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[TCP/IP协议栈] PublicDnsList

This repository contains a curated list of fast & safe public DNS servers available on ipv4 and ipv6 networks. (2024-04-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] PacketTracer_Projects10

This repository contains a Packet Tracer project that simulates a network configuration for educational purposes. It includes various network topologies, configurations, and scenarios to help users learn networking concepts such as routing, switching, VLANs, and more. (2024-02-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] concurrentServe

ConcurrentServe is a compact, multithreaded web server in C, designed for educational purposes. It demonstrates TCP/IP networking, thread management, and HTTP protocol handling, offering a practical approach to learning low-level network programming. (2023-12-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ChildSafetyMonitoringApp

This project consists of a mobile application to monitor child safety while cycling using the phone s GPS sensor, accelerometer and orientation sensor. There is also a provision of a free real time call using the local network. This app was made as an assignment in the Signal Systems and Random Processes course at IIT Gandhinagar. (2023-11-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Router1x3

The Router is able to receive the data packets in a form of data stream and forward the packets at the respective address locations using T… (2023-11-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] V2ray_loadbalance_multipleServers

Create a reverse tunnel using FRP with load balancing between multiple servers using either Native IPV6 or Private IPs & Tunnel Broker (2023-11-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] vultr-ssr-ipv6-CentOs8-

Vultr builds the ssr server and uses the ipv6 streaming free campus network tutorial (CentOs8 Pit Avoidance Guide), (2020-10-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP_IP socket编程

《TCP Sockets编程》通过循序渐进的方式,从最基础的概念到高级别的Ruby封装器,再到更复杂的应用,提供了开发成熟且功能强大的应用程序所必备的知识和技巧,帮助读者掌握在Ruby语言环境下,用套接字实现项目开发的任务和技术。   《TCP Sockets编程》适合对TCP套接字感兴趣的读者阅读。
TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers, 2nd Edition is a quick and affordable way to gain the knowledge and skills needed to develop sophisticated and powerful web-based applications. The book's focused, tutorial-based approach enables the reader to master the tasks and techniques essential to virtually all client-server projects using sockets in C. This edition has been expanded to include new advancements such as support for IPv6 as well as detailed defensive programming strategies. (2018-01-24, Others, 18570KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPServer

Use by multi-threaded socket server-side programming in TCP traffic. Create a socket write TCP traffic control through the multi-threaded client, and client communication. (2012-04-20, Others, 46KB, 下载21次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] jiyuARM9detongyongkongzhiqisheji--

采用基于面向连接的TCP socket方式,实现连接建立、数据传输和结束传输三个通信流程,从而实现客户端与服务器之间的通信功能
Mainly based on the TCP socket connection-oriented manner, to achieve a connection between the client and server establish, data transmission and communication end of the transmission process, in order to achieve communication (2011-06-08, Others, 547KB, 下载5次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] DM9000A-WebServer

DM9000A for network servers using a variety of features, including TCP/IP, UDP, http and other functions, ADS1.2-based development environment, strong transplantation (2011-04-27, Others, 1080KB, 下载45次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Daquan-TCP-IP-technology

本书介绍TCP/IP及其应用。TCP/IP是Internet上使用的协议,而Internet是世界上最大的互联网络。本书内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了有关TCP/IP的各个方面,包括开放式通信模型、TCP/IP通信模型、IP网络中的命名和寻址机制、地址解析及反向地址解析协议、DNS域字服务器、WINS、地址发现协议、IPv6、IP网络中的路由协议(RIP、OSPF等)、互联网打印协议、LDAP目录服务、远程访问协议、IP安全与防火墙。本书介绍了如何为Windows 9x/NT配置TCP/IP;还介绍了如何使用TCP/IP应用程序,包括远程登录、FTP、Web浏览等。
This book introduces TCP/IP and its application. TCP/IP is the protocol used on the Internet, while the Internet is the world' s largest Internet network. This book is rich in content, covering almost on TCP/IP in all aspects, including open communication model, TCP/IP communication model, IP network naming and addressing mechanisms for address resolution and reverse address resolution protocol, DNS domain word server, WINS, the address discovery protocol, IPv6, IP network routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, etc.), Internet Printing Protocol, LDAP directory services, remote access protocols, IP security and firewall. This book explains how to configure Windows 9x/NT TCP/IP also describes how to use the TCP/IP applications, including remote login, FTP, Web browsing. (2011-02-13, Others, 22482KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ccna

