024-02-01, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] TranslationToolkit-Document

It s a plugin for Unreal Engine that allows you to translate most text and tooltips in an editor and display them in a popup. You can also replace the selection with the translation result. (2023-09-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4EditorPluginTemplate

This is a template of a plugin for Unreal Engine that contains an Editor Utility Widget and can be opened via drop-down menu or a keyboard shortcut (2023-07-16, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] FF_PDFium

基于Google PDFium的虚幻引擎5运行时PDF呈现和阅读器插件。它具有实验性的写入功能。,
Unreal Engine 5 runtime PDF render and reader plugin based on Google PDFium. It has exprimental write functions., (2023-07-30, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] lgsm_selinux

一组SElinux策略模块,用于运行基于LinuxGSM的游戏服务器;目前支持:1。团队要塞2(tf2 tf2se...
Set of SElinux policy modules to run LinuxGSM-based game servers; Currently supports: 1. Team Fortress 2 (tf2 / tf2server), 2. Unreal Tournament 2004 server(s) (ut2004 / ut2k4server) (2023-04-08, Shell, 36KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] pixel-streaming

使用像素流,您可以在桌面PC或云中的服务器上运行打包的Unreal Engine应用程序,以及...
With Pixel Streaming, you run a packaged Unreal Engine application on a desktop PC or a server in the cloud, along with a small stack of web services that are included with the Unreal Engine. (2022-02-11, JavaScript, 141KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] rocket-craft-server

Basic account session staff based on node.js and MongoDB. First integration will be for UE rocket-craft projects. (2023-05-13, JavaScript, 4922KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4_Location_Data_Processor

An unpacker for position data exported by the Unreal Engine project for Spatial Development made for University of Magna Grecia, Italy. The program builds animation data and a heatmap of where people have walked as data for later review. (2022-08-08, Python, 48372KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] detect-app

检测python解释器正在哪个应用程序中运行。-----------------------------支持Ansible AutoCAD Blender...
Detect which app the python interpreter is running in.??---------------------------- Supports Ansible AutoCAD Blender Calibre Cinema 4D Clarisse Flame Fusion Gaffer Gimp Houdini Inkscape Katana Krita Mari Marmoset 3ds Max Maya Modo MotionBuilder Natron Nuke RV Revit Shotgun Scribus Softimage SubstanceDesigner SubstancePainter Unreal (2023-04-02, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4-Manager-for-Linux

这是用于GNU Linux的Unreal Engine 4的非正式管理器(安装UE4,更新它并允许下载...
This is an unofficial manager for the Unreal Engine 4 for GNU/Linux (Installs UE4, updates it and allows to download content from the Marketplace) (2022-02-23, Python, 85KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Unity-Retainer-Box

Unity uGUI的优化聚焦画布元素。基于Unreal的UMG固定器盒。内容呈现到...
An optimization-focused canvas element for Unity uGUI. Based on Unreal s UMG Retainer Box. Contents are rendered to a texture and swapped out for it, saving draw calls in exchange for texture memory. (2020-10-25, C#, 29KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE-BYGYouTrackFiller

Opens YouTrack in a browser and fills useful ticket info for internal bug reporting. (2022-08-06, C++, 122KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4_Win_QtCreatorSourceCodeAccess

Unreal Editor 4的源代码访问器插件。它可以在漂亮的Qt Creator中管理C++代码,而不是defau...
Source code accessor plugin for Unreal Editor 4. It alows to manage C++ code in beautiful Qt Creator instead of default source code editor overly tied to the UE4. (2018-11-17, C++, 30KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Unreal-Engine-Cel-Shading

Public page for my fork of UnrealEngine 5 where I build cel shading and an outline shader directly into the engine s rendering for performance reasons ?? (2022-06-12, C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UEShaderScript

UEShaderScript is a free Blender Plugin that allows for saving and dynamically loading shader maps and textures. It is built for all 3d assets exported from Unreal Engine. (2022-12-13, Python, 26824KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] InteractionPlugin

This is an Unreal Engine Plugin Written in C++ which aims to handle all the interactions in a game such as Triggers, Doors, Item Pickup and many more (2022-04-26, C++, 36KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Open-Shaders

Collection of many open source shaders(GLSL, HLSL, CG) in popular open source game development and rendering engines and public repositories. (2023-01-24, HLSL, 6727KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] channeld-ue-plugin

Enables distributed simulation with Unreal Engine s dedicated servers. 为虚幻引擎专用服务器提供分布式模拟能力的开源插件.
Enables distributed simulation with Unreal Engine s dedicated servers An open source plug-in that provides distributed simulation capability for the dedicated server of the illusion engine (2023-06-07, C++, 24673KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Pivot-Painter-for-Blender

Pivot Painter是一个用于创建3d模型的Blender插件,它将在Unreal Engine 4中使用Pivot涂料工具的着色器
Pivot Painter is a Blender addon to create a 3d model, that will use the Pivot Painter Tool s shaders in Unreal Engine 4 (2019-11-15, Python, 40KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] 03_BuildingEscape

A simple First Person game to learn level building, lighting, Unreal Editor, C++ game logic, basic Blueprint and more. (ref: BE_URC) <http://gdev.tv/urcgithub> (2019-01-27, C++, 47272KB, 下载0次)