CCNA Simulator enables users familiar with the environment, and let you experience the real environment CCNA (2008-12-21, Others, 31686KB, 下载7次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] 20.TCP

20.TCP的成块数据流.rar 内容简介: 本书完整而详细地介绍了TCP/IP协议是如何实现的。书中给出了约500个图例,15 000行实际操作的C代码,采用举例教学的方法帮助你掌握TCP/IP实现。本书不仅说明了插口API和协议族的关系以及主机实现与路由器实现的差别。还介绍了4.4BSD-Lite版的新的特点,如多播、长肥管道支持、窗口缩放、时间戳选项以及其他主题等等。读者阅读本书时,应当具备卷1中阐述的关于TCP/IP的基本知识。 本书针对任何希望理解TCP/IP协议是如何实现的读者设计;无论是编写网络应用的程序员,负责利用TCP/TP维护计算机系统和网络的系统管理员,还是任何有兴趣理解大块非凡代码的普通读者;本书都是一本优秀的教科书。
err (2008-08-27, Others, 580KB, 下载33次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] modbustcp

MODBUS-TCP specification (Chinese Version). Detailed agreement structure, various types of instruction, appendix also gives the client a variety of server-side coding threads. (2008-07-10, Others, 27KB, 下载502次)



本书介绍TCP/IP及其应用。TCP/IP是Internet上使用的协议, 而Internet是世界上最大的互联网络。本书内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了有关TCP/IP的各个方面, 包括开放式通信模型、TCP/IP通信模型、IP网络中的命名和寻址机制、地址解析及反向地址解析协议、 DNS域字服务器、WINS、地址发现协议、IPv6、IP网络中的路由协议(RIP、OSPF等)、互联网打印协议、 LDAP目录服务、远程访问协议、IP安全与防火墙。本书介绍了如何为Windows 9x/NT配置TCP/IP; 还介绍了如何使用TCP/IP应用程序,包括远程登录、FTP、Web浏览等。
Introduce the book TCP/IP and its application. TCP/IP is the Internet use agreement, and the Internet is the world (2008-06-02, Others, 21106KB, 下载26次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] network

TCP/IP体系结构与特点 Telnet、FTP、HTTP、 POP3、DNS等协议的工作原理 客户机/服务器模式(Client/Server model)
TCP/IP architecture and the characteristics of Telnet, FTP, HTTP, POP3, DNS, etc. The working principle of the agreement client/server mode (Client/Server model) (2008-04-28, Others, 416KB, 下载24次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] labwindows-tcp-Server

since written by labwindows/CVI to achieve TCP server applications (2007-06-18, Others, 162KB, 下载151次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] SimpleRemoting

使用remoting实现远程访问数据库. 客户端通过使用TCP或HTTP通道得到远程对象与服务器建立连接
use remoting remote access to the database. Client through the use of TCP or HTTP links Road remote server object and establish a connection (2007-06-04, Others, 333KB, 下载79次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] LWIP_manule

LWIP是TCP/IP协议栈的一种实现。LWIP的主要目的是减少存储器利用量和代码尺寸,使LWIP适合应用于小的、资源有限的处理器如嵌入式系统。为了减少处理器和存储器要求,lwIP可以通过不需任何数据拷贝的API进行裁减。 本文叙述了lwIP的设计与实现。叙述了协议实现及子系统中所使用的算法和数据结构如存储和缓冲管理系统。还包括LWIP API的参考手册和使用LWIP 的一些代码例子。
LWIP is TCP/IP Protocol Stack A. LWIP the main purpose is to reduce memory utilization and code size, LWIP suited for small, limited resources such as the processor embedded system. In order to reduce the processor and memory requirements, lwIP can copy data without any of the API for the reduction. This paper describes the lwIP Design and Implementation. Describes the protocol and subsystems used in the algorithm and data structure such as memory and buffer management system. LWIP API also includes a reference manual and use LWIP some code examples. (2006-12-11, Others, 677KB, 下载91次)
